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spondylosis of the lumbar sacral spine: symptoms and treatment

Spondylosis of lumbar spine pathology, in which the displaced vertebrae, the upper lumbar vertebra is moved backward or forward. The violation most often occurs in the lumbosacral region.

Degenerative changes, leading to the need for treatment of spondylolisthesis of the lumbar sacral spine, appear as the cause of many diseases, injuries, impaired circulation, metabolism and other pathologies.

Spondilolistez poyasnichno krestcovogo otdela pozvonochnika


Congenital or acquired pathology of the musculoskeletal system cause damage to the spine, including the displacement of the vertebrae at specialize.

The problem is divided into six types:

  • Spondylolisthesis is degenerative. What is happening in the spine of older people degenerative processes worsen the condition, causing the appearance of herniated discs, spondylosis, degenerative disc disease;
  • Dysplastic form of the disease. It is considered innate, are expressed in impaired development of the vertebrae, irregular shape, strain, size. The patient has abnormal structure of vertebral column, muscle tissue, ligaments;
  • The traumatic variety. Pathology caused by various lesions of the lumbosacral or cervical area. Appears in fractures of the vertebral arches, causing unstable placement of the column of the spine with subsequent displacement of the vertebrae;
  • Spongillidae form with other names: peresheechnyy or istricheskaya. Formed in spondylosis, pathology, violating the integrity of departments, the binding between the vertebral body and processes. Divided into three groups: the result of trauma, congenital or degenerative;
  • Pathological. Occurs in the presence of tumor formation, is the result of the initial processes that can impair healthy bone structure of fabric fibers;
  • Pokerenlinea form. Separate kind of the formed defects obtained after surgical intervention in the spine, for example, elimination of the rear support structures or facet of the complex.

The disease appeared at a time when a woman is expecting a baby, caused due to increasing the load on the spinal Department, accompanied by the displacement of the center of gravity.

The disease has a second name – listed, divided into two groups: stable form, in which the vertebrae are not displaced, should the patient be tilted or turned unstable when the vertebrae change the location, depending on changes in posture.

The degree of pathology

The clinical picture is manifested in determining the stage displacement division of the sacral region:

  • The first stage is characterized by a displacement in the range of 25 percent. Deformation is minor, the tilt of the pelvis is almost not affected, a deviation of the sacrum from its normal position is minimal. At this stage, the pathology responds well to treatment;
  • The second stage includes an offset in relation to the lower vertebra no more than 50 percent;
  • For the third stage, note the offset does not exceed the mark of 75 percent;
  • In the fourth stage the vertebra is shifted by 75-100%.
  • The fifth stage is characterized by a complete shift of a vertebral body in relation to the downstream element.


Based on the level of severity of the disease, symptoms. Starting with a weak, occasional pain in the lumbar-sacral, torment shortly increase even with hard work. The pain spread, felt in the hips, legs, feet, hip joints. People of Mature age are experiencing discomfort in the chest Department of a backbone, neck, rump, lower back, coccyx, and the children feel the discomfort associated with feet.

proyavleniya spondilolisteza

The main symptoms are:

  • A sudden painful feeling in the lower limbs and back, gaining momentum at a time when the person sits, walks, makes bending, stretching. Upon inspection of the spinous processes of the spine;
  • A manifestation of the convexity of the spinous process of the emergence holes below the location of the kyphosis in the items above;
  • Curvature of the spine associated with excessive stress of the structures of the muscles;
  • The decrease of the size of the body, the recess in the hip area. There is an increasethe length of the upper and lower extremities;
  • The emergence of special folds in the lumbar region, passing to the abdominal wall from the front;
  • The bulging of the sternum, abdomen;
  • The sacrum becomes horizontally placed;
  • Changes of gait in which the patient bends the knees and hip joints, building both legs on a single line;
  • The spine is losing its mobility;
  • Legs feel heavy, become less sensitive, disturbed autonomic nervous system malfunctions anal, Achilles reflexes. Appear arbitrary motion of the muscle tissue of the legs, malnutrition. All of these symptoms exclusively in complicated course of the disease if the pathology involved the basics of nerve fibers, the sciatic nerve, the disease has touched the spinal cord.


Spondylolisthesis of the lumbar spine is diagnosed by various methods, among which the celebrated x-rays, MRI and CT. Preference is given to computed tomography, which allows to obtain the maximum information to identify the location of damaged sections, displacement of the vertebrae. The second place on volume of the data is MRI, but inferior to the first option, in financial terms, is an expensive procedure. Economical option is radiography, inferior in image quality, but allows us to see pathology.

metody diagnostiki smesheniya pozvonkov

Conservative treatment

To treat this disease at the initial stage need drugs that improve blood supply, vitamin and multivitamin complexes, containing the group, chondroprotectors. To stabilize the vertebrae, prescribed massage, manual therapy, physical therapy. The first stage is treated over a couple of months without the appearance of complications. Patients in most cases turn to doctor when you feel pain impulses, and this is evidence of 2nd and 3rd stage.

The main rule – rest, followed by a medication that relieves pain. When there is inflammation, prescribe NSAIDs, eliminating the appearance of prostaglandins.

When the pain is unbearable, used injection model after some time at the expense of external application and oral medications.

Analgesics, appointed in situations where NSAIDs do not help, stop the pain impulses to the brain. The dosage, combination of drugs, selects the attending physician, for severe cases, prescribe blockade of drugs used for several days, and sometimes months. When re-appointments, the efficiency is reduced.

When pathology is accompanied by spasms of the corset of muscles used muscle relaxants. The use of funds assigned in extreme cases, as muscles quickly become accustomed to being in a relaxed state, become soft, lose strength, which worsens the condition of spine. Admission is no more than two weeks, more likely to choose injection, whose effect starts in less than half an hour, and you will feel the effectiveness up to 12 hours.


Operations are assigned in cases where medications do not help, and the situation is aggravated. The main objective of surgical treatment – installation and fixation of the vertebrae in the correct position, this is done using implants that strengthen the musculo-ligamentous structures of the vertebrae, and then you must comply with bed rest, lasting for at least 60 days.


When the acute stage is completed, move on to therapeutic exercise. Complex corrects posture, increases blood flow, normalizes metabolism of tissues, improves shock absorption during turns and tilts, the distance between the vertebrae increases, leaving the compression spasms and more. Classes are simple and affordable to implement each:

  • Fall on your back, straighten legs, hands placed on the abdomen. Bend press hands to feel muscular tissue reduction. Continues exercise even breathing before the appearance of physical fatigue;
  • Not rising, still lying on her back, proceed to the next exercise. Fingers placed on the waist, thigh, leg needs to be fixed, better to fix them. Slowly to perform bending to the left and to the right about 10-15 times for each side.

Useful tips to help improve the effectiveness of training without harm to the body:

  • Any exercise, stop if you experience pain. About the incident reported to the physician;
  • The initial exercises are conducted under the strict supervision of the attending physician;
  • Forbidden torsional, shock, sudden movement;
  • The spine needs to get used to the renewable load, so it should be increased gradually;
  • Results are not rapid, improvement in General condition, body functions will be felt after a couplemonths.