Home / Injuries of the spine: compression fractures, bruises, sprains / Rotary subluxation of the cervical vertebra c1: mechanism of formation, symptoms, treatment

Rotary subluxation of the cervical vertebra c1: mechanism of formation, symptoms, treatment

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra c1 is a fairly common injury to the vertebral column. This is due to the heavy load on the cervical spine. Trauma affects both children and adults. Treatment includes several techniques, the choice of which is determined by the physician. However, it is much more effective to observe preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of injury.

rotacionnyj podvyvih shejnogo pozvonka c1

Causes of injury

Rotary subluxation in the cervical spine occurs for different reasons. Among the most common:

  • Reinforced the movement of the neck, for example when doing housework or exercise;
  • The negligence at home or on vacation: an unfortunate dip in the pond, falls, various accidents;
  • Addicted to sleep on your stomach;
  • Excessive load on the various divisions of the vertebral column.

In addition, a separate group allocate provoking factors of injury in children. These include:

  • Congenital anatomical pathology;
  • The imperfection of the ligaments of the child.
  • The occurrence of injuries during labor and delivery, including the fault of a midwife, birth attendant;
  • Pathology of the passage of the newborn's head when there is a deviation from the Central axis of the body.

prichiny rotacionnogo podvyviha shejnogo pozvonka c1

Characteristic signs of trauma

The occurrence of rotational subluxation of the first cervical vertebra is always accompanied by characteristic symptoms. It includes the following manifestations:

  • Strong pain on palpation;
  • The feeling of tension of the muscular system;
  • Difficulty turning the head;
  • Swelling of the soft tissues.

With the defeat of nerve endings symptoms neurological:

  • Headache;
  • Change sleep;
  • Roaring in the ears;
  • Violation of the sensitivity of the upper extremities;
  • Pain radiating to the muscular apparatus of the upper shoulder girdle, the lower jaw;
  • Violation of visual perception.

Possible complications

By itself, the injury is rarely life-threatening. Threat those possessions, which may arise due to the pathology. Possible complications include:

  • Damage to the vascular bundle. This provokes the blood circulation and the defeat of the corresponding brain area. Due to the occlusion of the venous outflow is an increase in intracranial pressure, which is dangerous swelling of the brain;
  • The damaged area of the brain responsible for the regulation of limb movement, normal work of internal organs, breath. In this regard, perhaps the development of conditions dangerous to human life.

oslozhneniya rotacionnogo podvyviha shejnogo pozvonka c1

Especially dangerous is the emergence of injury in a child until they reach 12 months.

Due to the fact that most of the time the child is in a horizontal position and the load on the spine missing, revealing subluxation presents certain difficulties. And in most cases at the time the injury is not detected. Subsequently running process makes itself felt when the child's attempts to make his first steps. Parents notice abnormal gait and appeal to the podiatrist. Wrong diagnosis and treatment only worsen the situation and health of the child.

To the late complications of untreated rotational subluxation of the first cervical vertebra include:

  • Symptoms of hyperactivity;
  • The presence of constant headaches;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Violation care;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Excessive irritability;
  • Fatigue.


Timely diagnostics allows to detect a rotational subluxation of the first cervical vertebra and to start adequate treatment. Among the methods used to identify subluxation that provide:

  • A neurologist which helps to gather the necessary information about the injury;x-rays, which is usually carried out in two projections: lateral and straight;
  • Conducting magnetic resonance imaging, which allows to determine the condition of the muscular apparatus;
  • Computer tomography when determining the particular bias of the articular surfaces.

Based on these results, the neurologist makes a diagnosis and determines the naturetherapy. When it detects a running injury it is necessary to conduct reoentsefalografii.

Timely diagnosis of subluxation is very important, as it allows to heal the trauma before the onset of possible complications.


First aid while getting the person rotary subluxation of the cervical vertebrae is the creation of immobility of the injured area. Before the arrival of the ambulance you can use any means that are at hand. It should be remembered that the reduction of injuries should be handled by experts with knowledge of the relevant knowledge. Self reduction will lead to serious complications, the most dangerous of which is fatal. There are several methods of repositioning:

  • A cross-sectional reduction, which is carried out manually (sometimes requires the use of pain medications);
  • Traction using a loop Gleason. For the procedure the victim is placed on a solid surface, which is under bias. Then the man put on a fabric loop that captures elements under the chin and in the neck area. On the other hand to the loop attached to the belt with load. In the moment hanging cargo reposition the displaced vertebra. Despite the fact that this technique is costly in time and not always has a positive result, its use is still relevant.

Once produced, a reduction must wearing a collar Schantz. Sometimes up to two months. Its use will help to relieve stress from the neck area to strengthen the ligaments.

Parallel to prescribe medication of the following groups:

  • Painkillers;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Muscle relaxants;
  • Nootropics;
  • B vitamins

After eliminating the acute phase of injury are shown procedures such as:

  • Massage;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Physiotherapy ;
  • The complex of exercises of medical physical education.

Such events will help to repair the blood circulation, remove the swelling of tissues, and to ease painful symptoms and recover faster after injury.

Rotary subluxation of the first cervical vertebra is injured, requiring immediate resolution. This will allow to avoid serious consequences. Particularly timely diagnosis is necessary in case of injuries in children.

This is due to the fact that often the pathology causes neurological problems, as well as affecting other systems.