Home / Injuries of the spine: compression fractures, bruises, sprains / Fracture of the cervical vertebrae: effects, first aid, photos, videos

Fracture of the cervical vertebrae: effects, first aid, photos, videos

Fracture of the cervical vertebrae – trauma, the consequences of which include not only full or partial paralysis and lethal outcome. Even if the spinal cord is not injured incorrectly given first aid and invalid care later can chain the person to a wheelchair. Unnoticed at the time of inflammation and infection can lead to death of the victim. To avoid this, you need to properly provide first aid in time and transport the patient to the intensive care unit.

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Features of a broken neck

The cervical spine consists of seven vertebrae. Cervical vertebrae – the most subtle and very moving. In addition, they carry a heavy load of the head – to eight kilos. Therefore, the neck is often exposed to traumatic impact. The classification of fractures of the neck vertebrae is based on the following criteria:

  • How many broken vertebrae – one or more;
  • Open or closed fracture;
  • Are there complications;
  • Whether the injured spinal cord;
  • Are there shards.

Strong pain syndrome is always accompanied by fracture of the cervical vertebrae. The lightest of movements of the head pain is getting stronger. Same – palpation of the injured region. If there are complications such as damage to the spinal structures or the appearance of fragments of the cervical vertebrae, there is a partial or complete paralysis of the body below the injury.

First aid

An important point influencing the effects of fracture 4, 5, 6 and other vertebrae – how quickly and competently rendered first-aid treatment. To move the injured neck area is not allowed. Absolutely contraindicated to sit down or stand up. If the fracture is open, you cannot set a bone. Prevent all attempts of man to move. As soon as possible call an ambulance, pointing to the severity of the injury.

In cervical vertebral fracture often develops swelling of the throat, hitting the language so that such consequences did not happen – put the victim in position.

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If in such a situation, he starts vomiting, suffocation will occur only in this position. Perform the fixation of the neck rail, made from what came to hand – a dense cardboard, a towel. If swelling of the throat strong and on his side the victim can't breathe, turn it on her stomach with her head under the hard pillow. Make sure that the language began to sink down, did not seem to vomit.

If the person is able to swallow, he needs to use maximal doses of analgesics. Will help analgin, paracetamol, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This is to prevent the development of pain shock, fainting and comatose States.

Diagnosis of fracture of the cervical vertebrae and its complications will have been conducted by the trauma. If the effects of fracture were not complications, the patient will have to wear the gate Trench for several months. If the spinal marrow is affected, or there were fragments of vertebrae, will need surgery. This procedure will restore the shape of bone or more. There are several ways to conduct such interference, and the surgeon will decide which is most suitable in this situation given its implications.

The consequences after a fracture

At fracture of the cervical spine are often observed injury 4, 5 or 6 cervical vertebrae. Conventional traumatic situation – a fall on his head (the victim dived into the water, hit the car windshield in an accident) or a direct blow, a heavy object fell on his head. The danger of the worst consequences of a broken neck is that the spinal cord in the neck is responsible for the function and innervation of all situated below the organs, muscles and joints.

If damage to the spinal cord can be impaired function of any organs, including the respiratory. Also the consequence could be complete or partial paralysis, movement disorders, or sensitivity to the whole future life.

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Medulla based in the cervical region, can beinjured during fracture of the cervical vertebra. But this is what controls breathing, blood pressure, cardiac function. In many traumatic situations if there is damage to the medulla, projected death. What will be the consequences of such a cervical vertebral fracture depends on the location of the injury, the appearance of the fragments and how the displaced bone.

The life and health of the victim depends on how quickly medical help arrives, how well were assisted.

Even if a vertebral fracture uncomplicated and will develop the easiest pattern for this kind of fractures – still there are severe pain, especially during movements of the head. May be impaired sensitivity and motility of the upper extremities. If a displaced bone of the vertebra or fragments of 4, 5, 6 or other vertebrae broke in the area of the spinal canal that usually starts complete paralysis below the neck.

Need early surgical intervention, otherwise the spinal cord will start to die and the patient will remain forever paralyzed.

Experienced the broken neck may experience greater difficulty with speech. Sometimes strong pain radiates to the abdominal region. Affected bone in the spinal cord can cause a state of pain shock. The body of the victim often does not stand up, and immediately die – stop working heart, or lungs.

Complications that will show up later

Even if a person survived at the time of a broken neck and injured spinal cord itself, a few weeks there is a risk of death. Fracture of cervical vertebra disrupts the lungs and their self-cleaning. May develop inflammation, which fail to cope with antibiotics. One of the consequences is the occurrence of pressure sores, leading to infection. These processes can increase the risk of death as the effects of the fracture.

The situation worsens if the patient is already suffering from abnormalities of the heart and lungs. Some diseases, such as diabetes, also lowers the chance of survival.

In cases where spinal cord in the cervical region does not pinch, but he is feeling injured or pinched for some time, vertebra, paralysis or partial paralysis may still develop. When such paralysis is hope for rehabilitation, if the patient will be hard to do therapeutic exercises aimed at restoring mobility, under the supervision of an experienced instructor.