Home / Injuries of the spine: compression fractures, bruises, sprains / Fracture of the coccyx: at birth or a fall, symptoms, treatment, consequences

Fracture of the coccyx: at birth or a fall, symptoms, treatment, consequences

There is a perception that a fracture of the coccyx, you can often get in the winter. Partly, it is true. Slipped and fell on popczyk, broke her coccyx. But to fall on the fifth point in the summer of possibilities not less. For example, going down the wet steps with the old ladders to harvest the apples from a high tree, standing in front of her on a makeshift stand, roller skating.

Perelom kopchika

Break the coccyx often fails women. And not only because their share has fallen, the function of procreation, and even a large fetus. Men and women different fall. Because of the peculiarities of the structure of the body, especially the pelvis, shifting the center of gravity. So men are falling back, hitting his head, and female land on a soft spot. It is not too soft, if the result of landing a broken tailbone. Let's see what this bone is.

The coccyx

The final part of the spine presented to the coccygeal bone, formed from 3-5 fused vertebrae. It is connected polupodvizhnym articulation with the sacral bone. Based on the teachings of Darwin on the origin of man, it can be argued that the coccyx we inherited from our distant tailed ancestors as a vestige. What is its role in the body of modern man? Do I need it? Definitely need!

To coccygeal bones are attached tendon important the gluteal and pelvic muscles, through small holes in its vertebrae coccygeal nerves emerge that Innervate the perineum, external genitalia, pelvic organs.

In childbirth due to polupodvizhnym articulation with the sacrum, this bone may deviate posteriorly, increasing the direct output size of the pelvis. The usual size is 9 cm. How many centimeters is added when the deviation of the coccyx? Add 2 cm increases the direct output size up to 11 cm, which is favorable for born of the baby's head.

The coccyx is easily palpable below the sacrum and left virtually unprotected soft tissue, although is located in the area of "soft spots". To injure him simply by mechanical action, such as:

  • Falling;
  • Impact;
  • Of the accident;
  • Childbirth when clinically or anatomically narrow pelvis.

Travma kopchika

Predisposing moments can serve as:

  • Disorders of bone density, the phenomenon of osteoporosis;
  • Rigidity or weakness of ligaments and tendons;
  • The lack of calcium and vitamin D;
  • Weakness muscular frame.

Playing sports, dancing, horse riding increase the risk of injury.

Signs of trauma

Not always mechanical stress on the tailbone lead to fracture. Possible bruises, sprains, accompanied by pain syndrome of different intensity. The symptoms of fracture of the coccyx have their clinical picture. Do the patient can neither sit nor stand. If there is a fracture of the coccyx with displacement of fragments to the internal cavity becomes painful defecation, urination. About sex is not the issue! To sneeze, to cough gain without pain is impossible. Fractures of the coccyx are classified according to various criteria:

  • Closed and open;
  • Offset;
  • Compression;
  • Fresh and old;
  • Complicated and uncomplicated;
  • Fractures and dislocations;
  • Cracks;
  • The separation of the tailbone.

How many types of breaks, determining its important for treatment selection. It is important to know the difference between injury and fracture. It is necessary to ensure that in case of injury to the tailbone away from medical institutions to be able to sort out the issue of the need for early access to medical care.

For symptoms of a broken tailbone is characterized by the presence of hematoma and swelling tissues in the coccygeal area, pain when urinating, impaired urination, numbness of the perineum.

First aid

The outcome of treatment for fracture of the coccyx depends on how competently rendered first aid to the victim and how quickly he was taken to the hospital. The procedure shall be as follows:

  • The patient should be put on a stretcher sideways or on the stomach, as in the supine position, the pain increases.
  • On the area of bruising and swelling you should apply cold (ice packs are ideal, but a makeshift, for example, frozen products from the freezer).
  • Give the victim any pain medication. It is desirable to give a drug from the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs): ibuprofen, voltaren, diclofenac, can even ordinary aspirin.
  • Transport to a medical facility or if possible to call the ambulance.

The doctor on examination, the patient will conduct a digital rectal or vaginal examination, perform x-rays in two projections. According to the testimony appointed CT and MRI. If you have an open fracture is produced primary surgical processing of wounds. In the hospital, the anesthesia can be supplemented by local anesthetic blockade in combination with of steroid hormones to prevent inflammation.


Treatment of fracture of the coccyx depending on the degree of complexity can be conservatisim or surgically. If the coccyx fracture without displacement treatment is reduced to adequate pain management, the resorption of the hematoma and the edema elimination. Usually during the treatment of the subject to bed rest these symptoms pass.

To facilitate the patient's condition under the gluteal region placed a special club that allows to reduce the load on the coccyx. For ease of defecation during the first week recommended a cleansing enema. The formation of callus begins 5-7 days, and healing of uncomplicated fractures without displacement occurs during the month. It is important nutrition, a diet rich in calcium, vitamins.

Lechenie pereloma kopchika

In closed fractures the skin gently apply pain ointment.

When fracture of the coccyx with displacement you need to map fragments or in case of impossibility of execution of the repositioning to remove them or the tailbone.

When shifting there is a risk of damage to the rectum and neurovascular bundle. Malunion leads to long-term chronic pain in the coccyx that impedes walking, sitting, natural origin and sex. Moreover, it becomes the cause of migraine and difficult course of labor (coccygodynia). What to do in this case? Sometimes the only radical method of treatment is removal of the coccyx.
Upon accession of infection occur suppuration, fistula. How long to heal fistulas depends on characteristics of the organism, but sometimes it ends their excision.

Rehabilitation actively apply physiotherapy, physiotherapy, massage, treatment with leeches.

In order not to fracture the coccyx strengthen bones, ligaments and joints, observe safety rules, learn to fall correctly, if not avoided.