Home / Injuries of the spine: compression fractures, bruises, sprains / Instability of the cervical vertebrae, lumbar: treatment, symptoms

Instability of the cervical vertebrae, lumbar: treatment, symptoms

The vertebral instability – excessive mobility of the elements that make up the human spine. In other words, the vertebrae move in different directions, by sliding, affecting the nerve endings in the connective tissue than to cause pain. If we talk about the segmental mobility of the spine, it is still not proper location of the vertebrae, which entails the deformation of the whole axis of the spine. This occurs most often when performing any movements, physical exertion, walking.

Nestabilnost pozvonkov

The spine is a complex mechanism, where every element has its function-supporting, depreciation, etc. Each vertebra surrounded by ligaments, joints and muscles, depends on the next, forming a chain connected between them in the spine, which is the basis musculoskeletal. The failure of any element of the spine affects the health of the entire spine. Modern medicine is constantly improving, there are many drugs to treat this disease. It is important to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment. Follow the recommendations of your doctor.


  • Poor physical fitness, as a result are weak, or not quite developed back muscles, responsible for the distribution of the load on the back;
  • Weak ligaments and joints of the spine;
  • Acute or chronic form of degenerative disc disease of the cervical, dorsal or lumbar spine;
  • The reduction of height of intervertebral discs;
  • Informed of the injury, in the form of fractures, dislocations, bruises and sprains;
  • Malfunction of the spine because of old age. The spine with aging is subjected to deformation;
  • Genetic predisposition to deformation of the vertebrae and joints, due to genetic diseases;
  • Inflammation in the muscles and bones;
  • A high level of physical activity, including long sessions in a certain sport.
  • The disease of the bones – osteomielit, osteoporosis, vertebral fistula.

Subdivide several types of instability:

  • The instability that arose after his injuries. The consequences of road accidents, fractures and injuries during sports, skating and skiing, etc;
  • Nestabilizirovannoy, as a consequence of surgical interventions . For example - fracture of spine with displacement of vertebrae, removal of spinal hernia, wrong scheme rehabilitation;
  • Dysplastic instability. It occurs when there is pathological changes in the connective tissues, ligaments, joints and muscles;
  • Degenerative instability, as a consequence of diseases of the spine, for example changes in the vertebrae after arthrosis, osteochondrosis.


  • Frequent pain in the back, scatter, or around the perimeter of the vertebral column. Stiffness and tension, a nagging pain in some areas. Amplified while in an awkward posture, heavy load on his back;
  • Pain when bending characterize the instability of the lumbar spine;
  • Stiffness, impaired mobility. The patient is difficult to bend over, turn from side to side, up high, hands up;
  • A feeling of heaviness in the legs, or short-term acute pain in the area of the foot;
  • Discomfort and pain in the patient's vertebra, a point;
  • Migraine, frequent causeless headaches, blackouts and dizziness. Especially when the person rises from the tilted state;
  • A sense of loss of elasticity of the muscles of the spinal skeleton, their fossil.


Before to treat the disease , the first step for a successful diagnosis is a trip to the therapist or the neurologist. After visual inspection of the spine and the patient in General, doctor prescribes the passage of x-rays of individual departments or of the entire spine. As an additional, more detailed examination used magnetic resonance imaging of the spine. Then diagnosed with a detailed description of the affected areas, and treatment.

Diagnostika nestabilnosti pozvonkov

  • See also: href="http://spine.vsebolezni.com/travmy/kak-vpravit-shejnye-pozvonki-samostoyatelno.html">How to straighten the cervical vertebrae themselves.


As with the treatment of other diseases of musculoskeletal system, spinal instability predpolagaemoj a set of measures, consisting of drugs and medical procedures, physical therapy, and in difficult cases and surgical intervention.

The basis of medical treatment is the use of nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. For example ibuprofen, ketorol, diclofenac, ortophenum, various gels and ointments. Prescribed the pills, intramuscular and intravenous injections, infusions, external grinding when using ointments and gels. Additionally prescribe drugs which improve blood circulation, including the brain.Good results are given physiotherapy in the day hospital:

  • A manual treatment therapy;
  • Acupuncture, electrophoresis;
  • Magnetic therapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Ultrasound;
  • The infrared rays;
  • Different types of massage;
  • Special bandages;
  • Rigid corsets and belts;
  • Mud and salt baths.

If the therapy after a few months after his appointment, does not bring results, and there are complications, the question about the need for surgical interventions. There are such operations, in most cases, when using the introduction of spinal anesthesia (anesthesia). Considered a more gentle form of influence on the organism as a whole.

The consequences

If not properly treated, the load distribution or the absence of timely diagnosis of this disease can lead to a number of complications. Acute, progressive degenerative disc disease, arthritis, protrusion and between the vertebral hernia, limitation of physical function due to pain. Paralysis, pinched nerves, spinal cord.

Sharp jumps in blood pressure, sudden blackouts, loss of coordination in some cases. Possible hearing loss, noise, lowering the quality of vision, shortness of breath, etc.

Instability of the vertebrae, if you run the disease, leads to further destruction and disruption of other elements of the spine. Erased inter vertebral discs, deteriorating posture, the occurrence of scoliosis. Muscles and joints are loaded incorrectly, resulting in suffering the entire spine. Pinched muscles leads to poor circulation.

Constant headaches can raise blood pressure and give an extra load on the heart. Left unattended, the disease can lead to serious diseases of other important organs of the human body. Not to mention the possibility of paralysis of the limbs, with full violation of movement.


Maintaining physical fitness, exercise for the formation of a strong muscular corset, the practice of swimming to sustain the vertebrae. A positive effect bathing in the sea.

Profilaktika nestabilnosti pozvonkov

In sports, high loads on the spine are advised to wear rigid corsets or bandages.

They can be purchased in specialized pharmacies or orthopedic stores. They can distribute the resulting burden. The correct diet, taking vitamin complexes, maintenance of optimal body mass index. Proper distribution of sports load. The implementation of the recommendations of the physician for rehabilitation after injuries.