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Violation of the statics of the lumbar-sacral spine: what is it

Violation of the statics of the lumbar spine – a condition in which there is instability between two adjacent vertebrae during movement. This state is the initial phase of a more severe pathology, degenerative disc disease. Pathology is very dangerous, as many patients do not take into account pain encountered in the back, or think this is normal fatigue. However, with the appearance of discomfort, it is best to immediately consult a doctor.

narushenie statiki poyasnichno krestcovogo otdela pozvonochnika

What is it?

In the normal human spine has curves (lordosis and kyphosis), allowing to distribute the load when performing any physical activity. The lordosis of the lumbar cross section of the spine represent the main load, since it needs to withstand the weight of the body and maintain the posture. Physiologically incorrect and long-term stress leads to fatigue of muscles and ligaments that support the lordosis.

This inevitably leads to the violation of the stability between adjacent vertebrae:

  • Violation of the static function of the spine not only is the initial stage of osteoarthritis. It is more correct to consider it a factor leading to this complication because it occurs in lesions of the intervertebral discs;
  • Important the duration and frequency of loads. Curvature of spine not only demand too much of one muscle group, but also relaxes other, which also leads to failures in their operation;
  • A wrong posture during work or school leads to an increase in the load on the back, which for a long time is in the wrong position;
  • The most destructive effect is that if you sit in the slope as the load in this case increases several times.

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Do not confuse violation of static functions or other lumbar section of the spine with curvature of spine (scoliosis), because pathology has no external manifestations.

Mostly, the disease affects the lumbar and lumbosacral regions of the spine. Quite rare disorders of the statics of the thoracic spine, as the degenerative disc disease of the Department occurs and proceeds differently than others.

The causes of pathology

The root causes of violations of the statics of the lumbar-sacral spine can be both external and internal factors. The first category relates – almost motionless, sedentary lifestyle, constant unbearable physical activity, frequent stressful situations. The second failure in the metabolic system, irrational and unhealthy diet, lack of vitamins and minerals, etc. However, in most cases, the disease causes excessive strain on a particular Department.

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The stages of development and stages

When bending forward, the following occurs:

  • Not always the muscles and ligaments of the back in humans trained on lifting weights, as calculated by only performing some of the simplest movements;
  • Lifting weights overloads them and leads to a stretching of the tendons;
  • Recurrence of such unusual exertion wears out the ligaments, so the more weakened the vertebrae "slip";
  • Some time these small injuries are recovered as they are replaced by scar tissue;
  • Connective tissue is less durable, so again it is broken under load;
  • Appears asymptomatic spondylolisthesis (a condition in which the weaker vertebra);
  • Gradually continues the destruction of the adjacent intervertebral discs due to the curvature of the lumbar lordosis.


A similar pathological condition has the following characteristics:

  • Lumbar pain that goes into the buttocks and down the legs;
  • In laughter, a sharp gasp and cough pain become stronger;
  • In addition to the sharp pain flares in the back and extremities occur aching, tingling, burning and paresthesia;
  • If the disease is started, it can cause incontinence or difficulty emptying the bowel and bladder.


In order to identify disturbances and their location specialist examines and interrogates the patient. General analysis of blood and urine may appoint for the differential diagnosis. In addition, to assess the status of the intervertebral discs and ligaments is prescribed imaging (MRI or CT) and x-ray in two projections.


In the case of the emergence of such a disease is strictly prohibited to self-medicate. If necessary carrying out any procedures at home, attending physician independently makes the decision to initiate therapy in addition to the basic treatment. As a therapeutic methods choose General methods of treatment of disorders of the statics of the spine.

Conservative methods include:

  • Taking anti-inflammatory drugs non-steroidal type. In the early stages will stop the inflammatory process and pain relief;
  • Therapeutic exercises;
  • The wearing of specialized honey.clothes (corset or collar);
  • Has a General relaxing effect massage;
  • Physiotherapy. To resolve back pain and to improve the effectiveness of medical treatment using heat, laser and current pulses;
  • Traction of the spine;
  • Procaine blockade with regular and very strong pain. Usually prescribed before surgery.

If there is a running violation of the statics of the lumbar spine, the treatment is carried out in more aggressive ways, ie, the patient is placed for surgery. It is prescribed if you experience the following symptoms:

  • The ineffectiveness of conservative therapy;
  • The appearance of serious complications (compression of the nerve bundles that intervertebral hernia, paralysis);
  • The presence of subluxation or dislocation;
  • The constant aggravation of the disease.


As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Moreover, the displacement can not completely correct, except to prevent other more serious complications. We therefore recommend that you to engage in the prevention of violations of the statics of spine, changing their way of life on others. Especially these tips and rules will be useful to those involved in heavy physical labor.

  • Change the method of interaction with objects. For example, picking up something, you better sit down and lift the load with back straight without leaning to it;
  • One of the most common preventive measures – wearing hard or soft corset. This will strengthen the lumbar muscles, will help to maintain a correct posture and a lordosis of the lower back during all movements;
  • Several courses common back massage not only will help to relieve tension in the end of the day, but also will accelerate the recovery process of damaged ligaments;
  • To engage while strengthening the longitudinal muscles of the back and press. This can help swimming lessons in the pool.