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How to straighten the vertebrae: cervical, lumbar, thoracic, video

Ripped back, slipped disk? The question arises: is it possible to straighten the spine by yourself and how? You can attempt by yourself using gymnastics and emergency measures to reduce the intervertebral discs. If you ignore the problems of the spine, you can stay disabled!

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Is it worth it to straighten the vertebrae on their own?

Before you figure out how to straighten the vertebrae themselves, it is necessary to clarify the cause of pain. In a healthy spine the chance to slip a disk without good reason is pretty low. Usually this problem is preceded by any disease associated with the curvature of the spine. In pathological places most often, is pinched.

If there is a ruptured disc, it is necessary to exclude physical activity. Because of the cost of compensating the surge in the diseased segment, the offset can occur on another portion of the spine, which exacerbated the situation.

If you experience pain in the back muscles, you need to consult a neurologist or surgeon. After the examination and confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor may refer you to a chiropractor or massage therapist. Sometimes a single session of manual therapy to get rid of the problem, there are long-term treatment. Massage course consists of 10 sessions.

When clamping the nerve processes and blood vessels, violated the metabolic processes in tissues. It is fraught with several complications even internal organs. The lack of treatment not only causes discomfort, but also can cause a number of unpleasant consequences, such as curvature of the spine, disorders of the musculo-skeletal system, inflammatory processes in the tissues, etc.

Disc displacement is in any case impossible to walk on the spine and make sudden movements, shake the patient, supporting the forearm in the back. Such actions are only allowed for professionals, after a good warm up of muscles and massage. Performing them independently, pathology can greatly worsen.

Even for an experienced specialist to do a number of studies at least an x-ray of the spine. Therefore, to solve the problem yourself is not advisable. The consequences can be dire.

The shift can occur in any segment of the vertebral axis and is characterized by such symptoms:

  • Disc displacement in the cervical region there is a strong local pain syndrome. The patient in this case, it's hard to turn your head. The pain experienced in the region of the forearm, one hand or two immediately. Often accompanied by migraine.
  • In the thoracic spine, there is a severe or aching pain between the shoulder blades. Sometimes radiates to the arms and the ribs.
  • In the lumbar region characterized by tension and pain in the lower back, stiffness when cornering and you bending down torso. Pain can radiate to the leg.


It is important, before you start exercise is good to warm up the muscles with heating pads, paraffin wax, or warm moist towels. All movements should be slow. Nothing to dramatically pull not! It clicks in the back during the exercise suggests that the disk was in place.

Well facilitates the patient's condition, the elongation of the spine. When the space between the vertebrae increases, the compression on the nerve root decreases and the disk becomes in place.

How to reduce cervical

  • Lie down on a hard flat surface, even on the floor. Put a heating pad under your head and elevate.
  • Make a light massage of the neck.
  • Slowly until it stops make the slopes head forward, backward, left-right and sideways. When making a turn to lock the head in 5 seconds. In any case, don't do rotational movements.

Exercises for stretching the back

  • The exercise is performed lying on the back, on a hard surface. Bend your right leg so that the foot stood a short distance from the buttocks. Arms spread straight, they must touch the floor.The knee of the right leg slowly pull to the left, and the left hand, conversely, should reach to the right. Softservices in this position for a few seconds, then change position.
  • Without getting up from the back, bend both knees the same way. Slowly turn your head to the right and left tibia and Vice versa.
  • On my knees, one at a time pull back foot back. The head should look forward, back straight.
  • Sit on the floor and preload the legs to the chest, clasping their hands. Press the head to the knees. In this position you need to swing a little back and forth.
  • Lie on your stomach and bring your feet together. Stretch your arms forward and press your palms down. Next, try to lift the head and hold the pose for a few seconds, stretching your spine.