Home / Injuries of the spine: compression fractures, bruises, sprains

Injuries of the spine: compression fractures, bruises, sprains

How to treat the displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar spine without surgery

It is dangerous to ignore back pain, possible symptoms of displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar spine, spondylolisthesis. This spine condition is unpleasant and fraught with consequences: the lack read more...

Fracture of the thoracic spine calving: symptoms, treatment, consequences

A fairly common cause of acute back pain is a fracture of the thoracic spine. When compared with fractures in other parts of the body, the damage to the vertebrae read more...

Subluxation of the tailbone: symptoms, treatment, effects, photo

Subluxation of the coccyx represents the displacement of the vertebrae. Occurs as a result of injury, kopcik-sacral joint. When subluxation of the coccyx treated with conservative methods. Before starting drug read more...

Subluxation of the cervical vertebrae in children and adults: symptoms, treatment

Today, one of the most common defects of the spine is subluxation of the cervical vertebra. As you know, the first seven vertebrae from the head are called cervical. Basically, read more...

Rehabilitation after a spinal fracture at home

Rehabilitation after a spinal fracture takes about a year. During this time, you must restore the physiological curves of the spine and locomotor activity. Therapeutic exercises play in the reconstruction read more...

First aid in injuries of the spine and spinal cord

Correctly given first aid in case of injury of the spine – the key to the preservation of life and human health. Injury to the vertebral column is a real read more...

Spine fracture: symptoms, first aid, treatment, rehabilitation

Fracture of the spine – severe pathology arising from mechanical injuries (car accident, fall from a great height, jumping in bodies of water with unknown bottom). Because of the fragility read more...

Compression fracture of the spine in children: treatment and rehabilitation

The bones of young children are in the stage of constant growth. It is fraught with their frequent injury. The most difficult and dangerous fracture – compression fracture of the read more...

Listes of the spine: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Listes of the spine (also called spondylosis) is the change in position of one vertebra relative to the next. This shift can be directed in different directions, and has the read more...

First aid for fracture of the spine: how to behave video

Spinal injury is one of the most serious and dangerous damage to the human body. A large percentage of the victims takes a long period of rehabilitation, are disabled, and read more...

Vertebroplasty of the spine, what to do after the surgery

Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive surgery that helps to strengthen damaged vertebrae. The strengthening of the vertebra may when filled with bone cement. The presented method of treatment is recommended read more...

Reposition the vertebrae of the lumbar, to what doctor to address

Vpravlenie pozvonkov trebuetsya, kogda oni smestilis v rezultate degenerativno-distroficheskih processov libo travm. Mozhno li vpravlyat spinu v domashnih usloviyah? Kategoricheski nelzya, delat eto mozhet tolko kvalificirovannyj specialist. Ni v koem read more...

Rehabilitation after back surgery, physical therapy, swimming

Disc herniation of the lumbar is a very dangerous disease, can greatly hinder a person's life. One way of treatment is surgery. But this is not the final stage of read more...

Fracture of the neck: symptoms, first aid, treatment, effects, rehabilitation, photo, video

Fracture of cervical vertebra threat of irreversible damage to the brain and spinal cord. Usually the cause of the injury acts as a crash or drop, as a result of read more...

Distortion of the cervical spine: what is it, treatment, consequences

Distortion of the cervical spine – a pathological condition in which the damaged vertebrae of the neck, but the spine is fully preserved. However, the distortion not only affects the read more...

How to treat a bruised tailbone at home folk remedies

In the fall, for example during the ice suffers the most sensitive spot – the coccyx. Before you treat a bruised tailbone at home, you need to get rid of read more...

Spinal injuries: types, symptoms, first aid treatment

Spinal injuries are the most dangerous to human life damage. The fact that through the whole spine is the spinal canal. Spinal injuries often lead to injuries of the spinal read more...

Fracture of the cervical vertebrae: effects, first aid, photos, videos

Fracture of the cervical vertebrae – trauma, the consequences of which include not only full or partial paralysis and lethal outcome. Even if the spinal cord is not injured incorrectly read more...

Fracture of the coccyx implications for men and women, treatment, photos

The consequences of a broken tailbone include violations of defecation, hematoma, purulent inflammation, abscesses. Another complication, oddly enough, are severe headaches and migraines displaced bone coccyx pulls the sheath of read more...

Vertebral fractures of the lumbar and sacrum symptoms, treatment

Fracture sacral spine most often occurs on the cause of the fall. His specific symptoms – swelling in the affected area, neurological disruption of the pelvic organs. As soon as read more...

Rehabilitation after compression fractures of the thoracic spine

Physical therapy in compression fractures of the thoracic spine need to be addressed almost immediately after admission and fixation of the body in the correct position. Session is better to read more...

Birth trauma of the cervical spine: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Birth trauma of the cervical spine happens because of the difficult delivery and medical errors. Such injuries are called Natal (lat. – associated with the birth). Have serious consequences, or read more...
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