Home / Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature / 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees of scoliosis: symptoms, treatment and prevention

1, 2, 3, 4 degrees of scoliosis: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Pathological curvature of the spine in most cases develops slowly and makes itself felt, when the degree of scoliosis has already passed the initial stage. One of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system at first asymptomatic. Minimum deformation of the spine to the right or to the left can be seen by the surgeon on a routine inspection.

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This problem primarily affects children. High risk of onset and progression of scoliosis in the period of intensive growth of the organism. The development of the pathology can be triggered by a prolonged stay in a sitting position, which cannot be avoided in high school.


How can be launched the disease and how to avoid worsening the situation if the scoliosis is already there? Early treatment will avoid further complications. It is therefore important to carry out preventive examinations of children.

There are congenital and acquired scoliosis. In the first case, the cause of future problems is laid during the prenatal period.

Because of the influence of certain factors is an incorrect formation of the skeleton. Acquired scoliosis – result of influence of external environment or internal predisposition of the organism. Back injury, too weak spinal muscles, prolonged exposure of the body in an awkward position – all this adversely affects the musculoskeletal system.

The child may be detected by a C-shaped scoliosis with a single arc or S-shaped with two arcs. The most elaborate Z-shaped scoliosis has three arc discharge from the axis. The curvature may be in the cervical or cervical-thoracic spine. Sometimes localization is the chest. You may experience problems in the lumbar region.

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On examination, the podiatrist indicates that there is a problem. To accurately determine the degree of scoliosis will allow the x-ray. There are several methods that enable to determine the degree of scoliosis in degrees. As the most accurate, is primarily used scale Chaklin.

Sometimes the calculations are made according to the method of John. Koba. In addition, there are certain criteria approved by the Ministry of Health. Figures vary slightly, which by and large does not affect the conclusion of the doctor. There are four stages of scoliosis. Initially suspect an illness is quite difficult, but with time its symptoms become apparent. To know what changes occur in the body, consider them one at a time.

1 degree

The first degree of scoliosis is almost impossible to notice yourself. The doctor at survey pays attention to such things:

  • When tilting down slightly is the hip or bulging shoulder;
  • In a live situation is a different level of the shoulders;
  • There is a slight asymmetry in the waist area;
  • There is an easy slouch.

To confirm the curvature of 5-10 degrees, you want to make an x-ray.

The initial stage of deformation is more as a cosmetic defect. People can continue a habitual way of life. The symptoms are not present, health does not deteriorate. But since this pathology has a tendency to development, to ignore the treatment, you should not.

The sooner a problem is identified, the easier it is to stop the progression of the disease. The spine is a complex unique design. Inside the vertebrae is the spinal cord. So the brain is spread all over the body, the spine should be smooth. If any office shifting, squeezing or twisting crashing different body systems. Even mild scoliosis is not as harmless as it may seem. If there is curvature to get rid of it does not work, the main thing is to prevent the globalization of the problem.

To stop the development of scoliosis of 1 degree by using preventive and curative gymnastics.

Classes must be conducted under the supervision of a specialist. If necessary prescribe a course of massage. The initial degree of the disease requires systematic observation. To visit a medical facility 3-4 times a year.

2 degrees

Progressive disease becomes noticeable. How to determine that the pathology continues to develop? Over time, expressed by outward signs. For the second degree scoliosis characterized by:

  • Bend as viewed in a flexed position and lying;
  • Observed asymmetry of the gluteal folds;
  • Uprightone shoulder above the other;
  • Obvious unevenness of the line of the shoulders;
  • There is a protrusion of the rib bones;
  • The back muscles form of compensatory arc.

X-ray shows curvature of the spine in the frontal plane, the angle of which reaches 11-25 degrees.

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Man tormented by significant discomfort. Periodically there are such symptoms:

  • Back pain in the lumbar space or between the shoulder blades;
  • Fatigue;
  • Frequent headaches;
  • Shortness of breath as a result of deformation of the thorax.

Conservative medicine recommends the following methods of treatment of scoliosis as wearing the corset, the stimulation of muscles, gymnastic therapy, which includes a set of breathing exercises, swimming pool, massage courses. Perhaps the use of medicines.

3 degrees

If time was not taken, scoliosis, stages of which are a serious threat to the health of the organism as a whole. Pathological condition leading to dysfunction of internal organs.

In the third degree curvature of the spine, the symptoms intensified. The pain becomes a constant companion and at some point may increase significantly. Physiologically experience the following health issues:

  • Twisted pelvis;
  • Strongly asymmetrical shoulders;
  • Sunken abdomen;
  • Pronounced stoop;
  • The appearance of the rib hump;
  • Curvature does not disappear when changing poses.

The shows that vertebrae go in the direction to correspond 26-50 degrees.

The treatment is conducted on the same principles as treatment in scoliosis of the second degree. In addition to physical therapy recommended drug exposure. Prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for muscle relaxation, vitamin complexes.

4 degrees

Pathology fourth degree threatened by the serious deterioration of state of health. Such cases is the result of extreme neglect of the disease. All manifestations of scoliosis is intensified to the highest degree.

Visual definition can be given according to the following criteria:

  • A large rib hump;
  • An obvious imbalance posture;
  • Sunken abdomen;
  • Noticeable muscular torsos.

Clinical features of this diagnosis:

  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • Lung volume reduction;
  • Pressure on the bladder;
  • Increased flatulence bowel;
  • Stagnation in the kidneys;
  • Compression of the spinal cord.

The spine moves away from its axis by more than 50 degrees. In rare cases, the curvature can reach 60°. The treatment begins with traditional methods. With 4 degrees of scoliosis of the spine is shown surgical intervention. During the surgery straightens the spine. To maintain the desired angle is inserted into a special metal. After waiting this long rehabilitation and wearing a corset.


Question how many degrees of scoliosis exist, and what to do to stop the progression of the disease are set when the problem is already there. Much easier to take care of the prevention of diseasethan to fight it.

A few tips will help to reduce the risk of diseases of the spine:

  • Follow the right diet, take care of a daily balanced diet;
  • Prefer a hard bed;
  • Keep an active lifestyle, don't allow a prolonged passive activities;
  • Pay attention, whether sitting, try to maintain good posture while walking.

To date, the statistics are not comforting. Such diagnoses as kyphosis, scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis put an increasing number of children. Parenthood provides health care to the younger generation.

Attention should not be confined to lecture about the smooth posture. Encourage your child to proper lifestyle from an early age, to not have to pay for complacency in the future.