Home / Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature / Scoliotic posture in a child and adult, what it is, treatment

Scoliotic posture in a child and adult, what it is, treatment

According to medical statistics in recent decades, greatly deteriorating the health of students. The leading position occupied by diseases of the eye and musculoskeletal system. Among them is often diagnosed incorrect posture. Scoliotic posture and functional lateral curvature of the spine.

skolioticheskaya osanka

The content of the article


Scoliosis, or bad, posture – pathology of the spine, accompanied by frontal (lateral) displacement of the vertebrae. Recognized on different heights of the forearm and vignette blades.

Curvature of the vertebral axis, as occurring in children (30%) and adults (60%), with late diagnosis of dangerous severe complications.

Affect the formation of vicious posture, both external and internal factors. Among the main causes of the disease are:

  • Birth injuries (torticollis, muscular Hyper/hypotonia);
  • Complications after surgical treatment of the spine;
  • Injuries of the lower extremities;
  • Diseases of bones and joints (osteomielit, infectious arthritis), leading to shortening of the leg;
  • Postovalova scars;
  • Poorly developed muscular system;
  • Severe diseases of internal organs;
  • Infectious and autoimmune lesions of the body.

The reasons solutionsmy of child bearing will take a long finding in an inconvenient pose.


Scoliotic posture differs in several typical manifestations of the curvature of the spine, depending on the nature and location of pathology. These include:

  1. Hunched back, manifested by excessive bending of the thoracic spine ago, visually determined by drooping shoulders and not adjacent to the spin vanes in the shape of a wing.
  2. Round the back, characterized by the absence of lumbar bending, visualized by the tilt of the head and a sunken chest. Equilibrium is maintained by bending the legs at the knee.
  3. Krugovorota spin is determined by the increase curves of the spine, poor muscle skeleton and absence of the abdomen. The back looks like a question mark, legs bent at the movement, the scapula is strongly protruding.
  4. Flat back, reflected a decrease in the physiological curves of the spine, is manifested by forward displacement of the chest. True is complicated by scoliosis and degenerative disc disease.
  5. PLANO-concave back, accompanied by severe presentation of the buttocks and narrow, manifested by weakening of the abdominal muscles and the uneven tone of the back muscles.

Each variety of vicious posture with early diagnosis and proper treatment is subjected to correction.

How does

Scoliotic posture is visible to the naked eye during visual inspection of even the layman. The main condition for timely detection of pathology – permanent monitoring of the musculoskeletal system.

diagnostika na nalichie skolioticheskoj osanki

To diagnose a manifestation of the displacement of the bones of the body can according to the following criteria:

  • Disymmetry shoulders and shoulder blades;
  • Different length of lower extremities;
  • Changing the position of the pelvis;
  • The shift of the head to the opposite tilt of the shoulder girdle;
  • The change curves of the spinal column;
  • Muscular hypertonicity;
  • Visually determine the displacement of the vertebrae and the deformation of the breast.

How pronounced the symptoms depends on the stage of spinal deformity. To go to the doctor when you have early signs of dysfunctions in the spinal column.

Scoliotic posture is recognized as follows: ask the patient to straighten up or put it on a leveled hard surface. All symptoms should disappear that tells about the functional nature of the disease and distinguishes vicious from the true posture of scoliosis.

To confirm the diagnosis will help x-rays, a full clinical picture will give a computer or magnetic-resonant tomography.


If in the medical opinion of the doctor is "scoliotic posture", it shows the required is a treatment that can completely get rid of the manifestations of the disease.

In this case, a combined approach is used and assigned:

  • Medical-gymnastic complex and massage;
  • Wearing orthopediccorsets;
  • Control the position of the body when sitting and standing;
  • Healthy lifestyle;
  • Swimming lessons;
  • Manual therapy and physiotherapy;
  • Getting rid of bad habits.

The treatment can be performed in the hospital and at home.

It is especially important to monitor the posture of the child. Continually monitor the position of the body when playing at the table, sitting at the computer. To prevent serious complications (e.g., scoliosis), choose a mattress (preferably orthopedic) and cushion, fixing the correct position of the spine and does not violate the blood circulation. Keep your child's immune system vitamins.

At home you can perform special exercises to help eliminate the deformation of the spine and prevention of the disease.

metody ispravleniya skolioticheskoj osanki

Children and adults easily learn the following exercises:

  1. Lying on your back, stretch the limbs. Without moving torso, lift your head and shoulders. Do 10 approaches. Bend your knees and, exhaling, pull the abdomen; inhale and lower the lower extremity. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Very effective walking on the ground. Alternately for half a minute to go in the heels, toes and outer edges of the feet. On all fours, pull forward with the right arm and left leg, then Vice versa.
  3. Lie on your stomach, placing hands under his chin. Slowly lift your head and shoulders moving the hands on the belt and caving. If you have experienced the convergence of the blades, you on the right track. It is recommended to repeat 8-10 times.
  4. Lying on your back, lift the legs at an angle of 30-40°. Move limbs, simulating Cycling. Start with 30 seconds, gradually increasing the run time to 3 min.
  5. You are in the same situation as in the previous exercise. Do swings from side to side straightened legs.
  6. Lie on your back with bent knees and straight arms along the body. Raise the pelvic piece to the highest possible position, pausing at the top for a few seconds.

Remember that taking care of the correct posture from early childhood – a guarantee of healthy and long life.