Home / Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature / Scoliosis surgery and rehabilitation for grade 3 and 4, effects, photo, video

Scoliosis surgery and rehabilitation for grade 3 and 4, effects, photo, video

Surgery for scoliosis do when the disease progresses to stage 3-4. Until that point, doctors use conservative treatment: physical therapy, corsets, spinal traction. Using surgery the doctor reduces the curvature of the spine, locking his metal items (pins, screws, plates), setting the movable or stationary varieties of designs.

Skolioz operaciya

Before the operation, the preparatory stage, including traction, x-ray, tests. After surgery, patients can expect a long rehabilitation period and limit physical activity.

Indications for surgery

To eliminate scoliosis surgery might help, in cases when the disease progresses, causing the patient severe pain, or becomes paralytic forms. Surgery for scoliosis is the appearance of defects of the spine, looks. Surgery patients with the increase of angle of curvature of more than 45-50 degrees, becoming more 15 degrees every year.

When the curvature reaches 60 degrees, the patient required emergency surgical intervention. Otherwise, the patient may be fatal or serious disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

Surgery to correct scoliosis occurs in children up to 6 years, but it does not make elderly, patients with diseases of the respiratory system and blood. The most favorable period for the operation: the period when the spine stops growing. If the patient fourth degree of the disease, the operation does not always save the situation. Although this is effective, but it is not a panacea: in the heart of the crushed bones of the spine, but the patient is already easier to breathe, the progression of scoliosis stops.

Performing the operation the doctor performs several tasks:

  • Eliminates curvature;
  • Reduces or prevents the pressure on the spinal cord;
  • Stops the progression of the disease;
  • Eliminates the clamping of nerves.

Types of operations

Most often, surgical intervention on the spine are made using the latest technology, such as with neurosurgery. These methods minimize damage to adjacent tissues. If pronounced curvature, the doctor offers to supply to rectify the defect structure of the metal. Such structures (pins) are divided into 2 groups:

  • Fixed. These pins are cheaper, are mostly adults;
  • Mobile. Used for patients whose spine is still growing. The systems can be stretched in height.

Metody ustanovki shtiftov

The methods of installation pins:

  • The Method Of Harrington. Based on the fixation of the spine with the help of rod and hook. Hooks in the design of mobile that helps put the axle in the desired position. Rod put from the side, where there is a curvature, and the second rod does not move the vertebral column. The duration of the operation: about three hours. Not eliminate completely the 4th degree of the disease.
  • Method Correla-Dubose. Different from the above methods by the fact that during rehabilitation the patient does not need to wear a special corset. The construction itself is fixed to the vertebrae, and its elements (hooks and rods) flexible.
  • Methodology The Hatch. Design: the cylinder wire. It is recorded in the region of curvature. After its use patients do not need to wear a corset.
  • Method Zilke. This correction is used by doctors for surgery for scoliosis, and to relieve pinching of the nerves. The essence of the method: pairwise fixation of the vertebrae with screws and rods. During the rehabilitation period involves wearing a corset.

The preparatory phase

To prepare for spine surgery by reading "scoliosis" requires a long period. This is usually two to three months. The patient is examined to understand the General condition of the body and individual parts of the spine affected. The doctors provide x-ray, the patient undergoes tests and is ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs.

In identifying in the investigated tests of infection should undergo treatment to eliminate the causative agent of the disease. Often methods used by surgeons involve preparing the patient for surgery by using traction of the spine. Make it a corset or lying down in a horizontal position. Stretching helps to improve blood flow in the damaged area of the spine, to improvethe work of the muscular system and ligaments. After this training less complications.

The progress of the operation

The average duration of surgical intervention for scoliosis: hour. The patient undergoes General anesthesia. To reduce injury of tissues using hardware techniques, and neurosurgical techniques. The doctor straightens the spine and keeps it in metal (hooks, wire, plate). If the deformation is too strong bones, possible replacement prosthesis made of titanium or a material of the patient.

In Russian hospitals because of not equipped with the latest equipment operation more traumatic, and methods of eliminating distortions more obsolete. Likely to get complications, injuries or pinched nerves here than in foreign clinics.

With the defeat of the thoracic or lumbar doctors injected into the vertebra screws and fix with other departments. This phase becomes immobile, which reduces the risk of relapse by minimizing the curvature of the spine. In the cervical surgeons remove bone and establish in its place a prosthesis made of carbon fibre or plastic. For children, the doctor may provide a technique without fusing the vertebrae. So the spine will grow in the damaged area, but required the constant wearing of a corset after surgery.

Reabilitaciya posle operacii skalioza


After the surgery the patient lies in a separate chamber. If there are no serious complications, then it is removed from the sensors that capture the heart and blood vessels. For two days after surgery the patient is assigned to a drip and a course of antibiotics. People can't move, can't even turn the neck or head. The urine catheter.

On the third day after the operation motion is allowed, doctors transferring patients to a regular ward. To move people will be able to only 7-10 days. Patient prescribing medication to strengthen bones. On the eighth day the doctors conducted x-rays, after which the decision on the beginning of physical therapy sessions. If there are no complications, then the patient will be discharged 14 days after surgery.

After 21 days under the instruction of doctors, the patient sits down, and driving a car is delayed for another 3 months. In this period the person held a control x-ray and tomography.

Often patients are prescribed to wear a special orthopedic corsets: children without rigid fixation. To walk in such a difficult fixture, it constrains movement. It is important that loved ones were there and helped operated a person to overcome the inconveniences in everyday life. The rehabilitation period lasts from six months to a year, depending on the patient's age and individual peculiarities of the organism. The patient after surgery need to deal with the complex health-promoting exercises.

Mery predostorozhnosti


The man who carried out the operation must not:

  • Lift heavy;
  • To make sharp turns, slopes;
  • Hanging on the arms;
  • For a long time to sit;
  • To participate in team sports with high physical activity;
  • Exercise not agreed with experts.

All these measures help to protect the spine from displacement after surgery.

Most patients understand that such operation is very complicated and noted a long process of recovery. The reviews are pretty conflicting: someone says that the metal structure under the skin feels numb and shoulder blade, over time, is addictive. Often patients receive complications in the form of the affected nerve and numbness of the limbs.

Patients say that the older the person becomes, the more difficult recovery and more complications after the surgery arise. Additionally, when the diagnosis of scoliosis 4 degrees severe deformity that is corrected not completely, but partially.

Reviews of patients in the postoperative period is also negative, because this period is associated with great discomfort and pain, numbness noted in his ribs, back. The patient doesn't feel his body in the first days after surgery, but many noted positive dynamics: the straight spine, the increase in height, smooth back.