Home / Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature / Massage for scoliosis 1, 2, 3 degrees at home video

Massage for scoliosis 1, 2, 3 degrees at home video

Medical massage for scoliosis of the spine is prescribed when strengthening is needed to affect deep and superficial muscles along the spine. Sometimes this procedure helps to get rid of the disease. In severe cases, scoliosis massage scoliosis greatly facilitates the patient's condition.

Massazh pri skolioze

Such massing on the methods and techniques used differ from Wellness massage. It must be done by the specialist with additional skills and knows how to massage. Otherwise, you may cause the patient serious harm. Even at home it should be done by a professional.

Help massage

Back massage for scoliosis restores the imbalance that occurs when uneven muscle tension. It has a positive effect on the nervous and circulatory system, joints and ligaments, overall metabolism, and function of the skin. Despite the positive effect of massaging, massage for scoliosis has contraindications:

  • Diseases of the blood;
  • Tendency to bleeding, cerebral bleeding;
  • Acute inflammation, including vessels and lymph nodes;
  • Diseases of the nails, skin, cracks, abrasions;
  • Tuberculosis in active form;
  • Mental disorders and neurological deviations;
  • A hypertensive crisis.

After surgery massaging is contraindicated in violation of the heart, vascular system, kidney and liver failure, allergies. The final decision to assign therapeutic massage for scoliosis should take a doctor.


Types of massage

There are the following forms:

  • When massaged all over the body, and problem areas are given more attention, the massaging time about an hour;
  • Private when massaged only certain parts of the body, the procedure time of 15 to 30 minutes.

While massaging scoliosis patients must adhere to the following rules:

  • The patient should take a fixed, convenient position. Muskulaturnoy the patient's muscles should be relaxed;
  • The body position of the patient should not be modified;
  • Before the session needs to be aligned with physiological deformation of the spine;
  • The surface of the massage table placed below the fingers of the extended hand of the therapist that the specialist can effectively use the weight of his body in the process of massaging.

The massage consists of three stages:

  • Warming up when the muscles massaged area warm up, increases blood circulation;
  • Directly massage: kneading, stretching, vibration, sliding, rubbing, bumps;
  • Relaxation: kneading, stroking, pressing.

Before you begin to massage the patient with scoliosis:

  • To determine the deformation of the spinal column and to visually divide the back into squares;
  • To determine the method of massaging the back muscles in every area of the curvature of the spine. For each severity of disease has its own peculiarities.

Massage for scoliosis:

  • Cupping, when the impact is made vacuum, special qualifications are not needed, banks put along the spine.
  • Point, when fingertips affect some point of the vertebra.
  • Chiropractic – is the impact on problem areas, applying a special technique, tool are the hands of a masseur.
  • Thai;
  • Differentiated when different sites of action will apply a variety of techniques depending on the required task.

Technique therapeutic massage

You should first massage the back. The patient is placed on stomach, arms placed along the body. Heads turn in the direction opposite to the deformation of the thoracic area of the spine. In the beginning, produce a total effect that is relaxing effect on the spinal muscles. Then produce a tonic effect of the thoracic from the bulge on the weakened muscles. After this, massage the convex portion of the ribs. Then, turning to the other side, massaging the concave portion of the rib areas, where muscles are shortened, their tone is elevated. Have a relaxing impact. The next stage is massaging the lumbar area from the side of the concavity. The massage is performed to relax the muscles. Then produce the total stroking the entire back.

The patient turn on his back to do chest compressions on the front. The massage is performed similar to the effects on the back. Have a relaxingeffects on the muscle located at the concave side of the chest. On the muscles located on the convex side have a tonic effect. Abdominal massage doing to strengthen the abdominals. The patient is placed on his back with legs bent in hip joints and knees. On the abdominal wall is exposed to stimulating techniques. Session ends up striking techniques, and then stroking the back.

The session lasts up to 30 minutes. The course consists of 25 daily sessions. Then make a break and after 3-6 months, conduct the following course.

If the scoliosis is accompanied by flat feet, which in practice occurs very often, for 5-10 minutes, perform a hard massage of feet and Shin muscles.

Massazh stop

Technique relaxing effects:

  • Superficial stroking;
  • Slow stroking with the squeezing. Edges of the palms squeeze diagonally, from left to right and Vice versa;
  • Grinding sides, moving to the vertebral column, then to the sides;
  • Rubbing the neck and shoulders;
  • Kneading the skin on the surface of the entire back except the spine;
  • Create a continuous vibration with a light touch of the fingertips from lower back to neck.

Technique tonic effect:

  • The smooth stroking from the lumbar area to the shoulder blades to warm up the muscles;
  • By bending the palm, phalanges of the fingers and of the palm squeezing movements are in a spiral from the waist to the shoulder blades several times;
  • Rubbing the skin with alternation of rectilinear and circular movements of the hand with the "cutting" edges of the palms on both sides of the back alternately. Alternating between movements perform smooth strokes;
  • Pats on the back patient relaxed arms.

Legkaya forma

Massage is an indispensable element in treatment of scoliosis. Patients with mild disease it can completely eliminate the disease. His task is to strengthen the muscles of the trunk so they could keep the spine in the correct position. It uses a special technique effects, relaxing for shortened muscles and, conversely, restorative techniques for the stretched, relaxed muscle. Need to know how to do massage for scoliosis at home. It must be done by the specialist with excellent knowledge of anatomy after the doctor carefully examines the spine and prescribe a treatment plan. Illiterate made exposure can cause irreparable harm.