Home / Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature / Chiropractic for scoliosis: 1, 2, 3 degrees, equipment and techniques

Chiropractic for scoliosis: 1, 2, 3 degrees, equipment and techniques

Scoliosis is a disease of the spine, comprising the use of conservative and surgical methods of treatment. In the early stages of the disease, doctors recommend combining several methods of physical impact, for example, exercise therapy, swimming, physiotherapy, the wearing of a corset.

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Chiropractic scoliosis has a special place in this complex of events, helping to "put" displaced vertebrae back into place, and has good curative effect when combined with other treatments. Just started treatment minimizes the risk of complications, eliminates the need for surgical intervention.

What distinguishes chiropractic from massage

For correction of scoliosis treatment methods used by hands such as massage and manual therapy. Massage involves reflex stimulation of muscle tissue using the techniques of kneading, stroking, rubbing, tapping, vibration. Manual therapy includes a wider range of opportunities, which requires a more attentive approach and high qualification of the specialist. Mandatory for a chiropractor is the presence of higher medical education with specialization in orthopedics or neurology.

In order to manipulation the treatment brought only benefit, not harm, manualito the necessary theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills. Its responsibilities include complex duties in the examination of the patient, disease diagnostics, counselling, treatment.

Manipulation physician include kneading, stretching, twisting back and contribute to the "reduction" of the vertebrae. The therapy session starts with the massage, relaxing your muscles, and ends massage movements which strengthen the muscular corset. Thus, massage can be called one of the manual therapy techniques.

What determines the effectiveness of therapy

The severity of scoliosis, its causes, the patient's age, individual characteristics, the presence of accompanying complications, thoroughness of examination all impact the effectiveness of manual therapy.

Manual therapy is prescribed if the cause of scoliosis is:

  • The difference in leg length;
  • Violation of the regime of work and rest (excessive exercise or lack thereof, a sedentary job, especially when the mismatched furniture, or poorly organized workplace);
  • Curvature of the spine 1-3 degrees;
  • Deformation of the vertebrae.

The most effective method is considered in:

  • Minor violations of posture, especially in children and adolescents;
  • Structural changes of the vertebrae in children up to 9 years;
  • Scoliosis of 1-2 degrees in patients under the age of 25.

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Manipulation of the spine is contraindicated in scoliosis caused by:

  • Injuries of the spine, including generic;
  • Infectious diseases of the spine;
  • Malignant tumors on the spine;
  • Compression of the spinal cord.

Contraindication are also comorbidities:

  • Overweight a high degree;
  • Inflammation;
  • Diseases of the tissues of the muscles, ligaments, joints;
  • Lung or heart failure;
  • Hypertension;
  • The infringement of nerve endings.

The age limit for the procedure – children up to 3 years.

Controversial is the question of whether there can be chiropractic inflammation of the spine and intervertebral hernia. The efficacy and safety of this method in each case should be evaluated by a qualified technician.

Diagnostic procedures

Correction of scoliosis and the use of manual therapy require careful, balanced approach. To establish an accurate diagnosis, make a decision on the appointment of remedial measures help:

  • Visual assessment of asymmetry;
  • X-rays of the spine in multiple projections;
  • Scoliometer;
  • Measuring height of patient weight, the volume of his lungs;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine.

Technique and manual therapy techniques

Manual impact on the spine in scoliosis is carried out in compliance with the principles:

  • Gradualism – classes are held not more often 2 times a week; one session involved only one site. The course of treatment includes 10 sessions, sometimes 1-3 is enough, repeat it a maximum of 2 times per year;
  • Smoothness – possible brute force, shaking;
  • Complexity – combined with other treatments to consolidate the effect.

To implement these principles and to cure scoliosis in the early stages can help the following techniques of manual therapy:

  • Osteopathy is a method of study of the muscular system to identify areas of "clip" and the high tone, and their subsequent correction. Osteopath reduce sprains, returns twisted the vertebrae in the correct position. This technique relaxes tense muscles, relieves pain in nerve entrapment;
  • Post isometric relaxation is a technique that is also aimed at relaxation of the muscular apparatus. Alternately combines short-term static work of the muscles with relatively long rest. After a few repetitions of exercises, spasm of the muscles relax completely. This method is effective even in scoliosis of 2-3 degrees. The PIR will eliminate the "clips", relieves excessive muscle tension, eliminates the imbalance between the muscles-antagonists and agonists, prepares atrophied muscles to work.

Types of scoliosis

When scoliosis occurs, the displacement of the vertebrae relative to the spine in one or several planes. The curvature is single, with one arc in any of the spine, combined with two and with three arcs.

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Allocate 4 degree of scoliosis depending on the angle of deformation, and only the most difficult of them may require surgical treatment, other methods amenable to conservative treatment that includes manual therapy.

Scoliosis can be from birth, acquired during life, or triggered by trauma, in the first two cases, a manual technique can significantly help in healing.

The concept of scoliosis includes 3 completely different diseases:

  • Posture;
  • The frontal curvature of the spine, where the vertebrae are expanded or twisted about a vertical axis;
  • Scoliosis – a structural change of the vertebrae, progressing in childhood and adolescence.

In 80% of cases the cause of the scoliosis cannot be found, then the disease is called idiopathic. This curvature also effectively treated with manual method.

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The remaining 20% of cases require a detailed examination, which may be concluded as to justify themselves manipulative therapy in scoliosis.