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Straightened cervical lordosis: what does it mean, symptoms, treatment, exercises

Today straightened cervical lordosis is not uncommon. Patients can't understand this phenomenon positive or negative. Mostly people think that a straight spine in the cervical spine is absolutely not dangerous to human health. However, the curves of the spine from the point of view of physiology is necessary to increase the stability and flexibility of the body.

SHejnyj lordoz vypryamlen chto eto znachit

Lordosis in theory

Nature in the spinal column laid on a curve. They play the role of a spring, and is also required for depreciation that contribute to the proper distribution of loads on the spine. The normal spine should have an S-shape, that is, the presence of lordosis and kyphosis. Lordosis is the deviation of the spine in the neck and lower back forward. Kyphosis – a deviation of the spine in the sternum and sacroiliac joints ago. A newborn child does not have any curvature of the spine. The bends are formed the baby in the first year of life, when the load on the cervical spine.

Straightening of the lordosis of the cervical spine suggests that you need to apply urgently to a specialist to determine the cause, resulting in physiological changes, and timely treatment.

As klassificeret lordosis neck

All of lordosis divided into two types:

  • Natural, provides physiology, and does not assume any risk for the person;
  • Pathological, can be both excessive, and insufficient bending strength. Perhaps the formation of any age with plenty of consequences, and therefore requires therapeutic measures.

Lordosis the pathological type divided into:

  • The primary shape when the spine is initially formed incorrectly, can manifest itself owing to the previously migrated diseases of the spine, for example, the infectious nature of the tumors, congenital defects;
  • Secondary form, which is an important manifestation of symptomatic congenital or pathological abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system.


Also the physiological curves of the spine are divided into:

  • Hyperlordosis. A condition in which the spine is arched strongly forward;
  • Geologos. This is where the physiological cervical lordosis is straightened. One of the most common causes of osteochondrosis, which impairs the mobility of the vertebrae, and breaks the integral curves.

The causes of pathology

Factors that increase the risk of developing lordosis of the cervical spine:

  • Hernia of the spinal column;
  • Birth injuries;
  • Birth defects of the spine;
  • Tumor, localized in the spine or in dangerous proximity to it;
  • Displacement of a vertebral disk;
  • Rickets;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Myositis, myopathy and other diseases of the muscles of the back;
  • Disease infectious nature;
  • Arthritis, arthrosis and other rheumatic disorders;
  • Flat feet;
  • Dislocation of the hip;
  • Pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Hereditary factors;
  • Injury;
  • Addiction;
  • Excessive growth of the immature skeleton and muscles of the back;
  • The Kashin-Bek Disease.

These factors lead to disruption of the center of gravity, and its uneven distribution leads to the development of curvature of the spine.

What is cervical lordosis

Often an impurity of a specialist in pathological changes of the cervical patients complain:

  • Discomfort in the neck;
  • Pain syndrome;
  • Fatigue;
  • Not a rash;
  • Voice changing;
  • Difficulty swallowing;
  • Dizziness;
  • The difficulty concentration;
  • The deterioration of health;
  • A feeling of weakness in the muscular system;
  • Mobility limitation.

Kak proyavlyaet sebya shejnyj lordoz

During the examination the doctor will notice:

  • Deformation of the vertebrae;
  • Unnatural protrusion of the head;
  • Low head carriage;
  • The natural increase of the bending angle.


At the receptiondoctor straightening of the cervical lordosis visible to the naked eye. There is a simple way to do this, stand with your back to the wall, if the patient has straightened lordosis, this simple method of research will show that occipital bending is practically absent.

To determine the degree of damage, the doctor prescribes:

  • X-rays;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

The clear clinical picture completely.

Diagnostirovanie zabolevaniya shei

Therapeutic measures treatment

Treatment straightened lordosis of the cervical spine should be complex. The main methods of treatment:

  • Drug therapy;
  • Medical physical culture;
  • Visit massage;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Surgical treatment;
  • Change the mode of the day.

Medication of cervical lordosis

Drugs, relieving pain and eliminating inflammation. Members of the group: "Ibuprofen", "Ketorol", "Diclofenac", "Movalis", "Indomethacin", etc. Medicines to improve circulation. For example, "Nikoshpan", "Teknikal", "Trental", "Cinnarizine", etc. muscle Relaxants, to relieve spasm of the muscular system. Bright representatives: "Kenalog", "Diprospan", "Hydrocortisone". The complex of vitamins and minerals, particularly group "b". Chondroprotectors, restoring the cartilage tissue. Such as, "Sustamed", "teraflex", Control", "Rumalon".


Therapeutic physical culture

Exercises against lordosis assigns strictly the doctor, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient. Gymnastics is performed at home, and in some cases under the supervision of a specialist. Exercises supplemented by the wearing of corsets and bandages for the back, as well as changes in day regimen of the patient. Mandatory transition to proper nutrition and increased physical activity.

Massage necessary in the treatment of lordosis of the cervical region. It relaxes stiff muscles and increases circulation, boosting vitality of the patient. Often the doctor prescribes a visit to the chiropractic. Her techniques to return the vertebrae into place. To get rid of the swelling, pain and the inflammatory process will help acupuncture, especially if the cause of the disease was low back pain.

To speed up the healing process of the patient, is assigned to the radical change of the daily routine. The patient should control the bearing, do not overtax the spine, more walk in the fresh air and engage in physical activity.

Preventive measures

Prevention it is important to make a plan for the day. Well-organized work area, to select the optimal height of Desk and chair, keep your back straight. The work is not associated with physical activity should be interrupted charging, it is desirable to perform a set of exercises, self-massage, and walking. Maintaining optimal body weight. Excess weight hinders a uniform distribution of load on the spine.

Proper sleep is to sleep only on firm mattresses and pillows, it is better to buy bedding in orthopedic stores. If you follow these rules, then the development of the cervical lordosis can be prevented. In General, proper routine and proper nutrition will help prevent many diseases. Treat therapeutic treatment need seriously, because a small deviation in the spinal column can cause irreparable consequences for human health.