Home / Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature / How to identify scoliosis by yourself at home, photos, videos

How to identify scoliosis by yourself at home, photos, videos

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine with twisting it around its axis. The disease occurs when the birth is complicated or appears in children at preschool age, because they find it difficult to follow your posture. Scoliosis in the early stages and at the young age of the patient is treatable, so it is important to identify the disease the child on time.

kak opredelit skolioz

How to determine the curvature of the spine at home? There are several methods, but the extent of the disease and ways of treatment can be prescribed only by a qualified doctor. Below are the ways how to recognize scoliosis.

How to identify scoliosis at home?

Identifying scoliosis in a child in the home does not take much time. With the appearance of your baby is at least one of the signs of the disease, we recommend you immediately contact to establish an accurate diagnosis and its severity to begin further prevention or treatment with OFC, corsets, electrophoresis.

To determine the degree of curvature of the spine, to determine what type of scoliosis will have to deal (right or left), a doctor conducts an external examination and performs medical history, it is also necessary that the use of radiography by the method of Cobb.

Put the kid turned his back to you, after removing clothing. The child should relax as much as possible and leave the hands and the spine in a natural position. The child that has scoliosis, you can see that one shoulder is in a relaxed state falls below the other and one shoulder blade is higher or lower, respectively. The curvature of the spinal line is also one of the signs of scoliosis in children.

diagnostika skolioza

Another way to determine the diagnosis of scoliosis in a child and ask him to lean forward. If the disease is, you will notice that the vertebrae are not aligned.

So, a few signs of scoliosis in a young patient:

  • With a relaxed state of the back shoulders feature at different levels. One below the other, the curvature visible to the naked eye;
  • One of the blades is not straight, but crooked, can be lowered, or the angle of the scapula noticeable "bulges";
  • Ask your child to put their hands to the body. You will notice that the patient's palm located at different levels;
  • When tilting the baby forward, you can notice the curvature of the vertebrae.

If noticed in a child at least one of these symptoms, I advise you to immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis.

Many parents do not see behind the child, oblivious to the fact that further curvature of the spine may cause him discomfort even when walking. It is important to determine the diagnosis and to start treatment until the child's body is not formed and the spine can still be corrected to avoid further distortions.

Diagnosis of scoliosis orthopedist

The conduct of the examination, the doctor first examines the patient, asks you to lean in different directions to go. Specialist must check the position of the baby's spine in standing, lying and sitting, so on each side. If a doctor sees in a young patient deformation of the vertebrae in the cervical spine, rib hump, and other signs of scoliosis, with the help of a special device determines the degree of deformation of the skeleton in degrees. Then the patient is assigned to obligatory x-ray examination, where it turns out the exact degree of curvature.

Diagnostika skolioza ortopedom

The definition of a disease by x-rays more accurate than other methods.

X-ray orthopedic surgeon accurately determines the degree of curvature can then prescribe the appropriate treatment. During the treatment, the doctor takes pictures of the patient to monitor improvements. After the diagnosis and resolution of the diagnosis by a podiatrist, the patient is sent to other doctors, since scoliosis can cause other diseases.

Prevention of scoliosis in children

Scoliosis is quitecommon disease in children, especially in girls. The student spends a lot of time at a Desk, often uncomfortable, begins to stoop, cease to monitor the posture, he has curvature of the spine. The parent must monitor the condition of the back of his child regularly, to prevent the occurrence of spinal deformity.

Here are some simple tips for parents:

  • The appearance of the baby is of the early stages of scoliosis, try to burn it to a Wellness-therapeutic exercisesin the pool. If you do not have contraindications to sports. Send your child for gymnastics or dance, where he will need to learn to keep posture. Sports and swimming are excellent to strengthen the back muscles and spine, allowing you to avoid further deformation.
  • Start with the child to conduct morning exercises. This will not only bring you both positive energy for the whole day, but will have a good impact on the physical training of the child.
  • Watch for details. First you need to properly organize the work of the student. It is advisable to purchase an orthopedic chair whose height is adjustable to allow the child to sit comfortably during class. Secondly, it is important to put light on a workplace that the child did not have to bend over when we can't see the symbols in tutorial. The best option would be a lamp with a movable light. Thirdly, purchase a high-quality orthopedic mattress. At first baby will be uncomfortable to sleep on us, but after a month the mattress will adjust to his needs. The student will sleep and in the morning for him to be really good.
  • Observe student posture when sitting together at dinner. Constantly remind him that you need to keep your back straight. Serve a good example to follow.
  • If your child is not a year, try not to rush its development. If the baby still does not sit alone, not worth it, don't try to put it forcibly and teach pregunta. Every kid develops at different times, as inherent in his genes.

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If you know how to identify scoliosis in children, will be able to prevent the situation when the disease started progressing, and nearing the last stages. In some cases, scoliosis in a child can be seen with the naked eye, but to get checked out by your doctor is required.