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Osteochondrosis: treatment, symptoms, causes, what is it

There are three forms of degenerative disc disease — cervical, thoracic and lumbar. Intervertebral osteochondrosis characteristic older people, but in recent years the average age of patients with this diagnosis significantly "younger". All inherent disease degenerative disc disease symptoms are often observed in people who prefer active physical exercise sitting at a computer. As a result of prolonged stay in an unnatural position of the spine formed posture, the degradation of the spinal muscles, leading to various pathologies of the spine. Therefore, to know what is low back pain and how to treat him, good for everyone.

Lechenie osteohondroza pozvonochnika

Osteochondrosis what is it?

The essence of the disease is damage to the tissues of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, reducing their elasticity and shape-shift. Significantly reduced the gap between the vertebrae, and in this place there is a loss of spinal stability. Pathological tissue destruction is accompanied by a pinched nerve endings going from the spinal cord, and leads to a permanent tension of the dorsal muscles. Observed the occurrence of pain of the back and other symptoms inherent degenerative disc disease.

The weakening of the intervertebral discs are the cause of the development of pathologies such as hernia and protrusion, and the further course of the disease leads to degradation of the joints of the spine and intervertebral ligaments. Takes place the formation of bone outgrowths — osteophytes.

Low back pain causes pain during movement, difficulty of flexion and extension of the back, the appearance of subluxations of the vertebrae and abnormal curvature of the affected areas of the spine.

Usually signs of osteoarthritis appear only when the physiological aging of the organism, but in some cases the development of the pathology occurs much earlier period. Occurring today in adolescents disease is the primary consequence of their lifestyle.

Symptoms of the disease

Low back pain the back is a chronic disease, characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. You should know, is manifested as low back pain, its main symptoms and what are the signs of degenerative disc disease first manifested. The acute largely contribute to numerous physical exercises.

Effect on the body vibration injury to the spine and other negative factors are the impetus, in which the osteoarthritis and its symptoms begin to manifest.

Clinical picture depends on localization of the pathology, also, different syndromes of osteochondrosis:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis is expressed by pain in the neck, arms, it is characterized by headaches and numbness of fingers. In extreme cases, a pinched vertebral artery, causing even greater deterioration of the patient;
  • Symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis are expressed in an acute or nagging back pain, breathing difficulty, pain in the heart area;
  • Lumbar degenerative disc disease begins with pain in the lumbar region and lower extremities, gradually increasing the motion. Patients often have disorders of the genitourinary system, there may be a weakening of potency in men, and ovarian dysfunction in women. Periods of remission are reduction in pain, lasting up to the point of provoking new attacks (sharp increase in load, etc.)
  • In some cases, meets variety mixed degenerative disc disease related to the most severe form of the disease, and the symptoms of osteochondrosis in this case also mixed.

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Low back pain and IRR

Intervertebral osteochondrosis, in particular, the reconfiguration of the disks and the distance between the vertebrae, leads to pinched blood vessels, and nerve endings. Pinching cause disruption of the internal organs andof the brain. Against this background there are various disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The most common manifestation of impaired circulation due to degenerative disc disease is dystonia, with all its symptoms.

How is diagnosis

Primary diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the intervertebral discs set, taking into account the symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the back, these patients with treatment in the clinic. Inspection of spinal osteochondrosis consists of a review of the patient's spine in different positions, under the condition of rest and motion.

Be sure to read: diagnosis of osteoarthritis.

After completion of the examination the patient is subjected to the hardware diagnostics, which is confirmation of the initial diagnosis, clarification or rebuttal. Verification by the attending physician, then considering the options of what to do in osteochondrosis.

The study is using the following equipment:

  • Of the MRI machine;
  • Computed tomography;

Often the results of the survey reveal a number of related diseases that can be attributed to complications — hernia, sciatica, protrusion. From the correct diagnosis depends largely on the success of the definition of degenerative disc disease, because the initial stages of intervertebral osteochondrosis is similar to other types of disease symptoms.

It should be remembered that the diagnosis and recommendations on how to get rid of osteochondrosis, are within the scope of competence of the neurologist, all the procedures should be conducted only under his supervision.

What causes low back pain

The average age is a point of no return to good health, and for vertebral osteochondrosis is the time to appear at this age. Starting to happen, irreversible physiological processes in the human body, meaning a gradual withering of the body and brings him aging, and stands out today as a major cause of osteoarthritis.

The intervertebral discs are modified, they will appear the bloodstream, which changes the system of their food. Because of this regeneration is much slower, and various loads and injuries of the spine typically cause destruction, full restoration of which is already an impossible — these are the causes of low back pain.

Failure to comply with the diet regimen and promiscuity in the diet only exacerbates the situation. Loses nutrients the cartilage in the spine are gradually thinned out, which negatively affects their durability. In the future the cartilage tissue to deform, which determines the main symptoms of osteoarthritis.

The exact cause of degenerative disc disease as of today still not been determined. In medicine, the rule according to which intervertebral osteochondrosis is a combination of several factors begins to emerge in the following cases:

  • Problems with metabolism can be the cause of the disease of the spine;
  • Susceptibility to disease, docked at the gene level, is the cause of the disease osteochondrosis;
  • Defective physical development. Treat him problems with posture, different degrees of flat feet and other disorders of the skeleton;
  • Toxic poisoning of the body and certain infections is the cause of the disease osteochondrosis;
  • Acquired injuries of musculoskeletal system, age or occupational regression;
  • Traumas and injuries of the spine;
  • Excess weight, lack of nutrition and poor diet, vitamin deficiency and dehydration of the body also lead to pozvonocna osteochondrosis;
  • Bad habits and periodic stress.

kakovy prichiny osteohondroza

Allocated indirect causes of osteoarthritis, but all of them can be combined into a single group belonging to a wrong way of life. Low back pain and its causes are the subjects of hundreds of scientific papers. Opinions, what is osteoarthritis and what to do when the disease abound.

How to treat osteochondrosis of back

Treatment of degenerative disc disease of the back is divided into conservative and operative. Before how to cure osteochondrosis, you need to select the option. Treatment of osteochondrosis depends on many factors, among them: total state neglect, the severity of the disease, the degree of deterioration of the body and reason, from which arises osteochondrosis.

Severe cases of degenerative disc disease is almost impossible to undergo the procedure of treatment without surgery,whereas milder manifestations medicine is a conservative approach.

The choice of how to treat osteochondrosis of the spine remains with the specialist. Often, in order to avoid errors going to the doctors. Get rid of degenerative disc disease conservative treatment that forever is impossible, but, good work, it is possible to "hide" the symptoms of disease of the spine.

Methods of conservative therapy

Conservative method of treatment is a comprehensive approach. Successfully used for rehabilitation after surgery. Based on the simultaneous use of techniques from different branches of medicine.

In short the whole set of procedures can be reduced to two basic methods: treatment with medications and therapy hardware.

Such methods of treatment of degenerative disc disease have one very significant drawback — does not consider features of the organism and the hidden resources that can also be sent to recovery. Recovery is in passive mode, which negatively affects the duration, winning in this way the disease the person gets the relative health of hard work.

In the course of conservative treatment and rehabilitation after surgical intervention includes the following most popular methods:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Isometric kinesiotherapy;
  • Courses of manual therapy;
  • Reflexology;
  • The procedure underwater hydromassage;
  • Stimulation of the body with magnets, vibration and electricity;
  • Laser treatment and ultrasound;
  • Sessions of vacuum therapy;
  • Must undergo a course of psychotherapy;
  • The appointment of a healthful diet;
  • The use of drugs:
  • Conventional treatment methods.

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Well-chosen combination of different methods allows to win without the use of drugs in the treatment of osteoarthritis. So it is possible to treat low back pain only in case of aggravation of the disease. Alternatively, it is possible to reduce the use of medicines to a minimum.

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Psychological courses and the use of gymnastics will return to the patient belief in themselves and their own strength, will quickly heal back from an illness. Sessions of massage and manual therapy help to reduce pain, release of internal reserves of the body and improves blood flow.

A considerable number of patients neglects the purpose of the diet, although it plays a major role in the treatment. Balanced diet, chosen taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, provides the cartilage with necessary nutrients and trace elements.

In conjunction with avoiding harmful habits diet is a very effective treatment of degenerative disc disease without medication.

However, the treatment of degenerative disc disease using medicines in some cases simply irreplaceable, and also appointed complex:

  • Prescribed method of local analgesics and drugs of General validity;
  • Prescribe medicines from the group of anti-inflammatory;
  • Assigned chondoprotective drugs:
  • Group of drugs antispasmodics;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Medications that stimulate blood circulation;
  • Groups of drugs aimed at correcting psychosomatic conditions.

Whether the degenerative disc disease be treated completely?

The passage of the rehabilitation course or conservative treatment in a clinical setting do not always produce high performance. This is due to the difficulties of procedure, the holistic health because of frequent patient of not providing such opportunities. Is it possible to cure low back pain at home? Self - treatment at home is also associated with many difficulties:

  • Problems with the availability of special medical equipment and exercise equipment, and sometimes free;
  • The unpreparedness of the patient for self-medication in psychological terms, resulting in the difficulty of self-organization and problems with motivation and choice of solutions, how to overcome low back pain;
  • Difficulties of the organization diet-related lack of theoretical and practical knowledge in this field. Violation of the diet makes the rest of the treatments ineffective, so diet should pay special attention.

The course of recovery and treatment with conservative methods should ideally be held inspecial institutions, the activity of which is aimed at a comprehensive treatment of degenerative disc disease and rehabilitation. Only they can answer, is it possible to cure osteochondrosis.

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Ways to prevent

The most effective way to combat degenerative disc disease is adhering to a proper diet and the gym. Spinal osteochondrosis, and treatment of gymnastics greatest efficiency showed the following:

  • Massage of the lumbar area of the back and limbs, held in the morning;
  • Jumping jacks, exercises on the bar;
  • Periodic pauses for gymnastics during operation, 7-9 exercises is enough for the prevention of disease;
  • The swimming pool, is especially recommended by experts backstroke.

Most of the patients think how to start the treatment of the degenerative disc disease of the back, when there were signs of osteoarthritis and intervertebral degenerative disc disease already progresses to an advanced stage. In this case, the General recommendations need to give the exercises from complex physical therapyaimed at stretching the spine.

When you receive an osteochondrosis, it is necessary to adhere strictly to a balanced diet, mainly based on protein-rich foods, but to exclude the maximum daily area of mushrooms. Should be restricted from eating salty, fatty food, including homemade pickles. Sugar, flour and confectionery products are also contraindicated.

Bad habits have to leave, to refrain from excessive consumption of coffee and products based on it. Daily volume of fluid intake should not exceed 1 liter, and the number of meals you need to keep the value of 5-7 per day.

Getting rid of the disease, should not unnecessarily load the spine and gently apply to it and to prevent injuries.

Lack of vitamins and minerals shown by the analyses, requires an immediate fill them in the body, it is necessary to take a multivitamin complexes. Disease low back pain, its symptoms and treatment thoroughly explored for today and the fight against it is possible.