Home / Osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine / Swimming in osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar

Swimming in osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar

Therapeutic swimming osteochondrosis helps to stretch the spine to release the pressure from the intervertebral discs. Relax the muscles experiencing spasms. Improves blood circulation in the affected area, and in cervical osteochondrosis – go neurological symptoms. Swimming of all kinds of gymnastics in osteochondrosis is preferable because load back smoothly, does not make any sudden or traumatic movement.

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The benefits of swimming

Osteochondrosis – disorder of the spine that develops as a consequence of degenerative processes of the intervertebral discs. Cartilage disks are deformed, becoming more planar. As a result, the distance between the vertebrae decreases, sometimes get pinched nerves. Worse starts to work the spine in General, what lets you know with pain, deteriorating mobility. Sometimes, complications begin in the form of disruption of the internal organs.

Pool osteochondrosis can bring many beneficial effects, among which are:

  • Relaxation. Muscle experiencing the spasm and tension. The patient with osteochondrosis hard to move. Swimming helps to achieve relaxation, to relieve stress from the muscles. This muscles exercise, become stronger, and thus better support the spine. The vertebrae begin less and less to put pressure on the cartilage tissue. So swimming in osteochondrosis is the best prevention protrusion and hernia;
  • Normalization of metabolism in tissues. Improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues. Intervertebral discs begin to eat normally, and starts the process of regeneration;
  • Swimming helps you to safely and gradually stretch the spine. Increasing the distance between the vertebrae, pressure is removed from the intervertebral disks in osteochondrosis. Released strain of nervous tissue, the pain disappears, stabiliziruemost the internal organs;
  • To go to the pool is a good way to strengthen the immune system;
  • Exercises in water help to lose weight. This is an important point in the treatment of osteochondrosis, so that we reduce the load on the cartilage, do not allow further development of degenerative processes;
  • The pool helps to build a raised emotional background necessary to combat pain and limited mobility in osteochondrosis.

Treatment neck swimming

Swimming in osteochondrosis of the cervical necessary in a time when people lead a sedentary lifestyle, constantly sitting at the computer, hold in the sitting position wrong posture. Stiffness of neck movements, headaches, high blood pressure, and the dark eyes, pre-existing conditions – these are all symptoms of cervical pathology which will help to manage water. In addition:

  • Reach the neck muscle relaxation disappears spasm, again begins to flow normally blood in the region of the brain;
  • Regular classes in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine will help to strengthen neck muscles that will be the best preventive measure against complications;
  • Start full-fledged work light that helps to boost the immune system, gives the patient strength to live and fight the disease.

Suggest to read: running in osteochondrosis.

It often happens that the symptoms of the cervical osteochondrosis make a patient's fear of physical activity, including gymnastics and swimming. This is an unjustified fear, because in the pool the risk of neck injury is greatly reduced. In any case, the instructor and the doctor will help to overcome such prejudices against these useful procedures.

Plavat pri osteohondroze

How to swim

Swim osteochondrosis neurologists recommended only in the pools. In natural waters may be over, which will increase the tension of the spine and will only worsen the situation. In the pond may be too cold, which is unacceptable in pathological processes of the back, as it can develop inflammation.

In addition, patients should adhere to the following principles:

  • Initially, it is preferable to swim in water temperatures around 30 degrees, and then lower it down to 23;
  • Before the session you need to warm up your mouse and cords. Fit self-massage of the affected area, simple warm-up exercises;
  • Depending on the affected segment of the spine pick up the style of swimming. If strain to the cervical intervertebral disks, it is better to do on the back to minimize pressure on the neck and cause new cramps,dangerous to the blood circulation of the brain. Swimming in osteochondrosis of the lumbar will be the optimal style brass – so will remove the load from the waist, to bend the back;
  • It is impossible to prevent sudden movements. Not to accidentally move sharply to the head because it got in the eyes or ears of fluid, it is necessary to use goggles and swimming hats;
  • Must swim at least twice, better three times a week, the session should last about an hour;
  • If the patient has low back pain, and he cannot swim either, his muscles weakened, as in the case of elderly people, you can use the swimming plate;
  • Inquire the instructor on LFK which water exercises to perform. The load needs to be incremental, but always be gentle so as not to aggravate the drive position;
  • Floating, you need to watch your breath. The breath should be full and smooth, and the exhale is sharp. So the lungs work better and have a positive impact on the mobility of the spine. Decreases pressure on the nerves.

Of course, it is preferable to carry out water procedures under the supervision of an instructor in physical therapy. It will monitor will tell you how to swimwhether you can do certain exercises and which temporarily or in principle to exclude.

Exercises in the pool

After a short warm-up to improve the healing effect will help the following exercises:

  1. Vis on the crossbar. This helps to gently stretch the spine, release the intervertebral discs. The easiest way to do this movement, Powys is a bit on the edge;
  2. Smooth swings in the direction of lower and upper limbs. You can also tilt and rotate the casing in different directions;
  3. To remove the load will help this movement – put your feet on a side, pelvic area touching the edges. Hang back for a few minutes, holding hands on his head, trying to relax;
  4. If the pool has a shallow area the bottom, you can walk on it, jog in place, perform light squats.

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All these complexes are usually very helpful but there are contraindications:

  • The acute phase of pathological process. If the patient is constantly in pain, almost impossible to move, and any physical therapy-complexes are considered to be prohibited. Wait for a period of remission;
  • The patient caught a cold. Postpone therapy until recovery;
  • There are problems in the cardiovascular, respiratory systems;
  • Dermatological problems are an absolute contraindication;
  • There is a tendency to convulsions or epileptic seizures observed.