Home / Osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine / Leeches osteochondrosis: lumbar, cervical and thoracic

Leeches osteochondrosis: lumbar, cervical and thoracic

Leeches osteochondrosis – an effective method of treatment to improve the condition of the patient. The attitude is different: some patients are afraid, the second on the contrary, support the idea of such treatment. Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease with leeches helps to improve blood flow, eliminates stagnation of blood. Such treatment may be part of a comprehensive therapy in handasah, reducing pain, improving the penetration of drugs increases the effectiveness of physical therapy, positively acting on the patient's condition.

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Mechanism of action

After the diagnosis of degenerative disc disease in the cervical spine the essence of leech therapy is the removal of pain. Pain in handasah caused by the outflow of venous blood. Blood stagnates in the tissues, causing inflammation. In place of stagnation increases the temperature of the tissue starts swelling and pain. Leeches used in osteochondrosis of the cervical, bite through the skin, and like a little pump pumped from the affected area blood. In parallel with the sucking of blood, the therapeutic effect is due to the injection of hirudin.

The secret, produced by leeches act to dissolve blood clots, reduce blood clotting. Hirudin improves the flow of biochemical processes, has a positive effect on the blood vessels walls become stronger.

Cut up the leech with cervical osteochondrosis place is not overgrown in a few hours, and the blood is not coagulating. Thus, the site of inflammation is purified of toxins and stagnation. The therapeutic effect of hirudin lasts up to 8 hours.

How to conduct hirudotherapy

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is considered to be part of a comprehensive therapy. Applied on the affected area of the neck. The first couple of treatment sessions should not last more than 30 minutes. At this time leeches away from the patient's body by force. At the third session of treatment with leeches leeches should be treated hour. For hours they suck up 5 milliliters of blood, that enables the animals to get enough for a session.

After the wound treatment is not handled with antiseptic solutions. Their pressed clean sterile cotton wool, this is enough to stop the bleeding.

Immediately after the session the patient should not roll from stomach to back, otherwise the blood from the wounds continue to ooze. A course of leech therapy in osteochondrosis of the cervical ranges from 7 to 12 procedures. Between them are the breaks up to 5 days. The next course of leech therapy in cervical osteochondrosis is resumed no earlier than 30-35 days after the end of the first course.

Preparing for the session

The patient should not wash before the session, fragrant shower gels, use of perfumes, cosmetics with a strong smell. Otherwise they may not stick to smelling the skin. In addition, before the session the patient should not have a sharply smelling and spicy food (spices, pepper, garlic, onion). Animals will not sit on dirty or sweaty body.

Leeches are reluctant to attach themselves to the body of people with the smell of tobacco or if the skin smells of alcoholic beverages.


Opinions about the leech therapy in osteochondrosis positive. Patients report less pain, the ability after the course of treatment with leeches can live without analgesics. Some people experience weakness and tachycardia during the first sessions. Wound healing can hurt and itch. Patients leaving a feeling of discomfort in the cervical spine. The skin on the bites and the whole body becomes supple and fresh, stop migraine. Despite the discomfort in the beginning of the course of treatment all patients reported the efficacy of leech therapy.


The use of leeches in osteochondrosis helps to reduce root pain, increasing the flow of blood and lymph in the affected area, improving the supply of tissues with oxygen and necessary nutrients to the muscles and bones. Leeches contribute to increased immunity and the elimination of the inflammatory process. The positive effect of treatment is the normalization of the functioning of the brain.

The patient decrease of migraine, the head stops spinning, goes swelling of the tissues of the neck and collar area. Patients say about improving sleep, relieving stress. Leech therapy has a significant effect, improving the whole body, not just a particular portion of the patient.


As with any procedure, this treatment methods there are a number of contraindications:

  • You cannot use leech therapy in diseases of the blood especially haemophilia, when disturbed blood clotting.
  • Not worth it to use them with different degrees of anaemia. Animals will reduce the number of red blood cells and platelets in the blood.
  • Treat degenerative disc disease do not need to use them people with low blood pressure and pregnant women.
  • Do not put leeches women during menstruation. In this period, the body and so losing blood, and leeches will increase the number of lose blood.
  • It is impossible to treat leech therapy with cancer patients and people with a diagnosis of "hemorrhagic diathesis".
  • There are cases of intolerance to the saliva of leeches.

Before the course of such treatment need to be tested. In some diseases, leech therapy in osteochondrosis of the lumbar, neck should not be pursued.