Home / Osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine / Low back pain during pregnancy: symptoms, what to do, than to treat

Low back pain during pregnancy: symptoms, what to do, than to treat

Low back pain during pregnancy is quite common. Despite the fact that pregnancy is one of the most vivid periods in the life of every woman, there are still many things can spoil the joy of waiting. The most common problem faced by expectant mothers is lower back pain.

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The disease affects cartilage, causing deformation and thinning, due to the high load on the muscles. Such loads are particularly prone to pregnant women. Indeed, during the period of waiting for a baby the body and the body of the expectant mother is being rebuilt in preparation for childbirth. In this period most suffer from neck, back and legs.

The essence of pathology

There are several forms of osteoarthritis. Is cervical osteochondrosis, osteochondrosis of the thoracic, lumbar osteochondrosis. Most common osteochondrosis of the lumbar, because this area is subject to the greatest loads. In addition, the disease in this part of the body needs immediate treatment because the pain caused by the disease can cause an increase in muscle tone, and that, in turn, can cause premature birth or miscarriage. That is why it is important to timely detect the disease, and it is not so simple.

The symptoms of this disease are easily confused with other diseases, such as diseases of the stomach, heart and other internal organs, as they have a similar character called pain.

If you are constantly plagued by pain in the neck, chest or lower back, if you suffer from headache congestion in the ears, dizziness, blurred vision, if the pain increases with sudden or careless movements, if you feel a change in sensitivity of individual sections of the body (skin, muscles) – all this is a significant reason to immediately go to the doctor. To avoid the development of disease or its complications, doctors strongly recommend a complete examination at the stage of pregnancy planning.


To treat low back pain during pregnancy is much more complicated than in other cases. The complexity of treatment of this disease is that almost all pregnant contraindicated treatments and drugs. This fact greatly restricts the physician in treatment choices, but to let the sickness slide as unacceptable. It is therefore better to prevent the disease passing the examination in advance than trying to find a cure later.

To treat low back pain during pregnancy is difficult because of the many restrictions for expectant mothers, but not impossible to treat. What should I do? Do not despair and don't give up! There are still several ways to alleviate or completely get rid of this disease. Here are some of them:

  • Drugs external use. These include various ointments and lotions. With the exception of the ointment on the basis of Ketoprofen, which is contraindicated in pregnancy;
  • Drugs belonging to the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Manual therapy. Although most doctors treat it cautiously, the result of it is still there;
  • Traditional medicine. This item should be treated with caution, since self-treatment may be detrimental not only to the health of the mother but also the health of the unborn baby;
  • Physiotherapy. The most harmless and effective method, but again requires care and does not tolerate bigotry;
  • Special braces, corsets and orthopedic shoes. They help to reduce the load on the muscles.

Also read: manual therapy in osteochondrosis of the cervical.

Ointments, medications and chiropractic we leave to the consideration of physicians. And do consider the remaining three. Let's start with folk remedies, proven even by our grandmothers. The most secure osteochondrosis during pregnancy are a hot compress. But it is important to consider several points. In the first place can only be treated cervical osteochondrosis, and secondly, it is very important to ensure that no women are allergic to a particular component.

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Traditional medicine

The most effective are lotions and compresses on the basis of the decoction of the roots of dandelion, burdock leaf, parsley roots and St. John's wort.As well as useful in the form of lotions will tincture Adam's root and tincture of succession. The exposure time of such compresses should not exceed 25 minutes. In the first trimester may the use of a yellow card, but the exposure time should not exceed 5 minutes. Also in the early stages of treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease during pregnancy occurs with a sack of sand, warmed in the pan. It needs to be warm enough, butnot ogigami. Here you need to focus on your feelings.

For the treatment of thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis suitable methods such as therapeutic exercises and wearing a special corset or bandages. They perform the same function – removing the strain of the muscles. However, if in the case of corsets and bandages, but temporary, while medical gymnastics strengthens natural muscular frame.

Of course it is better if a set of exercises will be prepared by the therapist and gynecologist to avoid complications, but you can at home by doing basic exercises in the morning. So it is not necessary to deal with fanaticism. Movement pregnant women should be smooth and neat. The great thing about this method is that physiotherapy not only helps to relieve stress, but also strengthens muscles and develops stamina, and that every expectant mother will benefit.

lechenie osteohondroza pri beremennosti

There are also methods of prevention of degenerative disc disease during pregnancy. But to understand how to avoid this disease, let's look at why it occurs: hormonal disturbance, excessive weight, genetic predisposition, existing back problems, bad posture, flat feet, a sedentary lifestyle. This is not all, but the major risk factors. Therefore, to prevent this disease should:

  • Avoid stress;
  • To take vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women;
  • Do some light exercise. Daily charging is something that is necessary;
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle;
  • Pass a preliminary examination to identify existing health problems, and their elimination;

Observing these sophisticated items, not only to avoid degenerative disc disease during pregnancy and to improve their overall well-being. Low back pain during pregnancy thing is not pleasant, but to deal with it. Wear a supportive corsets, and braces, do physical exercises compiled by therapist and gynecologist and strictly follow all recommendations of your doctor.In no case do not self-medicate, it may adversely affect not only the health of the expectant mother, but also the health of the baby.

See also: prevention of low back pain.

And it's better and easier to prevent disease passing the examination in advance, as well as doing prevention. Since pregnancy is the most wonderful time in every woman's life, and it is better that it is not overshadowed by such troubles as low back pain during pregnancy.