Home / Osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine / Is it possible osteochondrosis sports: fitness, Pilates, physical therapy

Is it possible osteochondrosis sports: fitness, Pilates, physical therapy

The osteoarthritis to engage in exercise therapy and sports? It is not only possible, but necessary. Sport osteochondrosis, if organized professionally, will help to slow or even stop the degenerative-dystrophic processes. After all, the main reason for developing low back pain – strains, and injuries of the intervertebral discs. Extra load on cartilage occurs when the spinal muscles can not withstand the stress. Low back pain & fitness compatible also because the reduced weight of the body and hence reducing the load.

Mozhno li pri osteohondroze zanimatsya sportom?

Low back pain and sports

Turning to training after the acute phase is over, it is important to consider that the main thing – to improve the condition of the spine. This will help you to the slopes with a stick, pull-UPS, a variety of movements from gymnastics. Always useful, especially when degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs, stretching of the back. Here it is appropriate in light form – fit the vis on the bar, swimming in the pool.

Invalid squats and load with the weights on the back. Undesirable to rapidly bend the back, it only injures the vertebral discs.

Doctors working with a bad back, I advise you to exclude any load during the period of exacerbation. In addition, if during exercise of any type you feel characteristic of osteoarthritis pain, stop the load. Such pain should be clearly distinguished from muscle pain, a pleasant fatigue. In the future, you should understand whether there is a relationship between the motion that has caused discomfort and disease. If such a relationship exists, it is necessary to abandon this exercise.

As soon as the doctor allowed you to exercise in osteochondrosis, do not tighten. Well-organized, smooth physical activity will help you to stop the pathologic process or at least slow it down. After all, strengthening your back muscles, you lift the load with the intervertebral cartilage. In result, restores the metabolic processes and blood flow in the cartilage, leaving the inflammation, the tissue starts to naturally regenerate.

polza sporta pri osteohondroze

Another important point – you need to engage regularly. Even if you feel relieved and think that low back pain is gone, you should continue playing sports. Because osteochondrosis leaves traces for life. When relief came, you need to keep exercising to prevent relapse.

Invalid sports

What sport can be enjoyed in osteochondrosis? If the doctors diagnosed the patient's low back pain, it is contraindicated in the following sports:

  • Any movement with a barbell or dumbbells;
  • Jumping;
  • Throws copies and disks.
  • Tennis and badminton.

These physical activity creates a strong tension in the spine, which compresses the cartilage. A tiny range, occurring in all the jumping and lifting of gravity, will slowly bend the spine, which also worsens the condition of a patient with osteochondrosis. Movement of this type is unacceptable even in a time when osteochondrosis, seemingly does not manifest itself.

Team sports with a ball and a puck doctors also do not suggest that because this is a traumatic game. They could have a healing effect if not for the frequent drops and bumps.

zapreshennye uprazhneniya pri osteohondroze

Traumatic well as skiing and snowboarding, ice skating. Skiing patients with degenerative disc disease is also not desirable, but only in cases where in field conditions it is necessary to carry on the back heavy baggage. With the last problem can be partially overcome by pinning the backpack is not only back, but also straps from the front.

Games rackets or hockey sticks are not permitted, as suggested by the sharp turns of the body left or right. Such loads osteochondrosis can damage the cartilage, pinch nerves.

Useful sports

The usual Hiking, swimming, easy Jogging will help to improve the blood circulation of the spine to eliminate pain syndrome. When running it is important to ensure that the sneakers are well damped, and the coating of the treadmill was soft. Otherwise the back will constantly hurt.

Swimming in the pool and performing aerobic exercise in the water, you effectively relax your back, gently stretching the spine.

Plus water exercise is that it is difficult to make sharp movements and to injure your back. And the body weight is evenly distributed, giving the back a rest and coaching her through the moves.

Women, suitable Pilates classes, nice and easy fitness osteochondrosis. Exercise of these complexes will help to make stronger the cervical and lumbar muscles – the most loaded and traumatic departments. So the answer to the question of whether to do fitness osteochondrosis – positive. After these strengthening exercises useful easy run for half an hour. If you are experiencing low back pain neck, Pilates will help to restore cerebral blood flow.

In cases where the patient osteochondrosis sedentary profession, and the time to play sports, there is no need to spend a minute to just stand up and walk. Long periods of sitting with poor posture is one of the main causes of degenerative disc disease and its exacerbations.