Home / Osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine / Drugs in osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, tablets, ointments

Drugs in osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, tablets, ointments

For the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the thoracic used drug therapy, which is aimed at pain relief and tissue repair of the intervertebral discs. Part of therapy includes analgesics, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotector. For topical treatment apply heat ointments.

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Any drug treatment begins with elimination of the pain syndrome. Drugs are administered in the form of tablets and injections.


Initially it is necessary to remove the inflammation, which will reduce the compression of the nerve root. To do this, use not steroid drugs:

  • Or analginum Baralgin. Apply in the early stages of the disease, severe pain, provide short-term effect in the shots it is possible to add sleeping pills in case of emergency, ambulance;
  • Ketanov or Ketorol. Relief even during severe exacerbations. It is important to use only as directed, to make not advisable to take not more than 3 months;
  • Diclofenac or Movalis. Injection for 5 days, depending on the condition of the patient may be pricked through the day. Best relieve swelling, it is preferable to use a second drug, has fewer side effects;
  • Ibuprofen. Stops inflammation in the body, by suppressing the adhesion of platelets and improve blood circulation;
  • Nanotoday or Katadolon. Strongest tablets from degenerative disc disease, apply, when other means do not help. Pain relief lasts about 6 hours, due to the stabilization of the membrane potential and the suppression of excitation of the nervous cells;
  • Nemuseli or Ketoprofen. Provide quick effect but have many contraindications.

I advise you to read: what kind of doctor treats degenerative disc disease of the spine?

The objective of all these medicines relieve symptoms of acute, to allow to start the next stage of therapy in the thoracic spine. Usually used multiple drugs according to the scheme defined by the doctor for 2 weeks. The task of the patient to strictly follow the recommendations, otherwise the medication will harm other systems in the body.

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Muscle relaxants

Prolonged pain in osteochondrosis of the thoracic, provoke muscle tension. These funds are designed to relax the tissue, which will allow the prolapsed disc to be the place. The medication comes in combination with anti-inflammatory. The correct combination gives good results. The task of the neurologist is to find a particular scheme that will help his client. Most often prescribed:

  • Sirdalud. Lowers the tone and the excitability of muscles, enhances the action of amino acids;
  • Mydocalm. The drug dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow in the affected area. Considered one of the best remedies. It is recommended in the form of injections, pills have less effect;
  • Glucosamine sulfate. Whereas the lack of glucose, stabilizes the structure of cartilage. Taken orally or in the form of injections 12 weeks;
  • Alflutop. Restores damaged tissue, neutralizes the effect of harmful substances, normalizes the level of hyaluronic acid.

Muscle relaxants are prescribed as a course treatment, in various combinations. The patient's condition and the qualifications of the physician determines this combination. After about 2 weeks comes relief pain partially return motor abilities. But many patients make the mistake of concluding this treatment, in fact, the disease is not gone, treatment should continue. The problem can escalate at any moment, because the cause is still there.

Procaine blockade

Medical practice captures the cases when the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the thoracic spine, standard methods does not work. In such a case, administering pain medication directly to the affected area, the effect occurs instantly. Therapeutic effect is achieved through blocking of the nerve impulse, sodium ions.

The procedure is carried out by injection of 2 sides. Anatomylimit the space around the spine the transverse processes and the sides of the edges, so the statement of the blockade does not cause difficulties specialists. The concentration and composition of substances determined individually.

The duration of analgesia is 2 weeks. Its task is not only to alleviate the suffering of the patient, but at the time her actions to make an accurate diagnosis. But should not be abused in this way, the fact of the need of the application, is an indirect confirmation of the inevitability of surgical intervention.


Since the relief of pain, the main treatment aimed at the regeneration of cartilage tissue. This elimination of the main cause of the disease. Trigger preparations on the basis of sulphate of glucose. Mostly combined funds:

  • Artra;
  • Teraflex;
  • Chondro.

The main feature, that cure low back pain with chondroprotectors may be virtually any stage of the disease. Patients who complete the therapy report significant improvement in their well-being, and the results of the survey on the tomograph indicate the absence of disease.

The patient should have patience, before the onset of effect takes at least 3 months. Therefore, not all experts are positive about this group of drugs. It is believed that they are applicable only at the initial stage of pathology development. Still the majority thinks differently.

Produces drugs in the form of capsules and injections. The main feature of no restrictions for use, except for individual immunity components. If necessary, the introduction of the drug intramuscularly in the affected area, is used to enhance the effect.


A special place in the treatment of disease belongs to the vitamins of group "b", eliminating pain and stimulating blood vessels. In General for recovery of the musculoskeletal system needs a strong immune system. Therefore, it is necessary to take complex vitamins to enhance Wellness of body reserves.

The most useful is a combination of vitamins A and E strengthens the skeletal system and gives the muscles elasticity. Multivitamins - non-medicinal method of treatment of an osteochondrosis, a nice addition at all stages of therapy for patients suffering from degenerative disorders of cartilage. Do not neglect the beneficial properties of vitamins. Their effect is less noticeable, but their importance is not reduced.

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Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cause a lot of problems that can limit the scope of human activity. Can cause depression. Whatever was in great pain, and duration, do not apply to traditional "healers" than to treat osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, what are the drugs, have the right to decide only by a qualified technician.