Home / Osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine / Horseradish leaves osteochondrosis: recipes for compresses, baths, ointments

Horseradish leaves osteochondrosis: recipes for compresses, baths, ointments

Low back pain can be successfully treated with traditional medicine. But no less effective and popular methods of treatment. Quite popular treatment of the disease the leaves of horseradish. In the treatment of osteoarthritis used a sheet of horseradish, and not the root. The fact that the sheet in comparison with the root operates more gently, heat from it is distributed more evenly. It is important to know that the maximum effect is obtained if you use fresh leaves.

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What is the use of horseradish leaves

Treatment of osteochondrosis horseradish practiced since ancient times. The healing properties of horseradish due to its unique composition:

  • The presence of volatile, performing disinfecting function;
  • The high content of salts of magnesium, calcium and sodium, has a therapeutic effect;
  • A variety of organic ingredients – mustard oil, acid;
  • The presence of enzymes and vitamin C.

The presence of such a range of nutrients warms up muscle tissue and contributes to the revitalization of the cells. The presence of natural analgesic – salicylic acid, helps relieve pain and inflammation.

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Horseradish leaves osteochondrosis is not recommended in patients:

  • If the inflammatory;
  • In pregnancy;
  • Suffering from hypertension.

In order to avoid provocation of gastric bleeding with caution should use of people with gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis). The use of fuck in cervical osteochondrosis can cause side effects, so before using the recipes of traditional medicine, doctor's consultation is required.

Popular recipes

For the treatment of more suitable young leaves, the therapeutic effect of which is the ability to draw out the excess salt, which increases the mobility of the spine. The effects give even advanced cases.


Dressing with crushed leaves of a plant is superimposed on the space in which pain is felt. Superimposed on top of the cellophane film. All top should be covered with a soft warm cloth to keep warm. The inflamed area will be able to warm up well.

From early spring to autumn, you can use fresh leaves, which prior to use must be scalded with boiling water. Pack is aged from three to eight hours. It is convenient to impose it on all night.

Compresses do through the day until until the skin will form a white spot, indicating that salt deposits out. In winter, you can prepare the dry leaves. Before use, they should steam out in boiling water and cool. The dressing slurry is applied to the affected area.

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In highly advanced cases is recommended in addition to the packs to take baths with the leaves.

Recipe for bath

  • Per liter of water is taken as a single large sheet or several small hell. The material is soaked in a container which has a lid. The water is taken hot but not boiling water. Bath will need 10 liters of infusion;
  • The capacity to put on 3 days in a dark place;
  • After three days you can take a bath. The infusion is filtered into the tub and refilled with water.
  • The procedure is performed daily for two weeks.

Infused vodka

  • For makeup will need fresh leaves, they were carefully washed, crushed and lightly dry;
  • The ratio of vodka and raw materials are taken in equal proportions;
  • Infused liquid into an enamel pot or glass jar of dark glass. Containers were thoroughly washed and dried;
  • Raw materials are laid out in layers: layer of horseradish vodka;
  • The mixture is infused for weeks.

The dishes should be placed in a cool place – in the refrigerator or cellar. A week later, the elixir is ready. The liquid is filtered and taken daily half an hour before meals.

Ointment from the leaves of the horseradish

For the preparation of ointments will need fresh leaves and linseed oil. Fresh leaves finely linkouts and filled with oil (to cover). Insist week, strain, pressing the cake.

Ointment RUB the sore spots at night and cover with a warm cloth. With a strongpain means is superimposed on the diseased parts and stays on them until completely absorbed. Manipulation warm, exerting a therapeutic effect and relieve the sore spot.

Take note

To treat diseases of folk remedies is not a simple task. Plants, especially young ones, are not so harmless. The high concentration of active natural substances, analgesics, organic acids, antibiotics. Before you start the treatment through unconventional means, it is necessary to study carefully all contraindications and to listen to recommendations of physicians. So, horseradish leaves from degenerative disc disease should not use to treat children, there are contraindications for adults.

The use of any innovative treatment option should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

It should be noted that the sheet of horseradish, being unique means not able to become a panacea for disease. Patient reports indicate that progress is being made. But those who ignored the recommendations and did not take into account contraindications, get more negative results than benefits.

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Horseradish is beneficial only when used correctly. Horseradish leaves are very active biologically, therefore, medical supervision in their use is needed. So, before you use these recipes, get the advice of a physician. It should be remembered that this medium is effective in the complex treatment in combination with classical methods of cure.