Home / Osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine / Dizziness, osteochondrosis of the cervical, symptoms, treatment

Dizziness, osteochondrosis of the cervical, symptoms, treatment

Dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis patients often hurts after sleeping and rapid movements of the neck. In those moments, dark eyes, suffers from spatial orientation and sense of balance, noise in the ears. The intervertebral discs in osteochondrosis deformed, causing inflammation and muscle spasms. The blood vessels that feed the brain are constricted. The brain "chokes", begins an attack of disorientation.

Golovokruzhenie pri shejnom osteohondroze

Dizziness may occur in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but this is the most likely cause. To confirm the diagnosis, consult a doctor. What to do and how to treat dizziness – will talk in detail neurologist.


Most often the Central nervous system, it responds to sudden movement, but the attack may start even after lung head movements. For a long time without changing position, you also risk causing stagnation of blood in the vessels. Disorientation occurs during intense physical work, or after sleeping on a soft cushion, ten inches. Permanent dizziness is very rare, usually occur seizures.

Patients lose the spatial orientation. Begins to feel sick, eyes twinkling specks, throbbing headache, numb face and language. There is a risk of fainting.

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Symptoms can also include:

  • Ringing or noise in the ears;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Numbness of the hands;
  • Rapid pulse;
  • The loss of balance;
  • Red or pale skin;
  • An attack of vomiting;
  • Severe sweating.

Such an attack may last from few minutes to a few hours. Complications of cervical degenerative disc disease can become dystonia and other diseases of the circulatory system.


The cervical vertebrae are much thinner than others, for example those that are located in the thoracic spine. While holding the head, they experience a greater load. Therefore, cervical vertebrae often become deformed and a victim of cervical degenerative disc disease. In a result, patients suffer from bouts of vertigo.

Muscle spasms and displaced vertebrae pinch nerves neck and the blood vessels that feed the brain. In the end, the artery in the spine pinched (this is called stenosis), oxygen is cut off, the head starts to spin. The cerebellum and the spinal trunk of experiencing hypoxia. Blood in the first place ceases to flow in the occipital part of the head. But precisely there lies the core of our vestibular apparatus, and the patient feels disoriented.

A sign that an attack may begin in the neck crunch, signaling the clip of the vessels of the vertebrae.

To solve how to cure vertigo, you need to find the source of the problem. Seizures can begin not only due to degenerative disc disease of the cervical. Osteochondrosis of the cervical – only one of the possible causes of vertigo:

  • Pathology of the vestibular apparatus. Inner ear varies with age, and dizzy, when the patient abruptly moves her. Accumulated with years of microtrauma ear and brain stem cause dizziness;
  • Cardiovascular disease. Circulatory disorders can easily deprive the brain of needed oxygen and stimulate the attack;
  • Neurological disease. Migraine and epilepsy, even smaller neurological disease can cause disorientation in space.

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Types of dizziness

There are the following forms of dizziness osteochondrosis, their symptoms and treatment vary accordingly:

  • System. The patient feels that his body or the space in front of the eyes move in a circle. Sometimes itthe condition is described as a rotation within the head;
  • Non-system. The patient leaves the earth from under feet, it feels like he's falling;
  • Complex. Combines the feeling of failure and rotation.

There were also two types of attacks depending on the causes:

  • Angiospasticescoy-reflex type. The strained vessels on the inside of the vertebrae provoke a systematic and comprehensive form of vertigo. Pale or red face, patient sick. The noise heard in the ears, there is excessive sweating;
  • Compression-irritative type. The bloodstream pinched, and the patient has non-systemic or integrated dizziness that is exacerbated by head movements. Much worse hearing.

Only doctor is able to understand why getting dizzy. Dizzy patients for a variety of reasons.

kakie simptomy soprovozhdaut golovokruzheniya


When dizzy with cervical osteochondrosis, treatment of the seizures themselves do a good job medically prescribed medications. But the question is how to get rid of vertigo with cervical osteochondrosis in your case is not a priority. You must troubleshoot to find the source of dizziness, and then draw conclusions on how to remove it.

Deciding how to relieve the symptoms and to treat dizziness osteochondrosis, the doctor will take into account the patient's age, disease and many other factors.


Medications prescribed from degenerative disc disease and dizziness when it should:

  • To reduce compression of the spinal cord and the arteries in the spine;
  • To normalize the muscles of the neck.

To attacks are gone, but the vessel did not experience the pressure, the doctor will prescribe painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NPS). It can be analgin, ibuprofen, diclofenac.

Be sure to read: drug treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease.

Miorelaksirutee funds can be used to reduce muscle spasms. It is in excessive pressure cause compression of vessels and nerves. The muscle relaxants may be assigned midokalm, Cinnarizine or threnal.


Is also appointed vitamins. They activate the immune system, strengthen bones deformed, do not allow the appearance of osteophytes (bone spurs). Requires, first of all vitamins of group B. They improve the nerve regeneration and accelerate their metabolism, and provide a mild analgesic effect.

  • B12 improves the metabolic processes;
  • B6 accelerates the regeneration of tissues;
  • B2 strengthens cartilage, making them more elastic;
  • B1 activates the immune system, beneficial effects on the nerves.

Usual askorbinki improve the regeneration of tissues, and vitamin E slows the aging of cells.

vitaminy dlya lecheniya osteohondroza

Physical therapy

Performing gymnastic exercises, you will improve blood circulation and metabolism, strengthen bones and increase muscle tone. Physical therapy not only helps to cope with the disease but also prevents its recurrence. The main feature of the exercises with osteochondrosis of the cervical region is not to rotate the neck. It may further compress the blood vessels and nerves.

Move slowly and smoothly. Do not do exercises during acute or, especially, themselves attacks.

The most accessible exercises:

  • Sit on a chair, straighten your back. Alternately move your head left-right, backward-forward;
  • Lying on stomach, lift head slightly and hold in this position. If there is no pain, gently rotate the head in different directions.


The therapist must only be careful and smooth movements, avoiding pain. Massage will relieve pain and muscle spasms, improve blood circulation. How to do self-massage to combat the dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis? Just knead the painful area with your hands. Before the procedure and after it complete the stroking. All movements are performed in a circle.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy in osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae will relieve pain, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the vertebral column. But the main thing – it is a good way to deal with inflammation and swelling, which tend to compress nerves and blood vessels. A strong impact on a given area will provide treatments such as:

  • The effects of magnetic fields;
  • Electrophoresis with analgesics or NPCs;
  • UV treatment;
  • Treatmentlaser;
  • Ultrasound.

Popular recipes

Can folk medicine to help deal with the problem of dizziness? Yes, to ease the symptoms you can use the following traditional recipes:

  • A tablespoon of animal fat and juice mix hop cones, used as an ointment.
  • Make a mixture of aloe, radish, half a Cup of honey and a couple tablespoons of vodka. Take on an empty stomach.
  • Mix grated potatoes and honey, put them in cheesecloth. Applied to the diseased region. Repeat after six days.
  • To bake a rye cake and apply as a compress while they are still hot, but not burn the skin.

See also: orthopedic pillow with cervical osteochondrosis.

narodnye metody lecheniya shejnogo osteohondroza

During pregnancy

Osteochondrosis is a frequent and unwelcome visitor during pregnancy. The spine is experiencing unusually heavy loads and deformed. Conventional medication is not tolerated here. Of course, the woman in the situation should consult with their doctor before taking any painkillers.

Pregnant women are assigned only drugs acceptable for the treatment of newborns. The most frequently used acetaminophen – at the same time it relieves pain and inflammation.

osteohondroz pri beremennosti


Dizziness, osteochondrosis of the cervical it is better to prevent than later to try to remove the symptoms. The following prevention methods will help you to solve the problem how to treat vertigo with cervical osteochondrosis:

  • The rejection of bad habits. Smoking causes vasospasm, and the alcohol makes the blood thicker, which leads to many cardiovascular diseases;
  • A departure from the heavy physical exertion. Sports records and permanent muscle tension, heavy household work worsen the condition of your vertebrae;
  • Therapeutic gymnastics. Light physical activity, swimming or muscle stretching will help you to keep the condition back in shape;
  • The weight loss and the right diet. Accumulating extra pounds, you increase the daily load on the spine, increasing the risk of developing cervical degenerative disc disease and dizziness.