Home / Osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine / Heart pain in osteochondrosis symptoms, how to recognize and treat

Heart pain in osteochondrosis symptoms, how to recognize and treat

If there is pain in the heart at osteoarthritis symptoms it's important to recognize and begin treatment. Sedentary sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, availability of transport, lack of time for sports has led to the fact that low back pain is a plague not only the elderly but also the younger generation. The pain occurs in the lumbar spine, the neck, between the shoulder blades. Pain in osteochondrosis threatens to cause discomfort, until the acute attacks of the heart.

This is probably osteochondrosis gives a heavy heart. How to distinguish heart pain from osteoarthritis, and true to heart diseases than can threaten symptom and how to get rid of it?

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Causes of pain in the heart

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, occurs when the displacement and deformation of the intervertebral discs, thinning of cartilage, disruption or irritation of the nerve, muscle tension, poor circulation and as a result, the pain is in a particularly vulnerable place. This is a common situation when doctors treat the patients with complaints of heart pain, but cardiac diagnostic methods indicate normal cardiac performance. Should visit a neurologist and do a magnetic resonance or computed tomography of the spine. Most likely, the following diagnosis – low back pain, and he gives to the heart.

The spine performs the support, movement, protective, shock-absorbing function in the back, a huge number of nerve endings relating to all organs. Not surprisingly, injuries to the spinal division, hernias, pinched nerves affect the health of the body.

Low back pain affects the thoracic second thoracic vertebra, which is directly related to the heart, here – aches and palpitations. There are two types of functional disorders of heart:

  • Due to the displacement of the blood vessels as a result of displacement of the vertebrae in the heart receives insufficient amount of blood (provides tachycardia and arrhythmia);
  • Reflected pain, when sick maybe in the shoulder or the thoracic and give to the heart (a kind of pain echo).

It is important to understand that the pain in the heart region indicates problems with health. Therefore, take some medicine and hope that goes away is not an intelligent solution. If you have not encountered such, you should immediately consult a cardiologist who will test you for natural, "primary" disease of the heart, and if not, then sent for further examination.

If you know that, alas, are the owner of osteochondrosis, when the occurrence of cardiac pain in osteochondrosis of the thoracic you will find it a disease of the heart or pain associated with the disease.

The signs of heart pain from osteoarthritis

Heart pain in osteochondrosis is called false. Though this kind of pain, do not endanger the health of the heart, but, nevertheless, can cause the development of dangerous diseases.

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Cardiac pain syndrome accompany the following symptoms:

  • To localize heart pain she felt in the back, neck, lower back, shoulders;
  • The patient worries burning sensation in the chest, aching ribs;
  • Pain volatile in nature: there is acute and growing paroxysmal or occurs gradually flows "nouse" and doesn't let go for a long period;
  • Heart pain in osteochondrosis aggravated during stress on the spine, bad posture, sitting too long in one position and even when moving;
  • Sometimes there is numbness and decreased temperature of extremities, tingling of fingers, weakness in the arms and legs;
  • ECG, cholesterol levels in the blood, auscultation – all normal;
  • Pill Valokordin, Validol, Corvalol, Nitroglycerin does not bring relief, but painkillers help;
  • In the chest feel the heat, possible sudden changes in temperature and complaints of stuffiness and heat;
  • The pain disappears and returns after a while.

The above characteristics create a common understanding of how the heart hurts at osteochondrosis. But to drill down and assign the necessary treatment regimens should undergo a complete specialized diagnosis.

How dangerous osteochondrosis of the thoracic?

Low back pain and heart often used together in the same sentence as inseparable concepts. The doctor points out the close relationship between the spine and the occurrence of heart diseases:arrhythmia, tachycardia, arrhythmia.

Osteochondrosis is accompanied by the pinching or squeezing of blood vessels. "Channels" by which the heart drives the blood, narrowing. So the bodies were still enough blood, the heart has to work more dynamically, the frequency of contractions increases. This leads to slow blood circulation and high blood pressure. Hence the influence of osteochondrosis on the heart.

To determine osteohondroznye tachycardia by the following characteristics:

  • Rapid rhythm occurs when stress and a state of rest, i.e. of a perennial nature;
  • Sinus rhythm was not altered: between shots are equal, the rhythm smooth;
  • Possible fevers, complaints of stuffiness;
  • After elimination of the main causes of low back pain – the heartbeat automatically comes to normal.

Heart pain in osteochondrosis and tachycardia main symptoms of the disease, but not the only one. Tachycardia faces the next stage arrhythmia or extrasystoles, which are transformed into hypoxia. And this is a serious disease.

Osteohondroz i serdce

As a result of violation of the circulatory system, interruptions in the heart, irregular blood flow tissues, organs, the brain does not receive nutrition, oxygen starvation occurs. It is accompanied by dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, pallor, increased heart rate, feeling suffocated, etc. From the cardiac muscle directly affects the speed of thought, memory, reaction, orientation, mental state. So hypoxia is fraught with consequences.

In an attempt to increase the pressure of the organism dooms itself to other disease – atherosclerosis. There is a modification of vessels, the blood thickens and does not carry nutrients. The result is loss of memory, hearing problems and vision.

Interruptions in the work of the heart also causes the degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine. Due to the impact of the adrenal glands is the secretion of large amounts of catecholamines, provoking a spasm of vessels and subsequent blood pressure. In the organism everything is interconnected, so don't be surprised when osteochondrosis heart. To the pain you felt in the heart area with osteochondrosis, not passed into the chronic and leads to serious diseases in the body, you should immediately carry out appropriate treatment.

How to eliminate pain

After diagnosis of the disease need to ask the doctor a detailed treatment plan, which may include medical intervention, physiotherapy, and homeopathy, and other ways to get rid of the disease. Therapy aimed at eradicating the causes of the complaints of the patient (i.e. osteochondrosis) and parallel to the removal of inflammation and pain (i.e., relief from physical and emotional condition).

The main methods of treatment include the following:

  • Prescribed bed rest until complete removal of acute pain syndrome. Make the patient warmer, compresses, and if severe pain is allowed sprinkling the area with lidocaine;
  • To eliminate the pain in the heart area prescribed steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and antispasmodic agents. But they are abused is not advised because of the absorbability and the negative impact on gastrointestinal tract and other side effects;
  • In addition to oral drugs prescribed several ointments, gels and oils that can relieve the pain. Effective are those which include turpentine, snake venom, tea tree oil, bee poison – substances with a warming effect, causing a dilation of the blood vessels, removal of spasm and inflammation and dim the pain;
  • Drug treatment involve administration of neuroprotective drugs for normal blood circulation, reducing agents (chondroprotectors), vasodilator, diuretics;
  • Physical therapy is a common adjuvant of low back pain and pain in my heart. With the current faster, the regenerated tissue;
  • Manual therapy is advanced acupressure, aimed directly at the spine and paravertebral tissue. It occurs in stages, intended to warm up, relax the body, strengthen a muscular corset, correct posture. Involves the manipulation of the doctor and exercises for the patient, the procedure of stretching the spine under its own weight;
  • Acupuncture (acupuncture) – this technique came to us from the East, connected with the movement of energy in the human body and the effects on the specific point, which is the center of concentration of energy. This alternative medicine is considered to be popular and effective, able to relieve heart pain in osteochondrosis and heal body and soul;
  • In the subacute period arespecial exercises, access to the pool, to evenly load the spine, training the back to build strong muscles;
  • The relaxing and warming effect have baths with sea salt, bischofite and aromatic essential oils. They will help to relieve tension and soothe aching pain in the heart. Baths have long and not hot, but nice warm water;
  • Diet is important in getting rid of back problems and, consequently, interruptions in heart work. Extra weight creates pressure on the lumbar and other departments, so that the friction of the intervertebral discs increases. In addition, obesity leads to a sedentary lifestyle that also affects the health of the back. Less fatty, sweet, salty, spicy and body will thank you.

Osteohondroz i boli v serdce

Treatment of osteochondrosis and pain in my heart

You cannot select for the primary treatment of one problem – heart or low back pain. Treatment of degenerative disc disease must be comprehensive. If you only use ointments or set shots, lasting results do not expect. Even if we manage to remove the symptoms, the cause remains untreated, the pain will come back.Errors in the treatment of osteoarthritis

With cardialgia trifled with, so we can not delay the treatment of the appearance of the slightest symptoms of a problem with the heart or the organs associated with him closely.

And in any case, avoid the following errors:

  • Self-medication is dangerous. If osteochondrosis is giving to the heart, it is only to read the article online illegally buy drugs and start to be treated is fraught at best zero-sum, and at worst – inflicting self-harm;
  • It is especially dangerous to self-straighten the wheels. If it is cervical, then there are major vessels and nerves, a pinched which can lead to temporary inability to rotate the head and to irreversible consequences;
  • Visiting the baths or saunas are not always beneficial to the body. In the acute period as a result of overheating of the body may be swelling of the intervertebral discs, pinched nerves and increased pain;
  • Regular massage will not bring the desired results because it has a superficial effect and sent to work with muscle tissue and not the spine. The relaxing effect is guaranteed, but healing from degenerative disc disease is not going to help;
  • Specialist-a chiropractor and acupuncturist must have a medical education, otherwise they can do more harm and aggravate the disease. Please specify, can he confirm the qualifications of diplomas, certificates, etc.

The spine is the Foundation of the body and maintaining its health is necessary for functioning of the whole body, a full and free life. Eat right, lead an active lifestyle, exercise regularly massage courses, keep your posture and then you won't bother the patient the spine, the heartbeat of osteochondrosis and similar problems.