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Lump on back under skin the types, diagnosis, therapy

A bump appeared on the back is considered cause for immediate doctor visit. Often the bumps that arose on her back under the skin found by chance and require vigilant monitoring by specialists. Sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, bad habits, age-related changes in the body in one way or another affect the condition. It is therefore important to prevent the disease and time to get rid of it. On the basis of practice, experts distinguish 4 basic types of seals.

SHishka na spine


Subcutaneous lipoma is benign tumor formed from fat cells of the patient. In the everyday environment of tumors called Wens. To the touch it is soft, movable and not causing pain tissue. Lump on back near spine increases in size for several weeks and even months. Not a particular risk, but there are occasions when the lipoma has reached a substantial volume.

Reasons are:

  • The failure of metabolism;
  • High level of toxins in the body;
  • Recent trauma to the back and spine.

Statistics indicate that this pathology is more common for men after 40 years. Among women is extremely rare.

When identifying the disease, you should consult a specialist for more accurate diagnosis and enucleation of the tumor from the body.


Sebaceous cyst – a cyst sebaceous glands secretion. When the sebaceous duct is not functioning properly, in his region there is an abundant accumulation of purulent fluid, which formed a lump on the back near the spine. The hallmark of atheroma is considered to be a painful syndrome, often accompanied by high body temperature of the patient. Its structure is dense with sharp outlines lump, the size of which can be pea-sized or in the advanced stage of the egg.


On palpation soft and movable education. There are two stages of:

  1. The primary stage is characterized by rapid diagnosis and immediate treatment;
  2. The secondary or advanced stage develops with the appearance of other diseases under the skin on the back, slowing the healing process. Perhaps the appearance of bumps on other parts of the body of the patient.


Hemangioma is a large concentration of blood vessels, which can increase significantly in a short period of time. By its nature, is destructive and injures the surrounding tissue.


Lump on back near spine can pass on their own. That is why in the old days specialists were watchful waiting, and delay surgical intervention. But following modern statistics, surgeons strive as soon as possible to begin treatment when identifying the first signs of disease.


As a result of strong physical activity can occur migeles on the vertebrae. Untrained back muscles the average person is not capable of withstanding heavy loads through the exercise of power. The disease is peculiar to aspiring athletes. To get rid of the disease should reduce the time training and to reduce stress on the back.

Following the recommendations of the therapist include: the massage qualified, the sessions of electrophoresis, regular swimming and other physical treatments can reduce the bumps on the spine.

Routine diagnosis

In recent years, patients are increasingly turning to specialists is quite complex and ambiguous problem – a bump on the back. The appearance of tumor in the spinal area delivers not only anxiety but also pain, bringing discomfort.

Planovaya diagnostika

The problem should not fight alone. You should immediately see a doctor for accurate diagnosis and diagnosis. Speaking about the size of the tumor, there are no precise figures. Possible as a minor education and a large bump on the spine. Palpation is able to determine the hard or soft nature of the tumor. And whenpressing pain syndrome worsens or disappears.

The main reasons are:

  • The failure of the sebaceous glands. This reason is the most common. Bump, in this case, is a kind of pouch with fat secret, which gives the unpleasant sensation of pain. Disturbance of lipid balance can occur due to hormonal failure, or inborn heredity of the patient. If damaged hair follicles also there is a glitch in the system (squeezing the acne, a cut, a bruise).
  • Low back pain. One of the most common diseases, the consequence of which could be the emergence of tumors. In such cases the patient complains of fatigue and daily accompanies the fatigue. The burden is on the spine and lower limbs.
  • A hereditary disease. As the most common is Gardner syndrome. In this congenital syndrome observed different kinds of tumors in the back.

Therapy in identifying cones

In order to get the right treatment, the patient should immediately seek assistance in a medical institution. Only after the examination, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe therapy.


Usually, the doctor performs the following sequence of procedures:

  1. Takes the thumb of the General and detailed analysis of the patient's blood;
  2. Takes from the veins the biochemical analysis of blood;
  3. Eliminates cancer by conducting a special test.
  4. An ultrasound examination is performed to the specific region;
  5. Assigned imaging as a complementary method for diagnosing the bumps.

Based on the obtained results, the specialist puts an accurate diagnosis, after which it will be known whether or not to remove a lump or seek the assistance of local therapy. When surgical intervention to remove the tumor completely. Compulsory plastic bone for the continued exclusion of recurrence in this area. When you assign the surgical removal of the doctors are based on the following techniques:

  • By means of the scalpel: removed a bump on the spine together with the cover;
  • Laser removal: this manipulation is important in the early stages, or for small tumors. A significant advantage is no scar.
  • Puncture: removal through painless procedure of the liquid from the bumps. Is not exactly a guarantee, as the liquid is extracted not completely.

As a rule, bumps on the back are harmless in nature, except moral discomfort. It is benign that do not bring harm to the body. But you should know that not all tumors are harmless. There are cases when a bump on the back near the spine is a sign of serious disease, including cancer. It is therefore important, as soon as possible to carry out the necessary diagnosis and undergo treatment.

In the area of risk, according to recent statistics, fall males after age 40, females in menopause. This is due to the failure of the sebaceous glands and disrupted hormonal levels.