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Lump on tailbone in men and women causes, symptoms, treatment

If you experience problems and discomfort in the pelvic area – most people (especially men) suffer from excessive shyness, despite the pain, not in a hurry to go to the doctor. If your coccyx had a lump is a serious reason to consult a specialist for help.

SHishka na kopchike

What it is

The appearance of seals in the coccyx indicates a serious congenital or acquired diseases. The tailbone is one of several interrelated bones tightly linked by cartilage tissue, which are attached to the major muscles (including the muscles of the perineum). From the proper working of this muscle group depends on the reference function (walking, bending, ability to take a sitting position). In addition, through the coccyx are the major spinal nerves is another reason to immediately turn to the surgeon, even if the pain do not bother you. Sooner or later a lump at the coccyx in men will manifest themselves in a most unpleasant way.

The lack of timely diagnosis and treatment is fraught with consequences from a simple deterioration of health or death.

Even if a bump is a consequence of ordinary injuries – the build-up can affect the entire spine. If he still begins to fester – there is a risk of blood poisoning. Such a scenario in the absence of treatment is likely to end with the death of the patient.

If a growth on the coccyx is congenital disorders (e.g., cyst), it is possible at any time of its rebirth from being benign to malignant. And its treatment will require very different capabilities. Don't put on needless experiments. Timely diagnosis will allow to determine the exact cause of the seals and to select appropriate therapy.



The sooner we can find out the cause of the bumps in the coccyx, the better. Depending on the complexity of the situation may require from one to three surveys (in descending order of probability of carrying out all three):

  • An x-ray. It usually prescribed first to reveal a possible fracture of the coccyx;
  • An ultrasound examination. Is carried out in the case that x-rays revealed no fractures or cracks;
  • MRI. Granted, if the x-rays and ultrasound did not reveal the reasons for the development of the disease. Magnetic resonance tomography allows you to explore the surrounding coccyx tissue, nerve fibers and blood vessels.

Under favorable circumstances the surgeon after the x-ray will establish the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In more complex cases, the study of the causes of a growth on the coccyx takes 1 to 3 days.


Injury of the coccyx difficult, this happens usually in the fall on the buttocks (ice, steep stairs). Immediately after the fall, the hematoma is formed, which causes pain. In mild cases it goes away by itself without additional intervention in a difficult – becomes fibrotic education, begins to fester. In the case of cracks in the coccyx after falling as frequently develops purulent abscess. When the diagnosis of a fracture of the coccyx, the surgeon with a high probability will assign it the reduction. If you have had the lightest of the above options – and the treatment is simple bed rest, pain medications, or folk remedies:

  • Application with iodine mesh slightly above the hematoma;
  • Compresses with application of clay and vinegar;
  • Rubbing oils (e.g., fir), or tar ointment;
  • Compresses of herbal infusions (calendula).


Only do not give yourself treatment for themselves, even traditional methods should be used after consultation with your doctor.

In more complex situations, he will appoint pharmacy painkillers, means for antiseptic treatment, warming. It is also possible surgical reduction or excision of part of the damaged tissues, the use of antibiotics.

A bump as a result of purulent process

As a result of the trauma and congenital anomalies – purulent processes lead to the formation of masses (tumors). Sometimes from the moment of injury until the onset of pain and discomfort in the coccyx, months or even years. It might be banal hypothermia or infection through a smallthe wound. A bump in the coccyx and may be cystic formation. The main causes of cysts:

  • The nerves passing through the tailbone, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease;
  • "sedentary" lifestyle (especially if you use very soft furnishings);
  • Trauma and injuries;
  • Wearing tight clothing (underwear, pants);
  • Ingrowing hair. This is especially so cause of the cyst occurs in men.

SHishka kak rezultat razvitiya gnojnogo processa

To treat all types of tumors most often recommended surgery, after which it is necessary for an extended period to comply with certain restrictions and to carry out simple procedures: do not sit, to reduce the load on the lumbar region to avoid heavy lifting, wash the surrounding area and to treat the place of surgical intervention with antiseptics. If during the study of the tumor revealed malignant cells additionally assigned to radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Bump as a congenital anomaly

Pilonidal sinus disease is a type of cyst that bears an innate character. Is a narrow channel (private or public) that remain from the period of embryonic development. In norm each of us in the course of fetal development are laid vestigial tail muscles, which by the time of birth disappear.

If the process of reduction, for whatever reason, has been incomplete – form a narrow tube epithelium or epithelial progress. On the skin it can manifest as small holes, which is produced by the epithelium. In case of blockage of such holes, as a result of infection or injury – there is a purulent cyst of the coccyx, is a lump.

SHishka na kopchike kak vrozhdennaya anomaliya

In addition to pain, a person comes to weakness and high fever (up to 39 degrees Celsius). Out the pus can happen out, then surgical intervention can be avoided. At the exit of pus inside (e.g. in the rectum) – a so-called fistula. In this scenario, the operation is carried out urgently.

Another less common anomaly called Presanella teratoma is an extremely rare type of tumor of a congenital nature. Most children with this pathology do not survive, the minority – develop various problems with the rectum, urethra, kidneys. Including can develop a lump at the coccyx in the form of presacral teratoma.

Diagnosis is possible by ultrasound during intrauterine development of the fetus. Maybe even remove the purulent content with perinatal puncture. If such deletion is in the womb has not been made any indications- deletion of the education is performed immediately after cesarean section.


A bump as a result of bone pathology

Osteomyelitis is a kind of outgrowth of bone, which forms a dense projection to the coccyx. Treatment often requires surgical intervention – resection of the coccyx, sequestrectomy (removal of excess bone tissue with preservation of the periosteum). In mild cases can help and conservative treatment: physical therapy, antibacterial therapy.