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The application of the ointment of degenerative disc disease of the thoracic in the home video

Ointment of degenerative disc disease of the thoracic helps to relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease, reduces the inflammatory process in the thoracic degenerative disc disease, reduces the intensity of pain, helps to prolong the period of remission. Usually experts appointed complex therapy, which involves the application of external remedies and medicines orally.


The basis of the warming ointments for osteoarthritis, such as menovazin, finalgon, we, capsicum contains the active element – bee venom, through which occurs a warming and analgesic effect. Some tools are not recommended for the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical, because they can provoke burns. All drugs for the treatment of degenerative disc disease are produced not only in the form of ointments, but in the form of gels, suppositories, injections, drops, patches.

To relieve pain during the disease development, apply local anesthetics.

With their help, there is a blocking of the lesion. One of the most effective medicines for pain and inflammation is ointment Menovazin. This tool is applied to the skin in the affected area. Thanks to him, the expansion of subcutaneous blood vessels. Due to the anesthesia. During the processing of the skin with a Menovazin appears a slight tingle or burning sensation, felt the cold.

If the medication contains ethanol, their use must be agreed with the doctor, as there may be contraindications. These medications sometimes cause irritation on the skin, so use them carefully.

The use of chondroprotectors

Ointment-chondroprotectors have a restorative effect. Thanks to them, the inhibition of degenerative processes in the joints and spine. Such medicines are successfully used for the treatment of all sections of the spinal cord. Additional properties of these drugs are that they are able to eliminate pain, restore synovial fluid, to reduce the risk of leaching of calcium in the joints. The most popular and effective of this group is ointment symptoms.

Homeopathy and holistic ointment

Complex ointments are designed in parallel to eliminate pain, reduce inflammation. These creams repair damaged tissue, promote healing of epithelium, has a bactericidal effect, to prevent the development of blood clots. Such tools include Dolobene, Vitamine. Homeopathic ointment for the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the thoracic spine to numb, to reduce inflammatory process. Aboutat their advantage is the natural composition. In addition to treatment of the disease, these ointments are designed to strengthen the immune system. Such ointments include Traumeel, Target-T, Larkspur, Bischofite.


With the help of painkillers, anti-inflammatory, homeopathic ointments, chondroprotectors can not only cure disease but also prevent its relapse.