Home / Massage for the treatment of diseases of the spine, manual therapy / How to make a back massage at home, the technique in the video

How to make a back massage at home, the technique in the video

Back massage at home – available to everyone procedure not only therapeutic but also enjoyable. Five thousand years ago, healers of ancient China began to use massage, and still is one of the most effective methods of natural medicine. It is not necessary to go through long courses or to always turn to a professional masseur. To learn how to perform simple massage techniques you can quickly and with minimum effort. Close people will be very happy with your new skills.

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General guidelines

The main rule, which in any case can not be broken – the spine itself can not be massaged. Do not RUB, and certainly not on him. Massage to the area around the spine, not the spine. Push and use force, rather than the back in the kidney area and between the shoulder blades. Appropriate here only soft, the soothing movement of the masseuse.

Traditionally, the massage includes the following techniques: rubbing, stroking, pinching and kneading. The neck region is necessary to grind and mash a stronger motion than the thoracic and lumbosacral. Exactly the neck and shoulder Department are under the greatest load.

The Golden rule of massage – to listen to the feelings of a man who undergoes a medical procedure. You need to make the massage as comfortable for the patient, with one condition – do not disturb contraindications.

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Benefits of back massage?

  • Improves blood circulation that helps to treat cardiovascular problems;
  • Cells and tissues to receive nutrients;
  • Goes spasm of the spinal muscles;
  • Are new capillaries and revive contains the oxygen the cells;
  • Comes to normal blood pressure;
  • Disappear stress and tension.

Performing a back massage at home, do not forget that even sparing techniques may have contraindications:

  • Dermatological infection;
  • Fungal disease;
  • Vascular pathology;
  • Injury;
  • Heat or fever;
  • Effects of alcohol and other drugs;
  • Problems with blood pressure;
  • Kidney failure or the liver;
  • Allergies, swelling;
  • Oncology;
  • STD.

How to prepare

Before the massage, thoroughly wash hands. The palm should be lubricated with special oil so that they could slip on the skin of the patient. Apply oil on your hands and slightly RUB them with each other. This will provide pleasant for human skin temperature.

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Have the patient take a comfortable position, which will be able to fully relax. There are two most popular massage posture.

  • Horizontal on the abdomen. The upper limb along the body and are palms up. Head on one side, preferably in the direction of a specialist. The surface is better to choose solid. Muscles should be as relaxed.
  • The patient sits on a chair facing the backrest. Hands in a relaxed position on the back and head rests on them. Under the head you can put a pillow to feel more comfortable.

The spine has three divisions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. The neck begins at the back of the head, the top ends of the blades. Chest – from shoulder blades to bottom edge. Lumbosacral – lower ribs to the coccyx. Any technique first used in the area of the belt, and then moving to the neck. Cervical always pay special attention and caution. A massage session usually lasts from half an hour to forty minutes.

A good massage therapist should always feel when his hands are healthy, and when more or less the problem area. Do not worry if at the beginning of practice you will be bad to feel the human body – over time it will come.

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What techniques to apply

All massage techniques should be performed, considering the flow of lymph from the lumbar region to the groin, from the bottom of the breast to axillary hollows, from top of breast to the lymph nodes above the collarbone.


The session is almost any massage beginswith the pats. It should remove the overall tension from the muscles and nerve endings, to prepare your body for a stronger impact. During these movements the specialist hands along and across the entire palm and circle in the center of the blades. It is permissible to combine a weak, barely perceptible movements from the bottom upwards with a stronger top-down. Massaging the lateral surface of the hands as if grasping them. To finish the session well worth it, patting his back – it calms the nerves and returns the body to normal.


This technique is performed slowly and in the direction of the lymph flow. The feature of squeezing – in a rather profound impact. To enhance the effect of the squeezing is applied with the weights, one hand placed on another, and handles turns long, and then the widest back muscles.


Next, begin to RUB the back muscles. Doing a technique move from the side to the center, to the ridge. Focus on the cervical spine and shoulder girdle. During the reception, we move the skin, affecting muscles. Long the muscles start to pound with the sacral region. Moving along the semicircle, working on the area of the spinous processes of the way up the neck. Reaching the back of the head, start the same way back to the sacrum. Repeat the process five or six times.

The broadest muscle of "sawing" with both hands, their ulnar surface. We start, as always, with lumbar. Allowed to execute techniques with the fingers spread, it will make the movement more gentle.

Boca are working on the radial side of the hand, moving from the pelvic bone to the underarm. Reaching the area between the ribs and rubs from the spine to the side. Fingers extended palm, like the rake much are the intervals between the ribs.

Paying attention to the inner edge of the blades, the hands are massaged put behind your back, pointing your elbows down. At the same time slightly raise the upper side of the shoulder and the other rubs. Between scapular and spine better to use the most gentle version of the rubbing – fingers only. Using brushing, we gradually eliminate accumulation, swelling, and muscle spasms.


Then both palms will warm up the back, for back used smooth movements from the center to the side. The left and right massaging separately, take turns flexing each side. To enhance the effect, one hand can be put on another. We must start with the long muscles. Mash one of the following:

  • With one thumb. He presses the muscles to the bones and produces a circular motion;
  • With both hands. Moving will take turns with your thumbs on both sides of the back;
  • The pads of all fingers except the thumb, producing a circular motion;
  • All phalanges of the palm, also moving in a circle.

Having worked long muscles, go to the widest. Move from the Ilium to the armpits. Grip muscles, slightly pulling it and moving in this position, again in a circle. Flexing muscles scapular region, place one hand under the shoulder joint and slightly lift it up. Knead in a circle all surfaces of the joint. The technique of kneading improves circulation, helps cells and tissues to get rid of the accumulated metabolic products.

Kill all flying and vibration

Use the palm of your hand, clapping along on the back of the patient without affecting the bones and the unprotected internal organs. Hands should be at this point to act like a spring, quickly, but without pain. This technique of back massage in the home are made with the fingertips. They move from the lumbar region to the neck. The appointment is aimed at relieving muscle spasm and normalization of metabolism. Improves blood circulation and the ability of muscles to contract.

Massage cervical region

How to make a competent massage in this area? A common problem here is salt accumulation. If the patient can put such a diagnosis, use the following pattern: deep enough working on the scapular, developed shoulder girdle and neck. Any exposure to begin stroking. Then vigorously rubs intensively and mash. Concluding the session, performed vibration, stroking.

Stroking, covers are straight movements across. Then move in circles and zigzags whole hand, palm edge, with your fingertips. Rubbing, of "sawing" or put your fingers and "scratching" the desired area. It is also possible to grind with his fists, realizing the pressure of the base of the palm or with your thumbs. With great care you can pin down the area of the elbows.

Use the squeeze technique with the ribs of the palm. This technique in the cervical region to carry out quite difficult because of the small area, so squeeze with your fingertips.

The shoulder girdle is one of the most problematic areas, so movement must be deep, but slow and smooth. Work muscles that are attached directly tovertebrae. After working the area completely, follow the quick vibration of a beating. All the techniques you need to use five to seven times in a row.

The state of the cervical region of the back will improve after three or four treatments, even the first two times the patient may experience some discomfort. Increases mobility of the ridge, lost the feeling of heaviness in the shoulders, normal sleep.