Home / Massage for the treatment of diseases of the spine, manual therapy / Honey back massage: at home, osteochondrosis, video

Honey back massage: at home, osteochondrosis, video

Back massage with honey is one of the types of therapy in the treatment of various diseases. Massage has an effective influence on the condition of the body and honey has healing properties, which multiply the benefits of the procedure. Testimony to the appointment of a back massage are numerous, and the list of contraindications is short enough. To practice this method began in ancient times, and modern medical science has confirmed its benefits.

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Use of the procedure

Area beneficial effects of honey on human body is wide enough, and if you take into account the number of methods of massage, the range of useful properties will increase several times. Honey can be quickly absorbed into the skin, passing it its healing elements. When injected into the bloodstream, they spread throughout the body and begin to participate in the exchange processes.

The composition of honey contains many beneficial bacteria and vitamins. The human body does not have to make any special efforts to learn – this job have done bees. From the results of clinical trials revealed that the composition of honey and blood plasma are similar, which leads to rapid absorption.

Massage action aimed at improving the processes of circulation of blood, enhancing flow of blood and lymph in the affected area.

Aktiviziruyutsya reflex processes that ensures a positive impact and improves the functioning of internal organs.

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In addition, honey back massage has a number of useful special properties:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the skin. This is due to a lot useful to epithelial elements in its composition;
  • Honey is able to extract from the subcutaneous tissue toxins and other harmful substances;
  • The use of honey rubbing has a positive effect on the condition of the joints. If you carry out the procedure of massage, regularly, there is a chance on getting rid of symptoms of osteoarthritis;
  • Honey improves the condition of the nervous system, relieves sleep problems;
  • There is improvement in the ventilation of the bronchi and lungs, better circulation of blood in the tissues of the lung, chronic cough disappearing.


Honey therapy is indicated for such ailments as:

  • Neurological problems – headaches, sciatica, sciatica and others;
  • Therapeutic disease – flu, problems in the functioning of internal organs, lowered immunity, arthritis;
  • Cardiovascular disease;
  • Problems in psychology – stress, depression, emotional exhaustion;
  • Correction of the body – losing weight, getting rid of cellulite.

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Unfortunately, even such a useful substance, as honey has a number of contraindications to use. Do honey massage is not recommended in the following cases:

  • Disease cancer;
  • The presence of fungal diseases of the skin;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Disruption of the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • Heart failure.

Another popular reason of the failure of a back massage allergic reaction. Before you begin the massage, you must check your body to the presence of such allergies. To do this, spread a small area of the skin with honey and watch the reaction.

Another nuance, which can be considered as contraindications, is the abundance of hair on the back in men. The honey sticks to the hair and massage becomes a very painful event.


Each type of back massage is useful for the human body. However, the correct technique allows you to increase efficiency. For this you need to know what techniques need to be applied, producing the massage with honey from osteoarthritis.

To begin to see General massage rules, which should adhere to to ensure a positiveresult and eliminate the possibility of harm on the human body:

  • Massaging should not be too strong and fast. If the patient feels pain, it can become a danger to his health;
  • The movement should be soft and neat. Need to make actions in the direction of the lymph paths;
  • Not worth actively to massage the spine and lymph nodes.

To perform a back massage with honey will need additional skills and knowledge. Before you start massaging to warm up the back with light movements. Then the skin on the back cause honey. For the best actions you can add few drops of essential oil (about five drops to a teaspoon). Next, the honey is gently rubbed into the skin.

It should be noted that overdose of essential oils could cause skin burns. Over time honey becomes thicker, it depends on its grade. After the thickening starts the main process, it is a smooth variable applying the hands to the back of their slow separation from its surface. Movement can be fast with a gradual slow down – it all depends on the feelings of a person.

The procedure lasts about fifteen minutes until honey is not absorbed into the skin completely.

General guidelines

Back massage with honey will not have any harm if performed correctly. It is best that the sessions were conducted by a qualified technician.

You must consult with your doctor to identify all possible contraindications and to determine the appropriateness of massage.

If massage is part of a holistic treatment of illnesses, it will be possible to achieve complete healing. Try to use fresh honey that has not started to sugar. Honey must not contain in its composition of chemical additives and flavorings.

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Performing honey massage helps to improve the condition of muscles and joints. If you have no specific indications, it is possible to carry out the procedure in order to prevention and improving health in General. After a few sessions, you will feel relieved in the spine.