Home / Massage for the treatment of diseases of the spine, manual therapy / Classic back massage: technique, video, contraindications

Classic back massage: technique, video, contraindications

Sometimes after a hard week and want to relax, and back massage can help to fully relax overworked muscles, to relieve the brain. And most importantly – this procedure can prevent many chronic diseases plaguing office workers and other sedentary occupations.

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Technique and rules

Classic back massage is the stretching and massaging all of the vertebrae and back muscles with his hands. Technique classic version is very simple – look for the desired muscle/tendon/bone and mash gently stroking or pressing movements. There are a few simple rules that must be followed so that the procedure does not cause discomfort and pain:

  • Before beginning the massage it is better to thoroughly wash your hands then moisturize them with cream or oil. So, you will be able to provide the best slide and don't cause pain while massaging sensitive areas;
  • The massage begins with the sacral bones, and then mash all the remaining areas – lower back, shoulders, upper arms, etc;
  • Massage should begin with a careful translational motions. You pre-stretch all the muscles, preparing them for further "Executions";
  • The massage should begin and end gently. The force of pressure should subside by the end of the procedure.

How to do the actual procedure itself? The technique is extremely simple, takes place in several stages:

  1. Preparatory. Moist hands, etc.
  2. Stroking. At this stage, the muscles are prepared for further clicks, they knead and stretch, not to pinch the nerves.
  3. The main phase. Pinching, pressing, patting, point impact. All, so that each neural node has received its share of exposure.
  4. The end. Similar to the stage of stroking. In order to relieve tension and irritation, the force of taps and taps save.

The back

The beginning of the massage should always be from the neck area, because there are major nerve centers which can be pinched due to a sedentary lifestyle. Then move on to the trapezius muscles. Most often they are under strain because of the constant posture.

And only after it was well mashed these two zones, you go to the massage to the spine gradually down to the waist.

Note: remember, in any case can not do reflexology on the following areas:

  • Spine. Because you run the risk of slipping vertebra, or worse still pinch the nerve.
  • Lumbar. As in the relaxed condition the lower back consists of many small muscle groups, there is a risk of damage or to catch one of them. As a result, a trip to the doctor in mind ripped back in the future.

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priemy massazha spiny

For women and men

Male and female back massage should not differ, except for some major details. In particular, the male back is made up of more toned and thick muscles. It was therefore necessary to make great efforts in order to successfully stretch every nerve bundle.

And in the case of women's massage, it is important to consider that more attention should be paid to the kidneys and the lower back area, in view of the physiological characteristics of the reproductive system, it is important to do additional actions in the right areas.

Indications and contraindications

A back massage is not only pleasant pastime and a way to relax, but also prevention and treatment. In particular it is prescribed for:

  • The complaints of man on a constant aching pain in the lumbar region;
  • Sedentary lifestyle, to prevent kyphosis, scoliosis and other diseases of the back;
  • Hyperexcitability. Due to the impact on the basic ganglia, a person can relax and recover after a hard week.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome caused by the constant strain of the back.
  • Decrease in immunity. It would seem as massaging the back helps to restore the immune system? It's very simple. In this case, the body falls intoa stressful situation without external influence, allowing you to optimize power.
  • Muscle hypotonia caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Massage helps restore muscle tone, and to prepare them for long workouts. As you know, this is the method used for the treatment of elevated levels of catabolic in the blood.

With regard to contraindications to this procedure, then there are 2 cases:

  1. Open injuries of tendons, muscles and nerves on the back.
  2. Global kidney problems.

In all other cases, a back massage as a preventative measure can be administered to people at any age. Even for osteoporosis and osteochondrosis back massage – a factor which helps to return a person strength and remove pain syndromes.

Also known cases where the use of classical back massage, helping athletes in the rehabilitation period.

Classic back massage is a great way to relax and get the maximum use and enjoyment, it would seem, from a simple procedure. It helps to stretch the muscles that harden at work. Massage is a good prevention for many diseases. And most importantly – it's nice.

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A description of this procedure can be found in earlier records, the experience of many generations can't be wrong. It really helps.