Home / Massage for the treatment of diseases of the spine, manual therapy / Benefits of back massage for the body in osteochondrosis, scoliosis

Benefits of back massage for the body in osteochondrosis, scoliosis

The benefits of massage for human health is obvious. Therapeutic massage is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases of the musculoskeletal apparatus and even internal organs. In the preventive purposes the massage is performed to relax the muscles, relieving tension, calm the nervous system.

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Effect on the body

The procedure recommended in the following cases:

  • Rehabilitation after surgeries and injuries;
  • Recovery of immunity;
  • Stiffness, back pain;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Load-mental, physical;
  • Loss of vitality;
  • Insomnia;
  • Diseases of the spine.

The back massage is of great benefit to the health of the whole organism. Effective mechanism for the destruction of harmful and useless substances which are accumulated in tissues and for some reason not displayed.

Massage is a great tool to relieve stress and calm the nervous system.

Drug therapy of stress does not give such a stable result, which gives massage after the first session. People associated with mental activity, leading a sedentary lifestyle, often there is a chronic fatigue syndrome. The use of massage in addressing this issue. A few minutes spent with a massage, restore the loss of overall body tone, which is the result of mental stress. After visiting the specialist, traces of fatigue disappear completely and permanently disappear.

Frequent colds reduced immunity. During the procedure, breathing is improved, becomes deeper, blood vessels expand. Normal movement of blood, the brain begins to receive enough oxygen, protective forces are restored, health is strengthened.

Massage is useful, is one of the methods of conservative treatment of any degree of spinal curvature.

Osteochondrosis massage helps to restore the intervertebral disks to their previous state, lead to the relaxation of muscles. The main goal of the procedure is to remove the stiffness that blocks the inflammatory process. The pain may be very strong, the person becomes nervous, irritable. After the procedure the inflammation in the affected area takes place, it is possible to normalize sleep.

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The back massage is good for muscle tissue. The result is the muscles regain their flexibility and elasticity. The sessions help to improve the work of the entire musculoskeletal system. Improves the state of organs and posture.

Positive effect of massage effect on cleansing and moisturizing of the skin.

After the procedure improves the function of kidneys, glands, regeneration processes occur faster. From the body well derived salts, slags, toxins. Effective in particles and saturated with oxygen. The massage improves metabolism, the body is purified, it helps to fat burning and weight loss, improves muscle tone.

The procedure has a positive effect on hormones:

  • In a large number release more oxytocin, which is responsible for good health;
  • Increases the appearance of endorphins, responsible for feelings of joy;
  • Decreases the amount of cortisol which affects stress.

Thus, the effect of massage positively affects all body systems.


Back massage, in the presence of certain factors that could cause harm:

  • The session is not advised for OST the inflammation. Massage warms the body, which increases the risk of complications. While the disease progresses, the procedure can not be carried out.
  • If the skin is a wound, you have to be careful, injuries can get infected.
  • Affecting nervous system, raznae massage techniques, calms down or excites her. Person with mental disorders should not use the procedure.
  • People suffering from hypertension and heart disease can't hold a conversation – this can cause a stroke.

The recommendations should give the doctor for each patient individually. Sometimes assigneda specific massage for the heart attack to restore the integrity of the system.


Massage should be relaxed state of the patient. The most comfortable position lying on his stomach. The head can be positioned in any position so that the cervical muscles were relaxed. Before the massage specialist finds out information about the presence of chronic diseases and other factors which determine the health status of the person.

The return of the lost balance, giving the desired muscle tone throughout the body is the main feature of the back massage.

The success of the application, without adverse effects and complications, depends on compliance with the rules established regarding the number and frequency of treatments:

  • The optimal session time of 30-40 minutes, should visit the city every day without missing procedures. Adhere to the frequency of visits needed to the disappearance of pain and improvement of General well-being;
  • Preventive, relaxing, Wellness massage is used 1-2 times a week or as needed;
  • For prolonged results, use the course sessions, lasting ten days. After the break, if necessary, repeat the course.

Sessions should not be accompanied by unpleasant sensations and discomfort. If you experience any pain, the procedure is canceled, to determine the cause. Competent, the correct approach is not harmful.