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Rehabilitation after surgery to remove an intervertebral hernia

Surgery for herniated disks is assigned very rarely and such a conclusion speaks of a special degree of gravity of pathology. The probability of success is quite high but not guaranteed. It is important to understand that in addition to the operation itself, there is also the rehabilitation after removal of intervertebral hernia, to neglect which is to nullify all the efforts of the surgeons.

reabilitaciya posle operacii po udaleniu mezhpozvonkovoj gryzhi

Any rehabilitation after removal of a herniated disc helps a person to gradually adapt your body to that way of life in which will not have recurrence of the disease. Remember that recovery is highly individual and must be able to analyze your condition, to listen to the advice of doctors and not to rush.

What is a rehabilitation period?

The main feature is individual for each patient, the duration of which is determined by the type of operation (for gross methods with fused vertebrae, up to the year), age category of the patient and size of a herniated disc. In a period that occurs after removal of intervertebral hernia, it is important to provide care for the patient such specialists:

  • The doctor who treated the patient before surgery;
  • The doctor who performed the procedure;
  • Doctor who specializiruetsya on postoperative rehabilitation.

The main goal to achieve which helps proper recovery after the surgery:

  • The development of the correct muscles and posture;
  • The restructuring of lifestyle under the new height of the spine (reduction due to removal of the disc during discectomy);
  • Prevention of recurrence of pathology;
  • The elimination of pain and return to normal functioning.

chto predstavlyaet soboj vosstanovitelnyj period

The stages of rehabilitation

Any rehabilitation after surgeries to remove intervertebral hernia lasts for the rest of the patient's life, but the extent of the necessary measures is different. The first few weeks after surgery – the most severe, the person suffers from pain, depression, uncertainty. In this period it is necessary to surround it with support from loved ones and assign a course of painkillers.

Since the beginning 3 weeks before the end of 2 months after the operation the patient learns to move and perform many other vital functions without any damage to the spine.

When people get used to a new way of life, begins a delayed recovery period – a healthy lifestyle without undue stress on the back. All this is accompanied by proper nutrition, physical exercises and some traditional methods. It was important to treat all your doctor's instructions to prevent a recurrence of a herniated disc or other complications.

Suggest to read: the consequences of the removal of a herniated disc.

The early period

The first 14 - 15 days after removal of a herniated disc are the early recovery period, which implies a limitation. Also continuing the medication. The patient is assigned all sorts of drugs, relieving inflammation and pain. Another measure needed is the constant examination, sometimes MRI is done. It is important to ensure efficiency of the operation and its impact on the soft tissues of the back. You will also need to pass several other tests at the discretion of the physician.

Some people do not want to get out of bed during this period, but doctors recommend movement. Of course, not immediately, but after a few days after surgery for removal of a herniated disc.

zachem naznachaut ortopedicheskij korset posle operacii

The first security measure in the case of the walk will be tough orthopedic corset, has a lot of useful qualities:

  • The degree of rigidity will not make sharp turns with the housing;
  • The corset issupport fragile after the surgery the spine;
  • Reducing the load in such a device, the patient feels less pain when walking.

Walking 3 days after surgery – useful but has its limitations:

  • Duration should not exceed 90 minutes;
  • It is impossible to sit down, when standing up this situation we need to avoid;
  • Only go to an orthopedic corset, putting on it lying down.

Late period

When the patient ceases to complain of pain symptoms, begins the so-called "late rehabilitation period", which lasts up to 8 weeks. During this time period, the patient needs to restore the mobility of the "sandwiched" parts of the back, finally to get rid of pain and strengthen the muscle corset.


In the later period after removal of intervertebral hernia recommended some physical exercise and physiotherapy. Any exercise after removal of intervertebral hernia, you need to perform sudden movements, all techniques should be discussed with your doctor.

After surgery you need to start with a very small duration of training. Getting the most simple movements that contribute to the normalization of blood circulation.

Typically used such gymnastic exercises:

  • Light bending of the back (rounding) with legs bent at the knees;
  • Motion straight arms with straight back;
  • Kneading movements with bent at the elbows with your hands.

Any physical activity is performed only if no pain. And if there is any need to wait, or to consult with the doctor about other exercises.

Physical therapy

At this stage, rehabilitation is recommended following physiotherapy:

  • Novocaine electrophoresis – serves as an excellent analgesic;
  • Ultrasonic irradiation;
  • The impact of using magnetic fields;
  • The impact of weak electric current;
  • The use of mud solutions to reduce pain and relieve swelling.

Delayed period

The use of physical therapy after removal of intervertebral hernia is not confined to the late period. The deferred period starts from 3 months of rehabilitation, but even at this time, the patient is not strong enough and should be extremely careful when performing a particular exercise. You should not make sudden movements and to engage in too long, the important smooth in the movements and proper technique. Failure to comply with these rules can cause pain. In this case, you should stop training or reduce their intensity. When the pain accompanies any exercise is a reason to visit the doctor – rehabilitologist.

A good choice would be pushups and propriety. Such exercises are capable of good to strengthen the muscle corset with minimal load on the spine.

Also a constant companion of life for people who have had similar surgeries will be morning exercise.Correct therapeutic exercises are very useful for the back after removal of the vertebral hernia and at any other time, exercises restore the disturbed circulation, and relieve spasms.

Exercises on simulators

A rehabilitation doctor also prescribes an individual course of kinesitherapy, perfectly relieves pain. Perform all exercises using simulators. The main goal is a smooth stretching the spine by increasing the space between the vertebrae. Orthopedic simulators assume a fairly long sessions to reduce the risk of pinching of nerve endings. Slow stretching the spine and reduces inflammation and pain.

Also after surgery on a hernia of the spine uses the complex stretching exercises. Very effective to use them under water. For this purpose different loads and accessories.


Everyone knows that the higher density of water the density of air. Accordingly, the spine in such an environment will be much less loaded and people soon will be able to relax. But to enhance a relaxing effect and add to it anti-inflammatory, to add to tubs of different substances. Here are some examples:

  • Hydrosulfite bath. May significantly reduce swelling, to establish circulation, relieve cramps.
  • With the addition of the turpentine liniments. Substances actively influence the focus of inflammation and helps accelerate the healing of wounds after surgery.
  • Baths with medicative herbs. Serve as an excellent sedative to help to get rid of the inflammation and relieve the tightness in muscles.
  • Baths with dissolved inert gases. One such substance is radon, which are anti-inflammatory.

poleznyli lechebnye vanny v posleoperacionnyj period

Spa treatment

After a few months , when the time for active rehabilitation and the body a little stronger, you can think about the trip to the resort. We all know that in such institutions the body perfectly restored.

If you try to be treated at home, the effect will be, but not so strong.You'll need a significant perseverance to regularly perform all exercises and treatments.

In the case of the sanatorium, to recover health easier, because there is a lot of doctors rehabilitators, who will prescribe the necessary treatments and monitor your condition. These institutions provide many specially equipped classrooms, which also offers various Wellness treatments. The patient pick up a number of procedures that depend on its state:

  • Different kinds of therapeutic baths;
  • Mud packs;
  • The sun;
  • Paraffin;
  • Acupuncture.

We should not forget about the great benefits of a sea climate, which significantly accelerates the recovery. Another advantage of the sanatorium is proper nutrition. Doctors know which substances a patient needs to recover – with a high content of fiber. It is in the resorts diet to follow easily.

sanatorno - kurortnoe lechenie v posleoperacionnyj period

Contraindications for rehabilitation

Surgical intervention in the structure of the spine is a dangerous thing which can have many unpleasant consequences. Even if all goes well, your spine will never be the same and about it is important to remember to avoid the recurrence of the disease. There are many rules that must be followed in order not to nullify all the efforts of the surgeons.

Here are the basic principles of successful rehabilitation at an early stage:

  • Sit prohibited.
  • To bend over or make sudden turns are also prohibited.
  • Exercises with load on the back (small) are carried out only in a special corset. But corset for a long time can not be worn, Maxim several hours a day.
  • Bad habits unacceptable, especially in the early period of rehabilitation.
  • The maximum items that can be lifted in such a situation, must not weigh more than three pounds.
  • Massage of any kind is forbidden to do.

chto nelzya delat posle udaleniya mezhpozvonkovoj gryzhi

The late period of rehabilitation also has a number of limitations:

  • Sit is also not allowed. The first attempt can only be made after permission of the physician – rehabilitator and not earlier than 6 weeks after the surgery. Moving in public transport is not allowed, any journey can only lying or reclining.
  • It is necessary to frequently change posture to the spine was flexible.
  • You can take some physical exercise with a moderate load on the back muscles. But you always need practice.
  • Sudden movement is prohibited.
  • The corset is also used, but it is always necessary to consult the doctor to know the duration of wear.
  • Gravity can not be lifted, maximum weight – 8 kg.

It is necessary to adjust their way of life, as the spine is now more vulnerable. Prolonged sitting is not recommended, even a year after surgery, it is important to take breaks, it is desirable to spend this time lying down.

Excessive load on the spine and an invalid a few years after hernia surgery, complications can occur. Not SuperCool, especially in a place where surgery was done.

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, sooner or later will help you to forget about past illness and enjoy life again without pain.