Home / Herniated cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine, treatment / How to determine a hernia of the spine without an MRI, alone, at home

How to determine a hernia of the spine without an MRI, alone, at home

Any disease of the spine, especially intervertebral hernia, typical of one very clear symptom – pain. But how to determine spinal hernia, if the symptoms of diseases of the back is almost the same? Suspicions are constant severe pain, which is increased by sleep, physical activities, sudden movements – the symptoms that people prefer to be attributed to overwork and other factors, alienates diagnosis of diseases. Meanwhile, the pain arise from a herniated disc.

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What is a hernia

Early diagnosis of herniated discs is an important step, which determines human health. After all, a hernia is a serious disease that is associated with the curvature and strain of the fibrous ring of the spine. When this occurs, the attack part of the nucleus pulposus. The disease affects people of various age groups, excluding children and adolescents.

Causes of hernia becomes a sedentary lifestyle, injuries, a curved spine, specific infection, congenital abnormalities and impaired metabolism.

In the treatment of such serious diseases, every detail matters. Determining the cause of the hernia is necessary to eliminate this factor of the patient's life. Thus it is possible to increase the chances of recovery. To determine a hernia of a backbone is not enough to have knowledge about the external symptoms of the disease. Confirm the diagnosis based on the patient's complaints and basic palpation, it is possible only by carrying out of hardware diagnostics.


The symptoms of a herniated disc vary depending on what type of disease is present and which departments are affected. And the intensity and nature of pain depends on the degree of destruction of the spinal disc.

In the cervical

You should pay attention to the following symptoms, arranged in chronological order from the beginning of disease:

  • A sharp pain in the neck and the back of the head: occasionally radiates to shoulder and arm. Pain getting stronger when driving, but stopped, one has only to sit down;
  • Reduced sensitivity of the fingers, sometimes there is a complete Oneonta;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Periodically there is loss of consciousness, under the eyes there are circles, and disturbed coordination. Celebrated ringing in the ears and slight dizziness. Since the symptoms caused by lack of oxygen to the brain, then treatment with analgesics has no action;
  • Quickens the feeling of nausea, vomiting;
  • The skin change color from white to bright red, despite the fact that such a change for no apparent reason;
  • At the last stage of ear drops, there comes a partial loss of vision.

Suggest to read: types of hernias of the spine.

As can be seen from the symptoms alone to understand what is the development of a herniated disc can be difficult. The lovers of self in the course is a topical treatment for a headache or pressure that is either briefly relieves the symptoms or doesn't help at all.

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In the thoracic

To recognize a ruptured disk thoracic even more difficult. The symptoms are blurred and often show up later. The main grounds on which the doctors diagnose the disease:

  • There is a weakness in the legs, a feeling of vatnost and the constant tension;
  • Appear specific pain in the chest. The symptoms resemble a heart disease. After taking the pills designed to improve cardiac function comes relief;
  • Discomfort is felt in the intestines and bladder. The examination of these organs revealed no pathology.

Suggest to read: the symptoms and treatment of hernia of the thoracic spine.

In the lumbar

To diagnose disease in the lumbar area easier. Localization of pain corresponds to the place in which there was a hernia and appears bright bouquet of symptoms:

  • During movement and exercise is manifested sharp pain. Over time, it turns into nagging, and never leaves the patient;
  • Over time, the pain moving to the buttocks and legs. Starthurt the foot, toes numb
  • Appear concomitant diseases: kyphosis and scoliosis;
  • Hernia, formed between the fourth and fifth vertebrae, contributes to the emergence of tingling in the big toes;
  • A hernia between the fifth lumbar and first sacral vertebrae causes pain in the ankle and knees;
  • Advanced stage of hernia of the lumbar inevitably ends with disabilities: there is a partial or complete paralysis of the body, violated the processes of urination and defecation.

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Hernia of the spine has several stages, during which it is possible to detect the disease and prevent the progression:

  • First stage: it moves the disk to a distance of 2 mm. the Patient has a dull pain which takes place in a relaxed condition. The disc is not bulging, so to detect a hernia at this stage, it is not always possible;
  • From the second to the fourth stage there is a gradual rupture of the fibrous ring, purposee core flows, contributing to the withering away of the nerve roots. As a result of the processes of developing radicular syndrome, which is characterized by muscle weakness in the legs and buttocks. Marked asymmetry of shape.

The manifestation of any symptoms of a herniated disc you cannot to self-medicate. Incorrectly prescribed drugs or increased physical activity lead to deterioration of health status.

Do not attempt to diagnose a ruptured hernia, and to appoint a treatment. The result of such neglect of their health can be total disability.

How to recognize the typical symptoms of the disease know specialists such as a neurologist, a therapist and a podiatrist. Access to them is necessary for correct diagnosis of a herniated disc. Hardware diagnostics will be carried out immediately after treatment of complaints of the patient.

Kak vyyavit bolezn

To put the correct diagnosis, the doctor needs to know about all the complaints of the patient and gather medical history. To do this, you will specify the details personal life to understand where originates the disease. Realizing that verbally articulated symptoms fit the description of hernia disease, the doctor performs:

  1. Polerowanie and visual inspection of the vertebral area: reflex contraction of the back muscles allows you to understand exactly what area of the spine were destroyed;
  2. Diagnostic reflexes in the knees, Achilles tendon: decreased reflex activity indicates the advanced stages of hernia;
  3. Damage assessment of spinal roots: to check this you must use the action to identify the weakness of the muscles in the lower body.

See also: what kind of doctor treats spinal hernia?

After standard examination, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis and refers the patient to the next test. They are designed to specify the exact location of the hernia and determine possible complications.

Hardware research

Subsequent diagnostic methods are called additional, in fact, the methods of hardware diagnostics the most accurate. In any case, visual confirmation of diagnosis will help the doctor to decide on treatment. The patient may have long needed an operation for hernia. Consider the methods used in medicine for accurate diagnosis:

  • X-ray

X-ray radiation is widely used, however, it is considered an outdated type of diagnosis. X-ray shows the presence of spinal injuries or bone defects. Used to check for herniation, but in this case is uninformative.

  • Imaging

The modern technique, which is based on x-ray irradiation. The image layers are processed by a computer, indicates the displacement of the intervertebral discs. It is believed that the method of tomography is more perfect, but it gives the doctor information about the pathologies and injuries of the soft tissues.

  • MRI

This technique is optimal and allows you to see a lot of data: the bone structure of the spine, nerve roots and soft tissues in the area of damage. Doctors having the ability to assign this diagnosis can neglect other methods, as the MRI is the most accurate.


  • Electroneuromyographic study

Estimates the rate held on the spinal nerves pulse and indicates the quality indicators. If they differ from accepted norms, a clear diagnosis can be considered damage to neural structureshernia.

Sometimes these methods are used together, but more to see the full picture of the disease allows an MRI machine.