Home / Dorsopathy: diseases of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine / The spondylosis of the cervical spine: causes, symptoms, treatment

The spondylosis of the cervical spine: causes, symptoms, treatment

The people who first made the diagnosis of "spondylosis", I wish to know what it is. The spondylosis – degenerative disease of the spine, where the facet joints become inflamed, which leads to disruption of their structure, configuration and operation.

spondiloartroz shejnogo otdela pozvonochnika

Most often pathology develops in the cervical and lumbar spine. Statistics show that about 45% of pain syndromes developing in the neck caused by the spondylosis. From these problems suffer 80-90% of older people. But they are found in the 25-35 year old people and sometimes in children.

The causes of pathology

Not enough to know what is spondylosis. You must find out the causes of the disease, to determine the optimal treatment. Spondylosis when the joint is overstretched and damaged, which leads to the formation of osteophytes, compression of blood vessels and nerve roots. This violates the blood circulation and nerve conduction, is developing a pain syndrome. Cause spondylosis of the cervical spine is capable of:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Congenital anomalies of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs;
  • Injury and displacement of the vertebrae;
  • Incorrect posture and scoliosis;
  • Excessive load;
  • Maintaining a long neck in the same position;
  • Infection and malfunctions of the endocrine glands;
  • The change in hormone levels;
  • Permanent hypothermia of the neck;
  • Some of the sports.

At risk include seniors, athletes, movers, people leading a sedentary lifestyle and those who work at the computer.

Clinical manifestations

The symptoms and treatment depend on the degree of neglect of the disease. The spondylosis of the neck in the initial stages is accompanied by:

  • Intermittent pain radiating to the arm, shoulder and the neck;
  • A decrease in sensitivity in the neck;
  • The limited mobility of the neck after sleep;
  • Visual disturbances (flashing flies); vertigo.

Over time, symptoms become more noticeable:

  • Numb neck and shoulder area;
  • There is noise in the ears;
  • Observed pressure drop.
  • Disturbed coordination of movements;
  • Joints obezdwijivanie.

spondiloartroz shejnogo otdela pozvonochnika

The stage of the disease

In the development of spondylosis distinguish 4 stages:

  1. First – begins to thin hyaline cartilage, decreases the amount of synovial fluid and narrowing of the intervertebral slit, with the result that weakens the elasticity of the ligaments and decreased range of motion. Symptoms are absent. Only sometimes, when used for long periods, can appear minor discomfort.
  2. Second – the patient suffers from acute pain and stiffness in morning. After he "different", pain recedes, restored joint mobility.
  3. The third – developing spondylolisthesis: one vertebrae is displaced back, the bone tissue grows, and osteophytes are formed, which eventually lead to the development of plexitis and compression of spinal nerves. The person experiences a stinging ongoing pain.
  4. Fourth – restricted joint mobility, and over time, they are completely immobilized.

Completely cure spondylosis can only be in the initial stages. Over time pathological processes become irreversible. So that the treatment was successful, you should see a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease.

What spondylosis?

If you do not treat the disease, it can lead to serious complications and even cause disability or death. Osteophytes formed in the neck, compress the blood vessels going to the brain, narrowing their lumen. In the result, the brain lacksnutrients and oxygen, which causes headaches, dizziness, faintness, and even strokes. Cervical spondylosis often causes the development of osteochondrosis.


First, the doctor listens to complaints, is studying the medical history and examines the patient. To confirm the preliminary diagnosis and to assess the extent of disease, the patient is directed to instrumental examinations:

  • Spondilography – radiographic method, showing the state of the vertebrae and the degree of damage of the joints;
  • CT and magnetic resonance imaging defines not only spondylosis, but other (even small) pathology of the cervical vertebrae;
  • Radioisotope scanning – detects inflammation;
  • Angiography – evaluates the condition of the vertebral artery;
  • Diagnostic blockade – detects the body's reaction to the blocking of the drugs.

diagnostika spondiloartroza


When spondylosis of the cervical spine, treatment should be comprehensive. It is aimed at pain relief and stopping the degenerative processes. Treat pathology doctors in various specialties: physicians, surgeons, vertebrologists, neurologists. They use medication and physical therapy. If conservative methods are inconclusive, then resort to surgery.

Drug therapy

Medication includes the use of:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Movalis, ortofena, ketorolaco, naklofen, celecoxib, Malacca, meloxicam, ibuprofen, Ibuprom, reopirin) – reduces inflammation and swelling;
  • Painkillers (novocaine, lidocaine, trimekaina) – these medications stop pain syndrome;
  • Antispasmodics (no-Spa, Actovegin) – dilate blood vessels, relieve muscle spasms in the internal organs;
  • Muscle relaxants (mydocalm, sirdalud, tolperisone) – eliminate spasms of skeletal muscles;
  • Sosudoukreplyayuschim funds (askorutin, emoxipin) – reduce the permeability of blood vessels;
  • Chondroprotectors (teraflex, dawn, artery) – prevent the destruction of joints and promote the repair of cartilage tissue;
  • B vitamins – activate blood circulation, provide cells with nutrients and oxygen;
  • Warming ointments (nikofleks, finalgon, pepper ointment) to relieve pain, stop inflammation, expand blood vessels, improve metabolism.

Medikamentoznoe lechenie

Physical therapy

Effective results will provide physiotherapy:

  • Phonophoresis;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • The electroanalgesia;
  • Magnetic therapy;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Paraffin;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • Ozokeritotherapy;
  • Mud;
  • The impact of ultrasound.

Physiotherapy relieves pain and inflammation, reduces swelling, stimulates the metabolism, dilates blood vessels, accelerates blood circulation, improves nutrition, promotes updating of fabrics. But to carry out such procedure is possible only after removal of acute pain.

Treatment with leeches

High effectiveness in the treatment of spondylosis showed hirudotherapy. While on the affected area for a quarter of an hour put a vacuum jar, and then attach leeches. Leech therapy eliminates the pain, resolves scars and adhesions, relieves spasms, improves metabolism, accelerates tissue regeneration.

lechenie spondiloartroza

Physical therapy and massage

An important place in the fight against spondylosis is a medical gymnastics. It accelerates blood circulation, relieves swelling, stops the degeneration of the joints, strengthens muscles, increases range of motion. Special attention is given to isometric exercises by which the muscles are loaded and reduced, but not stretched. A set of exercises selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

A mandatory component of the therapy – massage. It relieves spasms and accelerates the movement of blood and lymph, resulting in the fabric receive the necessary nutrition, and the metabolic products are excreted from the body.

Traditional medicine

To complement conventional treatment, not replace it folk remedies, which include honey:

  • Honey (20 grams) mixed with dipyrone or diclofenac (vial) and make it compress on the neck area for a couple of hours. Repeat daily for weeks;
  • Propolis, heated in a water bath to soften and strapped to the neck. Wear the poultice, changing it every day, until that time, until the last sign of the disease;
  • The wax is heated to 40 degrees for an hour strapped to the sore spot. Rubbed into the neck of the ointment (virapen, apizatron or unhappen). The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a day for two weeks;
  • Honey combined with Royal jelly at a ratio of 100:1. Taken orally twice a day for 5 grams for 3-4 weeks. Drink one pill of the drug3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks. Treatment is repeated 3-4 times a year.

Metody narodnoj mediciny

Surgical treatment

Surgical intervention is recommended when pronounced ongoing pain syndrome that is not relieved by medications, a complete immobilization of the neck and stage IV disease.

The patient installs the implant, called mesosystem a spacer. It expands the intervertebral space, thereby reduces the load on the intervertebral discs, eliminates pinched nerves and blood vessels.

In some cases, use other methods. Destruction of the nerves In the joint area is administered the electrodes, which conduct the current, which allows you to get rid of the pain, but only for a while. Hemilaminectomy: excised part of the vertebral arc, seemsyou nerves.

Operativnoe lechenie

Features power

People suffering from spondylosis, you should limit the consumption of fat, strong broths, beans, grapes, sugar and salt, to abandon the canned, carbonated water, alcoholic and energy drinks. At the same time, it is recommended to enrich the diet of greens, vegetables, fruits, berries, dairy products, lean meat, fish, seafood.


To prevent the development of spondylosis, you need to:

  • To purchase orthopedic bedding;
  • To monitor the posture;
  • To avoid prolonged stay in one position;
  • When you work requiring static, periodically do a workout for the neck and massage;
  • Gymnastics and swimming;
  • To saturate the diet with vitamins;
  • To abandon bad habits.

Those who already have problems in the cervical spine, the above rules will help to prevent aggravation. In that case, if you have increased neck tension, it is recommended to use a corset. But wear it constantly, it is that the neck muscles lost tone.