Home / Dorsopathy: diseases of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine / Spondylitis of the lumbar, cervical, thoracic spine, symptoms, treatment

Spondylitis of the lumbar, cervical, thoracic spine, symptoms, treatment

The word spondylos, in Greek – vertebra, and – itis, inflammation. Spondylitis of the spine – infection of vertebral arises mainly due to bacteria. There are several forms of the disease – osteomyelitis of the spine, and tuberculous spondylitis. Characteristic features of the disease are: back pain, intoxication, dysfunction of the spinal cord.


Diagnosed through radiology, magnetic resonance imaging. Also performed blood tests to identify the pathogen or diseased tissues. Therapy – anti-TB, anti-fungal drugs. In the postoperative period, during rehabilitation, experts recommend physiotherapy, restorative complexes of medical gymnastics.

What is it?

Few people know about spondylitis that is such a dangerous disease of the spine, based on inflammatory processes. The result will be significant deformation of the vertebrae, reducing the strength of bone tissue, the formation of pockets of pus. The share of spondylitis accounts for about five percent of the diseases of the spine. Forty percent of all cases of TB spondylitis have the form. Most often this disease affects the thoracic spine. In the majority of cases are diagnosed in men. Another twenty or thirty years ago spondylitis ill children and young people. In the last decade seventy percent of the disease diagnosed in people close to retirement age.

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The causes and forms of

There are two varieties of cancer: specific and nonspecific.

A specific form

Specific spondylitis a complication of typhoid fever, gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, brucellosis, actinomycosis:

  • Typhoid spondylitis – infection of the two adjacent vertebrae and the intervertebral disc. Observed destruction of tissues, often occurs an abscess. This disease of the thoracic spine. Less common in the lumbar;
  • Syphilitic spondylitis – the defeat of the cervical spine. The second name – cervical spondylitis. Neurological deterioration due to compression of the spinal cord;
  • Tuberculous spondylitis – hematogenic or lymphogenous way of spreading mycobacteria. They fall into the spongy part of the vertebrae, which contribute to irreversible changes after injury. Pus formation arise that destroy bone tissue. The chest of the sick person is deformed. There are various diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Actinomycetaceae spondylitis – pathology of the thoracic spine with the emergence of a paravertebral fistula;
  • Brucellosis spondylitis of the lumbar spine. Microfocal destruction is diagnosed using x-rays and serological tests.

In case of rupture of suppurative focus may result in paralysis of the lower limbs of the person, dysfunction of urination and defecation, loss of nervous system structures. In men, the deterioration of the pelvic organs may cause impotence.

Nonspecific form

This form of spondylitis occurs in men after thirty years, the characteristic damage of the spine by microorganisms, in particular of the joints and vertebrae. Complications may completely immobilize the spine. Possible autoimmune processes in the connective tissues.

Another name for nonspecific spondylitis – Bechterew disease, the doctor first examined ankylosing spondylitis in 1892.

Osteomyelitis of the spine, or hematogenous spondylitis is accompanied by acute pain. Formed on the adjacent vertebrae, next is the damage to the cartilage and form bone block. Progressing abscesses and fistulas, purulent meningitis. Infection characteristic of the cervical and lumbar spine. There are cases of spread to the posterior vertebra.


When spondylitis symptoms in breast, cervical and lumbar. The pain of the affected parts of the spine can be very severe, paralyzing the man, not letting him move. In most cases, nagging, constant and strong even at low loads. Reduced mobility of the spine. Bends, torso twists causing severe pain.

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Specific spondylitis when there is increased body temperature, there is a weakness, and drowsiness. The skin of the affected part of the back is red, feels almost hot. Possible numbness and paralysis, decreased sensitivity, having frequent muscle spasms. Incorrect posture cause complications with the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system.

Rare neglected disease can cause sepsis – blood poisoning by germs and spread them to the human body. If such a patient not to render timely medical aid, he could die.


  • General and neurological examinations;
  • Radiography, tomography;
  • Radionuclide study;
  • Tests for leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • Laboratory studies blood cultures;
  • Biopsy.

Differential diagnosis is used:

  • Infection of the genitourinary system;
  • Radicular syndrome;
  • Bechterew's Disease;
  • Swollen metastases.

By x-ray region of the spinal injury, you can define a month after the occurrence of the disease. To diagnose the disease at earlier stages is used a CT scan. Magnetic resonance imaging – detects inflammation of the bones and nerves, soft tissues, spinal cord.


When spondylitis treatment in the hospital. It is necessary to identify the disease as early as possible and assign appropriate therapy. Treatment of spondylitis is time consuming and consists of a broad set of techniques.

  • To fight inflammation, infection and acute pain in a patient doctors will use drug therapy. For quick recovery it is important to eat right;
  • To treat spondylitis is important with special medical complexes exercise. Choosing the right exercise program will restore and help you to get stronger muscles, ligaments, improve mobility of the spine;
  • Physical therapy encourages the patient to recovery. Your doctor may prescribe: electrophoresis, acupuncture, massage, magnetic therapy and other techniques. Usually held fifteen sessions, then break for a month and repeat the course;
  • Surgical intervention is used when the disease started to remove pockets of pus.

rentgen spondilit

Drugs for the treatment of

How to treat and with what medications specialist decides, based characteristics of the disease in each particular case. Taking into account the age, allergic reactions, side effects from medicines.

When spondylitis using medication:

  • Ortofen, Indomethacin, Meloxicam, Diclofenac relieve pain, reduce inflammation;
  • Celeston, Prednisolone – improves metabolism and reduces swelling;
  • Chondroprotectors to restore the tissue of the spine;
  • Sodium chloride reduces the toxicity of the body;
  • Milhama, Used – b vitamins;
  • Levofloxacin, Ceftriaxone, Ofloxacin is prescribed against infections;
  • Rifampicin, Streptomycin – help against tuberculous forms of spondylitis.

Folk remedies

After successful primary treatment to rehabilitation, you can add methods that will help to recover the body, improve blood flow and posture:

  • Baths with herbs: sage, chamomile and Helichrysum;
  • Altai Shilajit stimulates the immune system and strengthen the body;
  • Sauna with birch twigs only after full recovery of health;
  • Ointments and tinctures on the basis of comfrey and Larkspur, for local and internal use.


Surgery with spondylitis are:

  • Severe damage to the vertebrae;
  • Abscesses tissues;
  • Disruption of the spinal cord;
  • Fistula, pus formation.

Surgical intervention is forbidden:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Sepsis.

Surgically strengthen the back part of the spine with metal pins. Then after three or four days is held the next stage of the operation.

operaciya spondilit

Surgery is necessary for removal of damaged tissue and subsequent replacement of their graft:

  • Part of the bone tissue of the patient, usually a rib;
  • Artificial carbon or implants of titanium nickelide.

Three stages of rehabilitation

After surgery, ongoing medical treatment. Work on restoring the mobility of the patient using the complexes of therapeutic exercises, massage, reflexology. It helps to normalize blood circulation, improve metabolism and efficiencyantibiotics, the flexibility of the spine.

First stage: conducted in a hospital for about two weeks. Gradually the patient begins to walk. As a physiotherapist assigns a corset to correct posture.

Second stage: discharge from the hospital. The first month the patient takes a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, a few sessions a week. In the preparation of the exercises is taken into account type, location of surgical intervention. Contraindicated sharp bends and twists of the body. Exercises should be performed lying on the back, side and abdomen. Always under the supervision of a physician.

Third stage: the final stage of rehabilitation in complex forms of disease can last a lifetime. It is based on work on posture, strengthening of the body. Doctors recommend swimming, but in moderation. A great healing effect has an annual treatment in sanatoria.