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Rheumatism of the back: symptoms and treatment, massage, physical therapy, folk remedies

Back pain can be caused by many reasons, one of which is arthritis of the spine. Pathology is a General inflammatory process that affects many systems of the body, including the spine. Rheumatism is quite heavy to carry, especially the male half of the population. Pathology can wear both chronic and acute inflammatory character. In addition to bone (vertebrae) still amazed and ligaments, cartilage tissue.

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Inflammation can occur in various areas of the human body, even in the eye. Spreading to the nearby organs, the condition gradually worsens, the person feels unwell.

Types and characteristics of

A rather mundane name of "rheumatism" is outdated, now it is accepted to call such a disease "rheumatic fever". At the initial stage of pathology development there is an acute form. Without the proper treatment and improper lifestyle is a gradual transition to a chronic condition. While not quite the quality of treatment or due to many life circumstances relapses of the disease, beginning with the acute form.

Rheumatic fever may be asymptomatic, not to prove himself. Very likely the pathology will manifest itself in a year, maybe in 20 years.

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There is a division of rheumatism by the nature of its manifestations:

  • Fever (widespread);
  • The destruction of nerve cells, characterized by pain symptoms and neurotic disorders;
  • Epidermally (skin);
  • The defeat of the internal organs;
  • Lose bone tissue;
  • Lose cartilage.

Dependent on individual resistance of an organism, the quality and timeliness of treatment, arthritis may go unnoticed and recur. Fever occurs as a result of exposure infection streptococcal. The virus infects the connective tissue, causing pain. Usually this disease is characteristic for adult people, but sometimes it is diagnosed in children. It is important to immediately consult a doctor because advanced stage of the disease is very dangerous and threatens the person with a disability.

The relationship with other diseases

Most people often wonder whether there is a relationship between rheumatism and such diseases: angina, rheumatoid arthritis. Of course, there is no direct connection, only indirect. If to speak about sore throat, then everything is quite simple. Viral infection that causes a sore throat and temperature, introduces a kind of imbalance in the functioning of the body, making it more susceptible to "attack" the other viruses, including streptococci.

Many people wonder why it is difficult to recognize the rheumatism? The whole point of similarity with symptoms of other diseases. It rheumatoid arthritis manifests the same way. To distinguish the two disease is really possible, but this requires some additional research.

The main difference in the two pathologies: rheumatic fever develops under the influence of a virus pathogen (Streptococcus), and rheumatoid arthritis production of antibodies to own tissues of the body.


The main cause of rheumatism of the back – lose the body strong streptococcal virus. But not always these attacks are successful, the body is able to resist. If human immunity in normal, disease the first time definitely will not pass. This explains the marked decrease in the number of patients among children. There are a number of reasons why a Streptococcus infection can cause rheumatism of the back. Among these:

  • Repeated contact with the virus in the body;
  • A weakened immune system (for reasons of sore throats and other infectious diseases);
  • Characteristics of the organism, predisposition (number of antibodies);
  • Injuries of the spine, degenerative – dystrophic changes.

The presence of these factors significantly reduces the defensive ability of the human immune system, when any of these factorsyou need to be especially vigilant. It is important at the first painful manifestations to consult a doctor.


If you experience rheumatism of the back symptoms can be at all ambiguous, unstable. In the pathological process may be involved many organs in the human body or just the back.

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First in rheumatism of the back there occurs a loss of flexibility and pain. People in the morning often feels pain and stiffness in the lumbar. Often charging saves you from such manifestations, but only for a while. With the progression of the pathology is the amplification of pain affecting not only the lumbar, and other. In addition, the infection can cause many other manifestations.

Here is a list of frequently encountered forms:

  • Dull periodic pain;
  • Possible complications in the form of inflammation of the iris of the eyeball;
  • Skin lesions, allergic reactions;
  • Fainting;
  • Difficulty in walking;
  • Nausea and retching;
  • Migraine;
  • Coughing;
  • Numbness of limbs;
  • The formation of scoliosis, stoop;
  • Weakness, irritability, sleep disturbance;
  • Sweating;
  • Bleeding from the nose.

All symptoms can suddenly appear and disappear the same way. It is important not to delay the diagnosis if the pain is gone.


In rheumatoid arthritis of the spine symptoms are rather vague and can also indicate other diseases. All these factors significantly complicate the diagnostic process. A person can seek help from a doctor and only a few years to learn about the real cause of pain and discomfort.

Fortunately, medicine does not stand still and now the question of diagnosis of rheumatism of the back can be solved much faster and more efficient, but you need to visit more than one doctor before you get a response.

The first manifestations of the disease should go to the local therapist. The doctor interrogates the patient, makes the inspection, appoint, change some of the analysis (biochemical, urine analysis, etc.).

As soon as the picture begins to clear, the patient is directed to such narrow specialists as a neurologist, rheumatologist and orthopedic surgeon. When you visit each of these doctors will be another inspection and survey. After a preliminary diagnosis will be to conduct accurate surveys. For diagnosis of rheumatism of the back, apply the following procedure:

  • Radiography;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Ultrasound.

This series of surveys will help to see an accurate picture of the disease, but only in the case when the disease is at advanced stage. In this situation, the picture shows osteophytes in the intervertebral space. What to do if the disease is at an early stage? In rheumatism of the back occurs inflammation of the spine, as in rheumatoid arthritis. Both pathologies are characterized by elevated levels of antibodies to cartilage in the blood.

What sign will point to rheumatism of the back? For this purpose, conducted a number of surveys:

  • Test to check the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Check for the presence of certain antigens;
  • Excessive levels of inflammation (on a scale).

With the obvious lack of hemoglobin in the blood, excessive inflammation of the spine and the presence of certain antigens in the diagnosis of rheumatic fever.


In the 19-20 centuries the pathology of inflammation of the spine almost always lead the patient to disability. With the development of medicine rheumatic disease was curable, now people can completely recover from the illness, observing all recommendations of the doctor and making a contribution. In this disease, as rheumatism of the back the symptoms and treatment are interrelated. But in some situations it will be necessary to weaken the impact of streptococcal infection on the body to feel the relief.

A striking example is the inflammation of the iris of the eyeball. To eliminate such a manifestation is possible only by acting on inflammation, and it can be in the spine, and in the nasopharynx, and anywhere. Treatment should be complex, to combine the intake of drugs, regular daily routine, natural home remedies, massage, physical exercises for stretching and warm-up spins.


After a full diagnosis of "rheumatism of the back" on the basis of qualitative surveys is prescribing, which there is only a doctor. Any course of drugs is an individual choice. Here is a list of drugs that are usually included intreatment:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Help to influence the inflammation, weakening the effect of infection on the body and reducing pain.
  • Antirheumatic drugs. Available in tablet form and can be of different types, dependent on the degree of progression of the disease.
  • Hormonal drugs. Helps to influence the infection, speeding recovery at the expense of certain hormones.
  • Antibiotics. This kind of medications to help fight infection.
  • The immunomodulators.
  • Painkillers. Analgesics are used to help improve the quality of life of the patient.

If there are complications in the form of inflammation of other organs of the body should include a number and other drugs from respective diseases. The appointment of the experts.

There are many procedures that can improve the patient's condition with rheumatism of the back. The physiotherapeutic treatment of the disease include: back massage, gymnastic exercises.


Massage should be carried out exclusively by an experienced masseur. In the early stages of pathology of these effects can be very effective.

With proper technique massage can significantly relieve muscle spasm on the affected area of the spine, to restore circulation. During the acute stage of disease this procedure would serve as an excellent analgesic.


Physiotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis of the back, which are usually made stationary, help relieve pain and inflammation in rheumatism of the back. Complementing this medical treatment, the effect is very good. Here are a number of treatments for arthritis back:

  • Infrared heating of the affected area;
  • Ultraviolet irradiation;
  • Electrophoresis with painkillers;
  • Paraffin.


Rheumatic back with the help of gymnastic exercises should be carried out with an experienced coach. It is important to warm up and not to break the equipment. Competent technique and perseverance will help you quickly regain the lost flexibility back, to relieve the pain, reduce the load on the spine.

Gymnastic exercises should be performed regularly, even after the elimination of pain in the back.


As a Supplement to all previous types of treatment prescribed rehabilitation in a health resort area. Usually performed after a transition of pathology to the chronic stage, when the acute pain subsides.

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You also need to watch your diet and daily routine and being home. This is an important aspect in the treatment of rheumatism of the back, helping to significantly speed up recovery.

Traditional methods

You can also speed up recovery by applying traditional remedies. It is important to consult with your doctor about either method. Very well shown different kinds of therapeutic baths

  • With marine mud;
  • With the addition of ash;
  • With the addition of sea salt;
  • With a bundle of fresh hay.

There are many infusions that can help with the inflammation and pain accompanying arthritis of the back. Such funds are audited by many people, but without the knowledge of the physician in any case it is not necessary to use them. Here are some recipes of traditional tinctures, ointments and poultices:

  • Vodka-garlic tincture. The proportions of the components of 2.5:1, respectively. The period of infusion is 7 days. Storage temperature should be room. Must be taken every day before meals for half of the tea spoon.
  • The broth with the great burdock relieves the symptoms of rheumatism back. Need some dry-root to put a container of water, boil for about 10 min. to Take better before eating a big spoonful.
  • Birch leaves great impact on inflammation. You need to fill them with boiling water, then applied to the site of inflammation. Top sheets are covered with gauze and cellophane.
  • Ointment with the Bay leaf. You need to take 20 grams of leaves and mix with the vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:6, respectively.

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Using all the techniques of treatment, the effect will be achieved quickly, it is important to change your lifestyle to prevent recurrence of disease.


Prevention a lot of observing at least some of them, you significantly reduce the risk of rheumatism of the back.

It is important to watch your routine, sleep well. From the lack of sleep severely weakens the immune system, which greatly increases the risk of any infectious diseases.

Another measure of prevention is timely and proper elimination of viral diseases. Do not carry the disease on their feet, need to stay in bed,take medication and drink plenty of fluids. For overall strengthening of the body can be tough to do Jogging, play sports. An active lifestyle will help you to prevent this pathology as rheumatism of the back.