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Spondylosis of the lumbosacral spine: treatment, symptoms

The most unpleasant complication of degenerative disc disease becomes spondylosis of the lumbosacral spine occurring as a result of degenerative disorders in the lumbar spine and lead to serious problems. Thickening of bones in this disease proliferate, forming osteophytes are pressing on the nerves of the spinal cord, causing pain.

The worst in this illness is that it cannot be completely cured, it is permanent. Subsequently spondylosis causes inflammation of the vertebral joints.

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First, the disease practically makes itself felt, the pain the patient is experiencing. The symptoms of spondylosis of the lumbosacral spine beginning to emerge with the growth of osteophytes. To diagnose the disease is possible by characteristic features:

  • Severe pain that may be sharp inflammation of the spinal nerves and constant "nagging". It should be noted that in this malady the pain decreases when the patient lies on his side, knees to the head, or leans forward. This happens because the vertebrae are stretched and the spinal nerves are released;
  • The deterioration of flexibility of the back, reducing the distance between the vertebrae;
  • Pain in the legs occur due to pinched sacral nerve. There is a lameness in a patient caused by a feeling of discomfort in the pelvic region and thighs;
  • Pain at palpation of the spine caused by bone spikes affect the skin;
  • With a long walking legs lose their usual sensitivity, the person may feel a slight tingling or numbness of the feet.

Spondylosis often affects the fourth or fifth vertebra. The characteristic manifestations of the disease in the form of overgrown bone spikes visible on x-ray. With the growth of osteophytes, the patient becomes hard to move around, appear persistent pain in the back, partially or completely lost ability to work. Often spondylosis lumbosacral spondylosis is accompanied by the inflammation of the intervertebral joints, aggravating symptomless.

proyavleniya spondileza poyasnichno - krestcovogo otdela

Diagnosis of the disease

To confirm the diagnosis, the following measures:

  • Radiographic images of the lumbar spine. This method allows to determine the presence and size of bone spikes, to assess the overall condition of the vertebrae and their displacement relative to each other, the level of mobility of the individual vertebrae at maximum flexion of the spine;
  • A full examination of the patient by the doctor. Unlike arthritis, the patient experiences a sharp pain upon palpation of the spine, as sharp spikes of osteophytes prick the skin;
  • CT scan and MRI, help determine how much the disease has progressed and the degree of deformation of the spine.

Suggest to read: how to treat osteophytes of the lumbar spine.


For successful elimination of symptoms necessary to establish the degree of disease progression and factors that resulted in its appearance, and then to determine how to treat the disease. You also need to determine the localization and level of injury of spinal nerves. If confirmed spondylosis of the lumbar treatment should begin immediately, because the delay threatens to exacerbate the patient's condition and irreversible destructive action. It should be noted that self-medication can cause complications and restrict motor abilities of the patient.

The selection of methods of treatment of the spondylosis of the lumbosacral spine is necessary to consider the condition of the patient, and his age. To achieve the desired effects for an integrated approach to treatment. Interventions need to be directed to:

  • The increase in blood flow and innervation of the spinal tissues and inter-vertebral discs;
  • Restore the original appearance of the cartilage from the intervertebral disc;
  • Reduction of pain symptoms in the lumbar region;
  • Strengthening muscle tissues and ligaments of the spine;
  • The increasing distance between the vertebrae, thereby reducing their pressure and friction against each other.

See also: spondylosis of the thoracic

To improve the condition of the patient using Wellness massage (except for patients in critical condition), water aerobics and physical therapy. It is also effective to treat spondylosis with magnetic therapy is possible and inegalitarian with the use of analgesics. In case of impossibility of physical exercise prescribed the use of phonophoresis with hydrocortisone.

Together with measures aimed at pain relief lumbar needto carry out procedures that contribute to improved nutrition in vertebrate tissues. This is facilitated by applying warming ointments. Surgical intervention is used only in the most severe cases when therapy is not able to effectively fight the disease.

With the help of medication

Initially it is necessary to reduce the pain in patients, and reduce inflammation of the nerve processes. This will help the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that help reduce swelling, relieve pain and eliminate inflammation. Additionally, the doctor can schedule an appointment chondroprotectors to restore cartilage, as well as drugs that enhance blood circulation. But it's worth noting that hondroprotektory can only help in the initial stages of the disease.

Physical therapy

Together with a series of healing massages, the disease can be treated effectively with exercise therapy. These activities help to improve spinal mobility and reduce discomfort. Performing physical exercises can not throw back his head and bend the lower back. Successful use of acupuncture for pain, constantly accompanying patients with spondylosis. From bouts of acute pain saves acupuncture to help deal with a pinched lumbar nerve, caused by inflammation.