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Disease of the lumbosacral spine: symptoms, treatment

Disease of the lumbosacral spine developed due to the natural aging process and unhealthy lifestyle and injuries increase the likelihood of their occurrence. Most often, the pathology is associated with destruction of cartilage – the intervertebral discs and facet joints. To cope with such problems, it is not enough to consume the medication, need to change lifestyle – to begin to move more, to go on a healthy diet and to lose weight.

Bolezni poyasnichno-krestcovogo otdela pozvonochnika


Disease in the lumbosacral region of the ridge have a wide distribution. It happens so because this part of the spine is constantly exposed to different loads, and he, unlike the thoracic vertebrae, are not protected. Lumbar vertebrae bear the weight when walking, and rump load falls when the person sits. Diseases develop because of such risk factors, excess weight, great physical stress, sudden movements, traumatic impact.

In most cases the waist is reduced to a problem like low back pain. In a situation of this disease the intervertebral discs slowly but surely deform. Complications be compression of the nerve roots, formation of osteophytes (bone spurs), Gruziya protrusions and protrusion.

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Cartilage die because of that deteriorates the blood circulation and metabolic processes in the surrounding tissues through which the joints and feed. As a result of deteriorating condition as bone cells, and vertebrae. Including suffer adverse changes and the fused vertebrae of the sacrum. Degeneration of the cartilage and then the bone tissue of the lower back and sacrum is a natural process. It is inevitable due to aging and constant small injuries, which we subjected to his lower back. However, degenerative processes, though irreversible, they can slow down by changing the lifestyle.

The main risk factor is the load on the intervertebral discs and facet joints. When a person lifts the heavy weight, load splitting at the spine unevenly and lumbosacral vertebrae take most of it.

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In addition, you're at risk for problems with the lumbosacral part of the spine, if in your life there are:

  • The lack of motor activity. Modern people most of the time behind a computer screen. In this situation, weakened muscles, which normally should support the lower back and sacrum. In addition, in itself, prolonged sitting creates excessive tension in the cartilage;
  • Too much load on the lower back. This point applies to those who are keen on sports scores and works hard physically. To avoid traumatic effects on the lumbar region and the sacrum, it is desirable to use a special orthopedic device. So, bodybuilders use specific supporting belt;
  • Curvature of the spine. The result is scoliotic or kyphotic changes in the lumbar articular joints of the lower back also suffer unnecessary pressure;
  • Improper distribution of the load on the lower back. This happens in cases when people, for example, carry weight with one hand;
  • Flat feet. This disease also leads to the fact that any load improperly load the spine;
  • Traumatic effects and complications. It's like a serious injury like fracture of the lumbar or sacrum, and small, such as muscle stretching. People with such "serious" injuries often self-medicate and end up doing themselves more damage in the future. And serious physical damage in many cases, pulling a trail for the rest of my life;
  • An unhealthy diet and extra pounds. Intervertebral discs lumbar acute need in the normal course of metabolic processes. Fatty, salty and sweet foods have a negative impact on them. In addition, excess body weight that is typed in the result of the use of such products is a permanent unnatural load on the lumbar-sacral region.

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Do not forget that most diseases of the lumbosacral is a natural part of the aging process. Deteriorating blood circulation in cartilage, thinning the inside of the body of the vertebrae of the lower back. All this can not be avoided, but you can slow down the appearance of age-related deformations.

In diseases of the lumbar sacral spine, the symptoms often are similar. Appear pain, deteriorating mobility and sensitivity. Partially blocks the innervation of the internal organs of the pelvic area, the muscles of the lower extremities.

Osteochondrosis and its complications

In osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral deformed tissue of the intervertebral cartilage. It dries, it ceases to be elastic. In the bone of the vertebral bodies squeezing it, and she, like a bent spring, begins to change its shape under load.

In degenerative processes of the intervertebral disc the patient is suffering from pain, impaired mobility in the lumbar region. In addition, if there is nerve compression, can be observed the following symptoms:

  • Leg paresthesia: numbness and the feeling of "running ants";
  • Dysfunction of the pelvic organs;
  • In some cases, incontinence of urine and feces;
  • Irradia in lower limb pain.

Lumbosacral spondylosis

When the intervertebral discs can not withstand the load often decreases their height. In the end bone of the vertebral bodies begin to touch each other, to feel the friction. Instead of the deformed bone, the body grows new, and its surplus is formed in the form of spikes on the sides of the vertebrae. Watch these studs directly to the cartilage of the joints, and of course, more of them hurt.

In turn, the destruction of these disks is accelerated, the friction between the vertebrae increases even more strain together in a circle.

Grows the likelihood of neurological complications of degenerative disc disease due to compression of the nerve roots. Getting stronger pain, deteriorating mobility.

Lumbar protrusion

The intervertebral discs of the lower back consist of dense fibrous outside and a soft nucleus pulposus inside. Together they form a flexible structure, which ensures the mobility of the spine. Due to degenerative disc disease they dry out, lose their elastic properties. Under load, they change shape and part of the sclera bulges.

The protrusion is called protrusion. Out their physiological limits cartilage tissue can pinch nerves, and so cause all those nasty symptoms – paresthesia, pain, stiffness.

But the main danger of protrusion of lumbar lies in the fact that the published part of the fibrous ring can not withstand the pressure of the vertebrae, and with a load snap. In this situation, through a gap out the pulp, and forms a herniated lumbar.

A herniated lumbar

When there is a violation of the integrity of the fibrous sheath, soft pulp partially leaves the disk space. Most often in this position the nerve root of the lower back begins to feel a strong compression. To cope with the pain, the body is spasmodically shortens the lumbar muscles.

Occur neurological symptoms. Deteriorating the sensitivity of the lower extremities, disrupted pelvic organs. Give pain in the legs.

A hernia is a danger also that if she is sent back (dorsal) side of the spinal canal, it can be stenosis (narrowing). In the result, the spinal cord will begin to experience compression. This can lead to the fact that the patient is in a wheelchair due to paralysis. To cope with the hernia and prevent any serious consequences, it is often necessary to resort to surgical intervention. In the case of dorsal hernia it is most needed, but complicated by specific localization of exit of the pulp.


The lumbalgia in medicine is called lumbago lumbar region. This condition is characterized by sharp pain and stiffness. The patient is unable to move body to bend or at least straighten. Causes lumbalgia lie in the clip nerve root the lumbar. To protect the nervous tissue from further deformation, the brain sends in the surrounding muscles the signal to contract. Formed a strong spasm, and the patient is unable to move. Lumbago is a protective reaction to injurynerve root.

Lumbar backache of the lumbar region is not an independent disease. This is a symptom of the overall pathology of the lumbar spine. Can occur as a result of protrusion and hernia, or even just by sudden movements of the patient with osteochondrosis.

If you are caught, such as, don't start trying to straighten. It is better to take a comfortable position and try to relax the muscles. Do attempts to straighten up, only when the pain of the lower back will subside. Abstain the maximum point, but do not move until the moment where pierce is in severe pain.

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Take pain medications. If you have not been seeing a neurologist, visit a doctor. May need treatment of diseases of lumbar and sacral spine.


Sciatica is a condition in which the trapped and inflamed sciatic nerve. It is also called lumbosacral radiculitis. Symptoms include:

  • Sharp pain, is made worse if the seat;
  • Shoot, if you try to get up;
  • Accompanied by symptoms of paresthesia of the lower extremities;
  • Hard to walk, bend body;
  • Hip pain irradiiruet in the area of the foot.

Initially the disease of feeling mild, localized in the pelvic and lumbo-sacral area. Begin hurting the lower limb. Sciatica in this form may develop over a long period of time. Translate it from chronic to acute phase sudden movements, injury or exposure to low temperatures.


When a patient comes to the neurologist with acute pain, the primary task is to stop them. For these purposes, applied analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With the unbearable pain prescribe the injection – procaine blockade of the spine. After the period of exacerbation is over, you need to think about how to prevent relapse.

Cartilage and bone do not regenerate, but you can slow down the development of the pathology back, not to give pain seizures to return. For this you need to change the way of life – begin to move more, lose weight, stop eating junk food. As adjuvant treatment fit massage and physiotherapy.

Pay attention to the surface where you sleep. To prevent the development of problems with his lower back, need to sleep on a medium hard bed. As too soft or too hard surface worsen the condition of the lumbar spine. Ideal orthopedic mattresses that are now in abundance on the market.