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The child has back pain in the lumbar region what to do, to what doctor to address

If your child has back pain, factors of the pain are numerous: ranging from muscle fatigue in sports mug to serious diseases of the spine like scoliosis or degenerative disc disease. Parents do not be afraid, it is necessary to analyze the situation, to understand the nature of pain (mild, intense, recurrent or non-recurrent). If the pain recur or are intensive and do not pass, the child needs to see a doctor. The reason for such pain are injuries of the spine.
Diagnostika bolej v spine u rebenka


The treatment of the child the doctor prescribes, based on diagnosis. Treating the symptoms is possible only after the correct diagnosis, not acting on the symptoms of the disease and its cause. Special techniques to eliminate the pain does not exist and each case is considered individually. For example, if it is domestic factors, the sufficient consultation and proper organization of the workplace, the selection of the mattress, etc.

If the cause of diseases of the internal organs, the doctor prescribes a course of medicines that should be taken to eliminate the disease. If it hurts in the lumbar region, and behind this an attack of appendicitis, then spend the hospitalization of the child and subsequent surgery.

If the main factor of pain is a disease of the spine, the doctor recommends a complex exercise therapy, physical therapy, massage and other treatments. Scoliosis may prescription of corsets and other orthopedic appliances. In acute inflammation, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics, cytostatics or corticosteroids, calculating dosage of drugs in accordance with weight and age of the child.

Profilaktika bolej v spine u detej


Doctors recommend a number of rules that should be followed to the spine of the child was healthy.

  • Parents and teachers should follow the correct posture;
  • Sleep gets a hard mattress due to his spine during sleep takes anatomical shape;
  • Pillow doesn't have to be big;
  • You should buy comfortable orthopedic children shoes;
  • After the child has pains in the back, should quickly restore the usual rhythm of life.
  • It is not necessary to smear the back anti-inflammatory creams;
  • Shown back massage without pressure on the spine;
  • The child should regularly do exercises or exercises from complex physical therapy.