Home / Back pain in the lumbar region, between the shoulder blades, causes, treatment / Painkillers candles with pains in back, waist and joints

Painkillers candles with pains in back, waist and joints

Candles from back pain – the fastest method of getting active ingredients into the body. Pain in the back indicate the presence of diseases of the spine or inflammation of the adjacent muscles and nerve endings. Pain syndrome is manifested individually: one can feel only a light tingling, the other to suffer from numbness of the extremities, the third and not able to move. But this is one way to deal with the pain immediately. How to choose the most effective?

Svechi ot boli v spine

What causes back pain?

Everyone can easily answer this question by analyzing their own lifestyles. If you move a little, then you definitely weak back and problems with it can not be avoided. And even if the work is accompanied by heavy physical activity, you are at risk. There are different reasons of occurrence of pain syndrome. But this does not mean that you are seriously ill. Statistics show that more than 80 of cases are sporadic and occur for the following reasons:

  • Excessive physical load, contributing to muscle strain;
  • Stagnation of muscles and joints due to prolonged stay in the same position (during sleeping, sitting at the computer)
  • forced uncomfortable posture;
  • Perestoronina back (a long stay in a cold place, in the draft, the impact of conditioning);
  • Relapses of earlier illnesses. But not so simple. Back pain can be symptom of serious pathologies, chronic character and caused by a variety of reasons:
  • Pathology of internal organs, the pain which gives back (pyelonephritis, gynecological disease, pancreatitis, tumors of different etiology);
  • Low back pain is the result of degeneration of the disc tissue of the spine;
  • Scoliosis – the displacement of the disk, leading to injury of the spine;
  • Myalgia is an inflammation of the tissues;
  • Intervertebral hernia – bulging disc;
  • Spondylolisthesis – displacement of vertebral structures;
  • Bechterew's disease (spondylitis), inflammation of ligaments and joints;
  • Spinal infection (TB, osteomyelitis, syphilis);
  • Fractures;
  • Of traumatic injury.

If you are concerned about a long and painful manifestations in the back, you definitely need expert advice.

What you can treat the pain?

To achieve positive results in getting rid of back pain is possible by eliminating the cause of the disease. But the first step is to relieve pain and inflammation. Modern pharmacological industry offers a wide range of medicines from back pain, the most popular include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which have a triple action: analgesic, relieve fever and inflammation;
  • Steroid (hormone) anti-inflammatory agents (corticosteroids) suppress the immune system and allergies;
  • Muscle relaxants, which reduce the tonus of the muscles of the skeleton.
  • Chondroprotectors to restore articular cartilage.
  • Analgesics relieve pain.

All of the aforementioned drugs available in different dosage forms: tablets, injections, suppositories, gels and ointments, each of which has its pros and cons. To make a choice the most effective drug among the variety of preparations and forms of their release should an attending neurologist. He diagnoses the cause of pain through a complete examination and recommend treatment, assessing contraindications and possible side effects.

Candles with back pain

Among medical methods of getting rid of back pain, the most popular is suppozitorii (candles) effectively coping with the disease. Candles are increasingly becoming an alternative to other forms of medicines (tablets, gels, ointments), as have a number of advantages:

  • Able to quickly deliver medication to the site of the lesion;
  • Instantly into the blood and act directly;
  • Reduce the negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Have virtually no side effects.
  • You do not need to comply with special conditions of use as injections;
  • In the form of suppositories produced a small amount of money.

Preparations in the form of rectal suppositories is better preformed relieve pain. The ingredients they are almost identical. Candles not only help with pain in the lower back. They eliminate the pathology of the intestine, the genitourinary system (peritonitis, prostatitis), gynecological disease (oophoritis). Proven rectalsuppositories faster help relieve pain, as the concentration of the substances absorbing the pain, much higher than if it enters via the gastrointestinal tract (such as tablets). Moreover, modern pharmaceuticals popularitywith the manufacture of the same drugs in different dosage forms.

Svechi pri bolyah v spine

What plugs can I use?

First, consider non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, produced in the form of rectal suppositories. Best known today are the candles from back pain, and lower back with such active ingredients as Indomethacin, Papaverine, Voltaren, Ketonal, Diclofenac and others. They not only relieve pain and eliminate inflammation, but weaken increased muscle tone in the damaged areas of the lumbar spine and back muscles. At the pharmacy they sell suppositories for multi-names, various modifications and pricing proposals. It is important to pay attention to the composition of the active substance and dosage. Here are some synonymous names of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, produced in the form of suppositories:

  • Diclofenac (Ortofen, Voltaren, Diklovit, Rapten rapid, Artrozan);
  • Indometacin (Indomethacin, Indomin);
  • Ibuprofen (Nurofen);
  • Piroxicam (Pirocam, Arson);
  • Lornoxicam (Xefocam);
  • Ketoprofen (Ketonal, Artrosilene);
  • Ketorolac (Ketorol, Katelyn)

It should be noted that there are non-steroidal drugs having minimum side effects. Pharmacists have developed selective anti-inflammatory drugs, or inhibitors. Such drugs include Movalis recommended for exposure to pain for a long time, for example Bechterew's disease.


With insufficient therapeutic effect of the use of the above drugs are analgesics – painkillers not relieving the inflammation process. They do not affect the mechanism of the disease, affecting only the nervous tissue, and used for back injuries. In this case it is shown to the use of such painkillers candles with a strong pain in the back as Dipyrone Lidocaine Tylenol-Teva, Efferalgan, Pamel and others.

Universal remedy for back pain, lower back are candles of Diclofenac (and its variants), quickly relieves pain and not irritating the intestinal mucosa. The advantage of them is that allowed long-term use and has no significant constraints.

How to use candles

Candles are good rapidly absorbed from the intestine and affordable and convenient to use. When using rectal suppositories, use the simple rules:

  • It is desirable to use a tool to empty the bowel. Possible to put a cleansing enema. Otherwise, you may experience the urge to defecate, so that the candle will not have time to dissolve and will not have a therapeutic effect.
  • Prepare wet wipes. To avoid discomfort, lie down on your side (preferably left), bending the knees, press to the stomach.
  • Enter the suppository into the anus. Do not press down on the candle with the promotion, so as not to damage the mucosa. Wipe hands with a damp cloth.
  • Don't get up out of bed about half an hour until complete absorption of the drug.
  • Better to introduce a suppository before going to sleep.
  • If after 10 minutes you wanted to defecate, the drug not yet absorbed. The procedure is better again.

If you are using the candles you have any unpleasant sensations in the anus, this is not a reason for discontinuation of the drug. When pronounced pain treatment should be discontinued. Rectal suppositories are stored only in the refrigerator!

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Rectal suppositories, like other drugs, not all patients are shown to apply. They are few:

  • Individual intolerance substances included in the composition;
  • The dose of medication that is not age appropriate;
  • The presence of individual abnormalities, which exclude the introduction of a spark;
  • Intestinal bleeding, diarrhea;
  • Not recommended for stomach ulcers;
  • The presence of neurological and psychiatric diseases.

Not excluded side effects:

  • Some forms cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the rectum, which leads to the formation of sores;
  • Simultaneous reception of identical composition of the active substance drugs can lead to overdose of the medication.

When using candles, remember that they do not have a strong medicinal effect. When severe chronic pain is shown to other dosage forms.