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Pain medication while back pain: ointments, pills, injections

Pain when back pain prescribe in pharmacological therapy of diseases of the back and spine. Because most pathologies occur in the chronic form, the patient is constantly beset pain syndrome that prevents lead a normal life and aggravating.

Appointment painkillers for pain in the back should do the attending physician, it is impossible to do anything on their own.

Dosage and drug selection is always very important, because there are side effects and contraindications. Therefore, the first measure of the back pain and other parts of the back is high-quality diagnostics. After the examination, the doctor prescribes the full course of treatment, including pain medications.

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To remove or to reduce pain can medications and physical therapy, but better is to combine them. In some situations, the cost of medicines. With regard to drugs with analgesic effect, they can be divided into 2 large groups: narcotic and non-narcotic


Any painkillers for back pain of this kind is the potent, the effect is achieved very quickly. Many doctors are afraid to use this kind of drugs.

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The use of narcotic drugs is not recommended, but in some situations the pain is very strong. A Prime example is intervertebral hernia of large size, the pressure on the nerve endings is permanent with periodic bouts of more severe pain.

The main drawback of these drugs is the effect of habituation. People can become addicts and it is very difficult to get rid of.


There are several types of non-narcotic pain pain in the lumbar, thoracic and cervical. Dosage and types of medicines can vary, dependent on the location of pain.

Standard drugs with analgesic effect:

  • Antispasmodics;
  • Analgesics;
  • Warming;
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory.

Such medications from back pain are usually complex, dosage and brand drugs prescribed by a doctor. It is also important to know the duration of use of painkillers as possible side effects.

For pain analgesics. It is important to choose the right analgesic for pain in the back, it is necessary to determine the disease. With degenerative changes in the structure of the intervertebral discs, it is important to approach the issue comprehensively. Drugs are of different types.

You need to relieve muscle spasm and to improve blood circulation in the affected area, the use of muscle relaxants (Mydocalm). It is also necessary to remove the inflammation, in this case, will non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac). If back pain for other reasons, for example banal stretch, then use other drugs. To be effective a warming cream distracting nature.

If blown back, a muscle spasm. You need to apply muscle relaxants, in order to adjust blood circulation and relieve pain. In severe situations, it is recommended to use muscle relaxants with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory

Thanks to the special components current anti-inflammatory effect on inflammation, removing edema, exerting a cooling effect. Recommended for pathologies of the spine with a pronounced inflammatory process. It is important to consult with your doctor, because anti-inflammatory drugs are not needed for all patients.

Suggest to read: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in osteochondrosis.

There are many types of nonsteroidal funds, here are some of them:

  • Diclofenac. Great drug, widely used in the CIS countries. Usually used in osteochondrosis and injuries of the spine;
  • Ketoprofen. Very effective in the treatment of different kindsarthritis;
  • Ketorolac. A great anti-inflammatory for your back, particularly effective for injuries and in rehabilitation period after operations on the spine.

Muscle relaxants

Muscle analgesic drugs are powerful analgesic effect in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. You need to carefully choose muscle relaxants for your body, because of unwanted effects may reduce the performance of muscle fibers, which worsens the posture and increases the load on the spine.

If all matched correctly, the drug has a very beneficial effect on the entire body. In connection with the removal of pain returns to mobility of the back, improves the emotional state, the brain begins to function better.

Muscle relaxants well-tolerated by people, but some people from the reception should refrain:

  • Pregnant girls;
  • Nursing mothers;
  • Extremely sensitive Allergy sufferers;
  • Young children.


And how to treat back pain without affecting the disease itself? For this purpose invented a special painkillers. These drugs come in different strengths. Usually to relieve the pain is possible by using classical analgesics:

  • Analgin;
  • Aspirin;
  • The paracetamol.

Any kind of analgesics are used with little effect from the previous courses of drugs (antispasmodics, non-steroidal). You need to consult with your doctor regarding the dosage and duration of course of treatment with a particular drug.

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There are some side effects such as increased sleepiness and skin rashes. If you do not follow the advice of a doctor, be prepared for such manifestations.

If you treat your back right, then attacks of severe pain should not occur, but if such a situation arose, the doctor may prescribe potent analgesics. In any case, you cannot change to increase the dosage or to take such drugs for longer than the period. Failure to comply with the rules of the disruption to the digestive system and affect the nervous system.


This method works best to remove lower back pain if conventional means do not help. Because injectable treatment is fairly fast and efficient. It is important to choose the right place for the shot. It is possible to inject into the buttock, to the sternum, or in the location of the affected intervertebral disc. After the injection you need to apply something warm to the place of destruction.

You need to learn from the physician what types of drugs are best suited for you, taking into account the severity of condition and individual characteristics of the organism. But you should remember about the contraindications of such procedures:

  • Childhood and adolescence;
  • Allergies with respiratory diseases;
  • People with serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, etc.).

Pain ointment

And what to numb the pain, if it is not very strongly manifest itself? Ointment would be a great option. If there's any pain lumbar, ointments can be used to a greater extent.

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Quite a strong analgesic, a representative analgesic ointments, Dolobene gel. Combined medicine not only helps to cure pain, but also partially affects inflammatory process. Also very effective ointments such as Bystrom gel and Fastum gel. There is still a warming cream, a perfect example of getting Finalgon. Rubbing of this kind do not apply in the inflammatory process. It is also forbidden ointment, which consists of bee venom.

Painkillers candles

Candles are also great pain. It is separately possible to allocate a category of people who are concerned with the pathology of digestion. Such patients cannot use some pills and ointments that can start an allergic reaction and aggravation of the situation. The disadvantage of this procedure is the lack of efficiency in severe pain during the attacks.


Hormones must be taken strictly under the supervision of physician and by prescription. You can't go wrong with either the dosage or duration of the course. The danger in this case is very high. Hormone disruption is a dangerous thing. People can overcome a serious disease of the endocrine system. Better to be safe than to suffer.

At the beginning of the course the dosage is quite large and every day becoming less. Course duration should be not more than 5 days.

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Alternative means

Among such drugs may be noted the injection of vitamins. This not only restores the immune system, reduced pain syndrome, but also positively affects the entire body. The pain will decrease. Also well established pain patcheswhich have almost no side effects. This passive treatment much to their liking, and the efficiency is quite high. Pregnant and lactating women, such funds can't hurt, can safely use.

How can we forget about the folk remedies, such also available. There are some great and simple recipes vs back pain:

  • Tea with birch leaves and cranberries. You want to place a roughly equal number of those and other leaves, fill them with boiling water and eat a little;
  • You can make a kind of ointment with ginger and garlic. All the ingredients you need to chop and mix with butter (creamy). Apply this ointment on the location of the pain;
  • As a separate option ointments you can use ordinary oil of menthol. Analgesic effect is achieved quite quickly.