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Sore neck and head: the causes, what to do, what medications to take

Neck pain and head feels like a complex aching, throbbing sensations in the cervical spine and temporal area of the head. Often pain syndrome occurs after the morning climbing out of bed. Every second person believes that it is better to bear the pain, hoping that it is the result of fatigue or weather conditions. Dampen the pain with anesthetic substances, which is not appropriate. If it hurts the neck and head it is recommended to take a closer look to the symptoms. And what is osteochondrosis?

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Who are more prone to headaches

Every day more and more people feel severe pain in the neck and head. Are no exception and the kids. First of all, severe neck pain provoked by the wrong organization of the workplace. There are professions that have the potential to become a source of serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Office workers are most often exposed headaches, often there is pain in the cervical spine. This happens due to sedentary work at a laptop, uncomfortable when sitting and incorrectly flexed position of the spine. As a result, after a couple of hours of such work start pain symptoms.

This may also include and drivers, which, like office workers, a greater amount of time in a sitting position. But those who lead an active lifestyle, are not immune to pain. For example, people who are engaged in big power physiological loads. Often the pain radiates to your head, worries of people of retirement age. In this case there is a poor circulation of the brain.

Causes of pain syndrome

At a constant continuous pain in the neck and head it is recommended to consult a doctor. Because the causes of this disease are many. These include the following diseases.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis one of the most frequent diseases of the spine, which causes like cervical, and headache. The pain becomes especially unbearable when moving, because at the same time compressed the vertebral artery. Patients suffering from this disease, are strong unbearable pain at the base of the head. The disease is cause fatigue of the eyeballs, as well as acute pain in the temples, eventually reduced vision.

When turning the patients head, it might be a specific crunch. At the same time, the pain can be so unbearable that the patient has to keep his head in the same awkward position. The disease is triggered not only bad posture, but is also associated with the genetics of a person, presence of overweight or passive lifestyle.

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Spinal injury

When sore neck and radiates to the head, then a clear background disappear in some circumstances. For example, many ride public transportation and often have the example of their various inconveniences. Strong braking or acceleration have all the chances to contribute causeless blow or turn of the passenger.

For some it will be a trifle at first, but after a couple of months the patient hurts the cervical spine. Nothing even to mention the various accidents or fights, which easily damaged the spine. So, when the first symptoms consult a doctor.

Impaired blood supply

Unwanted sensations radiating to the neck, can be caused by hypertension. The same characteristic of atherosclerosis of the vertebral artery. There may be inadequate blood flow to the brain, causing headache, this symptom often causes a migraine.

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Occipital neuralgia

For the cervical and occipital neuralgia is characterized by acute headache. Often pain syndrome spread along the head to the forehead, temples and eyes. To reduce the pain is to bend the neck in the direction of the nerve that is affected. Because otherwise endure the painunbearable.

Mental and physical fatigue, stress

Practically, the path of life every second happen a variety of unpleasant situations that are a trigger for stress, and extreme nervous condition, this perception causes damage not only to the psychological component of the human body, but also physiological. The result may be that a really sore neck, which in turn can give to the head. As a result there is low back pain.

Treatment of head and neck pain

What to do if non-stop headache and neck? The answer to this question can only be learned one of the reasons causing the disease. For this you need to get checked out by professionals, and only later the obtained results to take medication.


At home cupping, you can take anesthetics, but do not overdo them. When choosing medicines give preference to those that have minimized the number of side effects, while respecting the dosage. Painkillers should not take more than 5-7 days in a row.

For the relief of pain, there are ways of treatment:

  • The use of pharmaceuticals;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Swimming and physical education;
  • Massages;
  • A complex of therapeutic techniques.

In order to achieve the fastest effect, apply the treatment in conjunction. In difficult cases, to eliminate the disease is used surgery.

What medicines to take

Medicines should be prescribed only by a specialist in this field. Today in the practice of using large quantities of anti-inflammatory and anesthetic medicines that help with pain of the head and neck. Highly effective are:

  • Ketoprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Meloxicam;
  • Ibuprofen.

For drugs with a small and relatively harmless effect on the gut include:

  • Diacerin;
  • Celecoxib;
  • Aceclofenac.

When intolerable pain will help:

  • Carbamazepine;
  • Flupirtine;
  • Pregabalin.

To protect the neural structures, preference should be given vitamin compounds. Recommended drugs:

  • Berocca;
  • Milgamma;

There are many variations of sedative medicines, this can be:

  • Corvalol;
  • Valokordin;
  • Tinctures (motherwort, Valerian).

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Orthopedics and reflexology

To reduce the muscle load, or when your head hurts from the neck back, it is recommended to use the collar Trench. It should only be applied in case of surgical intervention or trauma. Collar will make your posture correct and will make the fixation of the cervical spine.

Today is widely used the so-called reflexology. It works with the current use of anesthetic medicines. One of the most effective is considered laser treatment. Its essence is that the combination of ultraviolet and infrared rays she affect the painful areas of the body, thus removing the pain.

It is recommended to use special exercises, the exercises, which need to be repeated twice each day.

Preventive measures

In that case, if you have pain starts at the base of the head, should pay attention to prevention. After removing the inflammation you need to prevent recurrence of the disease. It is recommended to conduct a healthy way of life:

  • To exclude from the use of alcoholic and tobacco products;
  • Stick to a preset routine, try to sleep no less than 6-8 hours per day;
  • Walking more time on the street;
  • To do special exercises to the extent possible, your body;
  • Practice preventive exercises;
  • Exclude from food spicy, salty, oily;
  • Not to use food additives and preservatives;
  • You should abandon the consumption of strong tea and coffee (beneficial effect on the human body given by: teas from herbs, hibiscus);
  • To eat more fortified foods (fruits and vegetables, greens), lean meats and fish.

If you are the whole day in a sitting position, then:

  • Every 30 minutes to do a workout of the body;
  • Possible, give up the Elevator, and go to work on foot;
  • Don't take everything to heart, develop the ability to handle stress;
  • Daily drink at least 2 liters of water.