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The hump on the back of his neck how to get rid of bumps at home

Lump on cervical spine, also known as salt, the widow's or Buffalo hump, often tormented women after forty. Can cause as an exclusively aesthetic problem and more serious symptoms – pain, numbness, and loss of mobility. If there was a hump on the neck and you don't know how to get rid of it, pay attention to the methods of treatment at home.

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A visible seal on the neck does not appear immediately. At first the lump on the back of his neck makes itself felt only by the crackle of the spine during movements of the head and neck. This symptom at first was not paying attention and pity – it was in the development phase with the hump easiest to handle.

Increasing in size, the hump is often called, is seemingly not associated with ringing sensation in the ears, chronic vertigo, the deterioration of the overall mobility.

Moving your head or raising his hand the person feels a pain in the neck and spine. At night numb hands and feet. The symptoms are very similar to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Appear curvature of the spine in the neck, headache, reduced overall health.

Stronger sore neck, shoulders and arms, and a bump located on a cervical vertebra, gradually increases. A woman worries about her appearance, experienced depression and irritability.


Before proceeding to the treatment, you must find out the causes of defect. If not, delete the problematic factor, that of a neck hump, which in fact is only a symptom, not to get rid of.

  • Hormonal changes. Pathology usually develops in women over forty (which is why it still bears the name "widow's hump"), especially during menopause. At this time you should think about taking hormonal drugs. They will not only help to prevent the development defect, but in General, normalize the endocrine background;
  • Genetic predisposition. If women in your family often suffered from fat accumulations in the neck, you should pay special attention to preventive methods;
  • Osteoporosis – lack of calcium in bone tissues. Such deficiency could be the reason that the spine will suffer a curvature, and the vertebrae form a hump;
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Spending long time sitting or just without physical activity, you run the risk of becoming a victim of degeneration of the intervertebral discs and, as a result, salt deposits in the cervical spine;
  • Heavy loads on the body. Fatigue, lifts weights, serious sport or just a large amount of work around the house can cause the neck muscles will become denser and will create the "bump";
  • Any injury of the spine, any injury, a crack or fracture can lead to the formation of bad seals on the neck in the form of a hump;
  • Benign fibrolipoma or lipoma. Threat such tumors that impair blood flow to the brain;
  • The cyst will likely require surgery. Usually it is a congenital pathological entity that contains excess moisture. Dangerous cyst that can start to fester, cause the formation of a fistula, or switch to a malignant state.


First used ultrasound to search the fatty layers. X-ray examination carried out for suspected osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or curvature. Magnetic resonance imaging of the versatile and most likely to immediately determine the source of the pathology development and growth of the hump. The blood and urine tests will not give any results.

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To get rid of the hump in the cervical spine and the treatment of any type had been effectively addressed, niveliruya the following negative factors:

  • Junk food;
  • Very soft bed;
  • Pillows above ten centimeters.
  • Constantly being in a sitting position.


How to remove the hump in the center of the cervical spine at home? Enjoy a self-massage problem areas. Every day, about a quarter of an hour dodeep motion in a circle – Pat, pinch, push. Before a session of self-massage of the neck, take a warm bath with baking soda or chamomile infusion. It will make fat accumulation in a lump more soft and pliable. It is also possible the use of the applicator Kuznetsova.


To not have to remove the tumor in the form of lumps through surgery, do regular exercises. The following simple exercises you will not have to pay more than twenty minutes per day:

  • Tilt, turn and rotate the head;
  • Concentrate on the tip of the chin and bring them imaginary geometric shapes. The figure itself is not important, it matters how accurately you are chin on her faces;
  • Classic boat has not been canceled. Lie on stomach, lift arms and legs, pulling them. Hold for a few seconds. You can try to shake his body. In this case it is not necessary to do exercise "to stop";
  • Get on all fours and alternately hibyte, Vegemite the back, stretching the spine in the neck;
  • Spread your legs apart and do the strokes with the hands touching the toes of socks.

Since this gym is therapeutic in nature, do not get too tired. All the exercises are better to perform for five or seven repetitions, gently increasing the load. So you increase the tonus of the neck muscles by treating yourself.

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Start walking in the pool. When swimming, you strengthen the spinal muscles, correct posture, stretch the spine, dropping the extra pounds. This reduces the risk for further growth of the bump or bumps.

Proper nutrition

A hump or bump on the spine in the cervical region is often formed because of poor diet and extra pounds. Observe the following guidelines:

  • Avoid a sense of complete saturation;
  • Reduce consumption of fried and fatty;
  • Eliminate sweets and carbonated drinks;
  • Consume more calcium is mainly in dairy products;
  • Lean on fruits and vegetables.

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If the hump grew out of the salt deposits, a basic dish of rice will help clean away unwanted salts in the body and provide the treatment you need:

  • Several times wash the rice;
  • Fill it with boiled water, leave for about ten hours under the hood;
  • Drain;
  • Taking one tablespoon of grits, boil in clean water for about four minutes. In any case, do not salt;
  • Drink on an empty stomach every morning. It's not very "tasty" treatment, but effective;
  • Leftover rice can be poured again and insist until the next morning.

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Traditional medicine

The problem of the widow's hump on the neck, and women of past centuries had to get rid of it. For the treatment of cervical cones were used:

  • A compress of salt and honey in the ratio 1:1. From the mixture make a compress, put in cheesecloth and place on a vertebra, where the lump grew;
  • Cook five tablespoons of beans and strain, the Gulf of the liquid in the thermos. Drink the broth two cups every day;
  • Bandages soaked in chamomile tea, apply to the hump;
  • A yellow card put next to the lump three times a day.


Surgery – the fastest way to remove a neck hump. The preference still is to give conservative treatment unless the root of the problem is not in the lipoma or cyst. If the hump is a fatty Deposit, is the classic local liposuction. Fatty tissue bumps cut or standard laser technique. The most gentle way, but not the fastest – ultrasonic therapy.

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Shock wave treatments

To get rid of the hump on the neck, the location of the hump on the neck is subjected to strong ultrasound. It allows you to literally "break up" the fat accumulation in the cone.

Sessions last about half an hour, is performed five sessions with a one week break. In addition, so the doctor manages to break harmful concentrations, the treatment improves circulation and skin condition. Decreases the risk of recurrence of the growth of fatty lump on neck.


To remove the hump on the neck is a complex medical problem, and not to solve it, during the menopause please note the following preventive measures:

  • Sleep on a hard or orthopedic mattresses and pillows, it will improve the condition of the spine;
  • Lose weight, eat right and moremove;
  • Control hormones;
  • Take yoga or Pilates, go to the pool;
  • Go for a massage.

Even if the risk of the Buffalo hump is actually there, your body and especially spine will thank you.

mery profilaktiki shishek v shejnom otdele


Bumps on neck – chronic pathology, and if the lump is not treated, it can bring a lot of unpleasant complications. The most important of them will deteriorate the blood circulation of the brain, disrupted the trophic cells.

The neck hump is not just a cosmetic defect, but serious disease that can lead to complications and requires appropriate treatment.

The consequence will also be the hypertension and heart problems. So the hump on the neck will lead to the development of dystonia. The patient will start to get tired quickly, feeling sluggish. Have to deal with the treatment of these symptoms, although the cause is just a lump on the neck near the spine.