Home / Neck pain: causes, disease of the cervical, symptoms, treatment / Neck rigidity: what is it, symptoms, how to remove muscle tension

Neck rigidity: what is it, symptoms, how to remove muscle tension

The tension of the neck muscles is a common problem of office workers. Pain in the cervical spine contributes to not only fatigue because of long sedentary work. Spasms of the neck muscles, stiffness and pain may indicate the development of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine.

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To stop the development of the pathology and to prevent complications, perform therapeutic exercises. Take some time to self-massage the neck muscles. Pay attention to preventive recommendations.

What is muscle stiffness?

If the profession makes to spend a lot of time in the chair at the computer, sooner or later man will have to know what stiffness in the cervical muscles. Her symptoms – constant muscle spasms and aching pain. At the end of the day is starting to have a headache, "shoot" in the neck, dizziness, light-headedness occurs. These symptoms provoke constant tension of the muscles. Further developing osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Complications can be more dangerous pathology of the spine and circulation. To stop this process, remove the load from the muscles to give the neck rest.

Most likely, you are reading this article sitting at a computer. Rate, correct position of your neck:

  1. The shoulders should not be raised up;
  2. Trapezoid should not be stretched.

Trapeze is often overloaded for the following reasons:

  • Stress and fatigue;
  • The elevated position of the shoulders;
  • Shoulders are shifted forward (slouching).

Consequences and treatment

The neck is full of nerves and capillaries that feed the brain and transmitting its signals to the body. The vertebrae of the neck is the most thin, there are only seven. In this case the cervical vertebrae must be able to withstand up to eight kilograms of weight of a human head! To support the head, the body provided the area 32 muscles that help to keep your head straight, help to move and protect the cerebral circulation. The neck has four large arteries, and eight of the nerves, as well as the main compartment of the spinal cord. This is the centre of blood supply of the brain, internal organs chest, arms.

The tension in the neck affects the function of blood vessels and nerves. In the brain receives less of the needed oxygen and nutrients, muscles weaken.

As a result, people suffering from pain in the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Headache, harder to move my neck. If the voltage persists for many years, faster wrinkles, puffiness of the face. Appears migraine, deteriorating sight, salts accumulate. Zaselyalsya nerve roots of the spinal cord, causing the patient suffers from sciatica, getting all the new complications.


There are a few simple ways to take the stress off of the trapezium. They will help to get rid of pain and stiffness:

  1. Straighten your back, throw your chest out forward (fine if you're constantly slouching);
  2. Raise and lower shoulders for Maxim several times;
  3. Just completely relax cervical and shoulder girdle.

To relax the neck, therapeutic exercises, must first correctly positioning the head. The back of the head first, a little lift, imagine if in a benevolent something pulling from the top. The chin is slightly move back, pulling him inside. These movements relax the cervical and head region, help to say goodbye to a habit to keep your head too low or too high. Relieved breath, straightens the back.

  1. Relax your shoulders and stretch to the top of the top. Try to feel the stretching of the neck vertebraeslightly while turning his head in different directions;
  2. Then put sets on his chest and RUB them clavicular region. Gently, not moving dramatically, increasingly in this turn head;
  3. Then throw your head back and try to RUB the bottom of the neck, occipital region;
  4. During sedentary work follow the position of their shoulders and if they are raised, lower them. So you loosened your trapezoid will save your neck from unnecessary spasms.

Low back pain causes pain and feeling of stiffness. There is one simple exercise, quickly debilitating of these symptoms. Put your hand on the opposite shoulder so that the thumb touched the cervical region. Massage the thumb and forefinger of the muscles, uniting the neck with the shoulders. Repeat with the oppositeside


Pain and muscle spasms the neck region can be symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease. To improve the condition of the intervertebral discs and relieve tension with a neck, having a session-massage at home. All movements do vigorously, but avoid discomfort. The impact of the increases on the rise. Massage movements on the neck are always from the top down.

  1. Stand or sit in a firm chair, straighten your back;
  2. Putting both hands on the neck, stroking it, touching the trapezoid. Then squeeze the edge of the palm, first one side of neck, then another, already thumb;
  3. RUB the neck muscles, performing a rotational motion in a circle from the middle to the sides. Do the kneading of muscles, clasping their palms. Finish the session by stroking;
  4. After the self-massage back neck muscles, go to the front. First stroking with one hand the entire front face of the neck, clasping her fingers. Important note – try not to touch the thyroid gland, and stroking, not pushing her;
  5. Behind the ears, locate the mastoid muscles of the neck. RUB them with circular movements of the fingers, moving from top to bottom;
  6. Then pinch the muscle at a time, tentatively she tilted her head to the side;
  7. Finish by stroking the front. You can interrupt them in the middle of the process and a little Pat on the muscles. After a session of self-massage relax, relax.

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To prevent the development of pathological processes in the cervical spine, pay attention to preventive recommendations:

  • Discard the extra pounds. The spine and its muscular girdle is not designed for heavy weight. As a result, the spine is compressed, and intervertebral discs suffer degenerative changes;
  • Keep a good posture. In addition, so the person looks presentable, it also relaxes the cartilage discs;
  • Working in the office, not bend over above the keyboard. Pick up a chair and a table, which you don't have to keep your back crooked. Most try to stand up and relax, do a little workout;
  • Even while at the workplace, you can do a simple exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck. Straighten your back, stretch the head to the top. Put your head on your palm and apply some pressure. Look down and keep a steady position, despite the pressure. Concentrate on the stretching of the skin of the head and neck muscles. Do ten repetitions;
  • Long talking on the phone, pressing his ear to the shoulders;
  • Your pillow should be not too soft, not too hard. It should not be higher than ten centimeters and must have a rectangular shape. Ideally, get an orthopedic pillow.