Home / Dorsopathy: diseases of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine / Uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine: what is it, treatment, symptoms

Uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine: what is it, treatment, symptoms

When damage occurs joints of the spine, for it formed a hook-like growths that afflict the motion of the head. This pathology is called uncovertebral osteoarthritis of the cervical spine. The disease is not considered serious, however, if you let it go, in consequence, increases the risk of complete destruction of the disc cartilage in the spine. It is therefore important to understand how to treat the disease, and what preventive measures are necessary.

CHto takoe unkovertebralnyj artroz shejnogo otdela pozvonochnika?

What is uncovertebral osteoarthritis

Pathology is a consequence of total or partial wear of the cartilage of the joints. The deformation of the cervical spine occurs due to friction of the vertebrae, a variety of inflammatory processes and reduce the size of the vertebral discs. When the vertebrae are touching, the people there are unpleasant sensations. Eventually form the osteophytes on the vertebrae. They represent osteophytes, are irregular in structure. Help compensate for excessive load on the cartilage tissue and reduce soreness.

Osteophytes in the cervical spine create a new uncovertebral joint. Most often, the localized unchartered 4 through 6 cervical vertebra.

The causes of pathology

There are many reasons that can trigger osteoarthritis unkovertebralnyh joints of the cervical. Medicine divides them into congenital and acquired. For example, among birth defects, syndrome Olenika can provoke encountres.

Condition that cause degenerative-dystrophic lesion of:

  • Systematic execution of physical activity associated with lifting heavy objects;
  • Lack of physical activity;
  • Skeletal system diseases;
  • Pathological condition of the spinal column;
  • Problems in the field of endocrinology;
  • Flat feet;
  • Injury to the cervical vertebrae;
  • Polio;
  • Disruptions of metabolic processes in the body;
  • The lack of trace elements in the intervertebral region;
  • Loss of elasticity of the ligaments in the neck;
  • Dislocations of joints in the hip region;
  • Osteoporosis.

Experts call the three categories of people most susceptible to developing osteoarthritis:

  • Older people, because of their age;
  • Persons with excess body weight;
  • Professional athletes, due to the uneven load on the neck.


The most important symptom, indicating the presence of degenerative-dystrophic damage, is the pain localized at the site of damaged vertebra. The feeling of permanent discomfort knocks man out of a habitual rhythm of life. Muscle spasms happen randomly on a reflex level, it prevents normal rotation of the head. If at this stage of ankarcrona cervical to ask for help, when properly selected therapeutic system it is possible to promptly remedy the defect, otherwise the disease will start to progress.

At the beginning of arthrosis of the cervical region the pain is a periodic phenomenon. Later, during a long finding in one position the pain increases. Therefore, patients are advised to frequent change of position. Another disturbing symptom is the crunch, which is localized in the vertebrae when bending the head. Provocateur pain are the intervertebral discs that are in contact protrude and hurt ligaments. In the later stages of progression of osteoarthritis the pain is regular.

Without the timely intervention of osteoarthritis unkovertebralnyh joints may provoke synovial cyst. Pain in this disease is transmitted in the limbs, and in severe cases there is paralysis.

Symptoms that indicate the presence uncovertebral osteoarthritis:

  • Pain in different parts of the head;
  • Frequent sprains in the cervical;
  • Pressure change in the arteries;
  • A sense of enclosed space;
  • Pain in the chest and back;
  • Sudden deterioration of vision and hearing;
  • Neuritis of the shoulder and other neurological manifestations.

The intervertebral discs protrude what appear herniacompressing the nerve roots and blood vessels of the circulatory system. This causes the patient terrible pain.

proyavleniya unkovertebralnogo artroza

The consequences

Uncovertebral arthritis of the spine cervical region destroys the cartilaginous tissue. As a result, the malfunction of the intervertebral discs. If time does not begin treatment, the osteoarthritis will progress, and the tissue between the vertebrae will become very slim. Spinal fluid begins to evaporate, the result is a function of stretchability and elasticity will be lost. Therefore, the vertebral disk bulges in both directions. All the elements near the clamped disk. The person experiences pain.


For an accurate diagnosis in the primary reception specialist asks the patient about symptoms and then after a careful inspection and palpation of the affected area shall appoint:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • X-rays;
  • Angiography;
  • General analysis of blood and urine.

A medical examination allows to visualize changes in the vertebral discs and facet joints, and osteophytes. After a thorough examination the doctor will determine exactly uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine and prescribe treatment.

How to get rid of the disease?

Treatment of degenerative-dystrophic lesions is carried out at home under strict medical supervision. A comprehensive approach is necessary. What can be prescribed by a doctor:

  • Medicines;
  • Physical therapy;
  • SANATORNO-a resort vacation;
  • Physical therapy exercises;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Orthopedic techniques;
  • Surgery.


In medicine there are no medicines that can permanently eliminate the cause of the pathology of the cervical region. To slow the disease and relieve the patient from painful sensations doctors prescribe:

  • Antispasmodics and drugs against pain syndrome. This is usually non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, Ketanov, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Diclofenac etc.
  • Medicines to restore normal blood flow in the affected vertebrae. For example, Actovegin, Chimes, Pentoxifylline, etc.
  • Chondroprotectors. Restore cartilage, and slow the process of decay. For example, Chondroitin, Glucosamine, etc.
  • To relieve severe pain syndrome spend novocaine blockade.

These drugs help to cope with osteoarthritis, however, to appoint medical treatment can only specialist.

Physical therapy

To improve the effects of medication, doctors prescribe a range of physical treatments. If the patient has no contraindications, physiotherapy anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain and reduces all the symptoms. So it is often prescribed as a preventive measure, and the assistants to the medicine.

The most effective method according to experts:

  • Magnetotherapy. Apply on the affected area pulses of a static current. Eliminates puffiness and inflammation.
  • Amplipulse. Modulated current in the shortest time takes away the pain.
  • Ultrasonic honores. Used for delivering pain medication into the affected area to freeze the nerve plexus during exacerbations.

Orthopedic treatment

One of the most effective methods of eliminating symptoms of ankarcrona at the initial stage is wearing the collar of the Trench. It is used for relieving nervous tension and fatigue of the neck. The collar can be compared with the crutches, because it evenly distributes the weight of the head. Thanks to the invention of the Trench, the head is fixed in the correct position, and the spine rests.


Massage is one of the areas of manual therapy, which has a positive effect on cervical osteoarthritis. Massage improves blood flow, relieves spasms of the muscles, gradually restoring the basic functions of the joints. Carefully select masseur in uncovertebral osteoarthritis, remember that it is a disease, which means "doctor" should be medical education.

Traditional medicine

In some cases, to relieve pain and slow the progression of ankarcrona been used as a folk medicine. Recipes for the preparation of ointments, rastirok, decoctions of many, but before use, it is recommended that face-to-face consultation with a specialist. Self-medication can lead to disastrous results.