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Pull back on 8 week of pregnancy: causes, what to do

Most women know the feeling, when the 8 weeks pregnant aches and pulls in my waist and, of course, it affects the emotional state as a future mom and baby. For the duration of pregnancy at 8 weeks characterized by the presence of symptoms, evidence of "interesting situation", and pain or pulling sensation in the lower back are some of them. From the point of view of medicine pain disturbing physiological reaction of the organism to changes taking place in it. Eighth week refers to the first trimester of pregnancy, in this period the embryo there is a bookmark and the formation of internal organs, and the body of the mother intensively rebuilds its work in order to safely carry and give birth to the baby in the next month.

Tyanet poyasnicu na 8 nedele beremennosti, chto delat?

Physiological causes

In most cases, lower back pain 8 weeks pregnant is normal and is associated with physiological processes that occur in the body pregnant on the period of 8 weeks of pregnancy. Among the causes of lower back pain associated with the physiological processes of the most common are the following:

  • Intensive synthesis of the hormone relaxin in the pregnant woman's body and the cells of the chorion causes loosening and stretching the connective tissue of the spine, since the lumbar spine is the most loaded, it starts to hurt and pull;
  • Along with the onset of pregnancy, changes start happening in the urinary system women are associated with increase in circulating blood volume to be filtered to the kidneys, accordingly, the load on the kidneys increases and they have to work harder than normal, which leads to pulling pain in the lumbar;
  • During pregnancy a woman gains weight and the load on the spine increases, especially for women with asthenic body type or spine disease, and musculoskeletal disorder.

Signs of disease

Despite the fact that at 8 weeks pregnant lower back pulls the majority of pregnant there are cases when this is due to the course of pathological processes in the body, which not only threaten the health of the expectant mother and the baby and require immediate treatment:

  • Diseases of the urinary system. Pregnant women with chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, or other kidney disease is done with utmost care relates to their health, if the pregnancy pulls back and immediately consult a doctor. Usually lower back pain kidney disease accompanied by several other symptoms: increased body temperature and blood pressure, edema (special attention should be paid to the lower extremities), nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urge to urinate, change in color or amount of urine;
  • If the attachment of the chorion to the back wall of the uterus lower back pain could indicate a threatened miscarriage. Often the threat of miscarriage is accompanied by the appearance of discharge from the genital tract and pulling sensations in the abdomen. To eliminate the threat of abortion or to keep the fetus must pass inspection of the obstetrician-gynecologist. It is desirable that it was the doctor who watches a woman from the beginning of pregnancy;
  • When the sinking of the embryo in the uterus begin to develop inflammation, pain which may radiate to the lower back pulling sensations;
  • Alicia uterine fibroids can cause pain in the lower back due to increased vascularity of the tumor, which leads to its rapid growth;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of musculoskeletal system of the mother: osteoarthritis, rheumatism, collagenosis and others.

What to do?

Because among the causes of this phenomenon exist as harmless, which is a normal reaction to the changes, and extremely dangerous, leading not only to the complications during pregnancy or fetal loss, but also fatal for mother, it is first necessary to establish the specific cause and to exclude any possible pathological processes.

On the 8th week of pregnancy, usually the woman is registered in the polyclinic at the place of residence or at the clinic where is going to give birth, and met with the obstetrician which will not only monitor the progress of her pregnancy, but sometimes to deliver. It is to your obstetrician-gynecologist should refer the pregnant woman ifthe lower back starts to hurt or pull at the eighth week.

A doctor can prescribe a number of studies, allowing to establish the cause of pain: clinical blood and urine tests, a urine test for sterility, ultrasound examination of the uterus and the lumbar spine, analysis of smear vaginal discharge, viewed in a mirror or digital vaginal examination, measurement of blood pressure and body weight. These studies will allow to determine precisely the reason why during pregnancy, it pulls the lower back, plus they are completely safe for mother and fetus and do not cause any discomfort.

In addition to the immediate treatment to the doctor of the expectant mother should not panic, but rather to listen to your body, pay attention to other symptoms that accompany the pain in the lower back. In case of detection of symptoms in addition to pain and concern about them should definitely inform the obstetrician-gynecologist during the reception.

Despite the fact that can pull your lower back on 8 week of pregnancy because of serious problems, the expectant mother should remain calm and sane because, regardless of the causes of pain, tension can seriously damage the organisms of the mother and child and certainly will not help get rid of the problem pulling sensations or pain in the lower back.

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How to reduce the pain

If a doctor, it was found that lower back pain is associated with health problems, he will prescribe treatment that will help to remove soreness. In the case that there was found no pathological processes and pain is the normal physiological origin, it is usually better just to endure. However, there are several safe ways you can reduce the discomfort in the lower back:

  • To increase the time of rest and limit physical activity. On the eighth week of pregnancy, women are yet to go on maternity leave and lead a usual lifestyle, but do not forget that during pregnancy the body needs more time to rest, so should slow down and give yourself the opportunity throughout the day to lie down several times at least 10 to 15 minutes, thereby giving the body the opportunity to rest and relax the back;
  • During attacks of pain lie down in a warm bath (important to ensure that the water was not too hot. Warm water will relax the muscles of the lower back and relieve the pain;
  • Perform special exercises for pregnant women aimed at strengthening back muscles. Moderate physical activity will not only help with the back pain, but will bring the body in tone and help prepare for childbirth.

The latter two methods have a number of contraindications, so before applying you should consult the doctor supervising the pregnancy.


Sometimes it is possible to use drugs, but do not independently appoint a drug, even if the abstract says that the drug is absolutely safe to take during pregnancy. If the lower back pulls so much that it interferes with the normal life of the pregnant woman and affects her emotional condition, the doctor may prescribe a drug, for example, but-shpu.

Guarantees that taking a even absolutely safe drug has no effect on pregnancy or the baby is not. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, and to compare the benefits that it will bring medication, prescribed by a doctor, the risk of possible harm. Pregnancy is not only beautiful, but also challenging time in a woman's life, so it's important to protect yourself and sensitive to the state of his health.