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Pull the lower back 40 weeks pregnant pain in groin, the harbingers of birth

Preparing to become a mother, women are interested in the question of what to do when 40 weeks pregnant sore lower back. At the end of the road for nurturing baby's every spasm and pain indeed and causes a lot of doubt. Look at what happens to the body of mother and baby at this period, what causes the discomfort, and how to handle them by yourself.

Tyanet poyasnicu na 40 nedele beremennosti, chto delat?

Each period of carrying a baby to accompany their features. The child develops gradually, and the mother's body gradually prepare for motherhood. The pregnancy has reached 40 weeks is considered full term. By this time ready as the body of the mother and the child.

He feels mom

After months of waiting the female body is ready to birth new life. The size of the uterus reaches the maximum value, it rises to a height of 35-40 cm from its usual position. The cervix is shortened, and its texture becomes soft to the process of childbirth the baby was not injured. If the fortieth week the cervix is not ready, the doctor prescribes certain drugs.

The weight and volume of the expectant mother stop growing. Some women in the last weeks of pregnancy decreases weight.

The skin on the abdomen is strongly stretched, so it is possible the appearance of stretch marks and itching. To improve elasticity of the skin is recommended to use special care products: creams, lotions, oils.

The 40 weeks of pregnancy for women are characterized by appearance of anxiety, of fear and worry before childbirth. Try to relax: walk more, do some nice shopping and think about the good. Be attentive to yourself, listen to the signs your body sends, at this period the birth can occur at any time.

The birth of a child can develop according to several scenarios, and dragging pain in the lumbar region can testify of the beginning.

Fetal development at 40 weeks

All systems of the body baby ready to birth. Vital organs are formed, the baby becomes active and constantly disturbs the peace of moms jerks. At impact you can easily distinguish the parts of the baby's body, through the highly stretched skin are tiny palms, elbows and knees.

Weight full-term baby ranges from 2500 to 4000 g, height of 45 to 60 cm of Course, there are exceptions. Today not uncommon for athletes weighing up to 5 kg and a miniature Princess a little more than 2 kg. In addition, these children receive quite a high score on the Apgar scale.

The child may be placed in the head and breech. In the first case, the baby's head is palpable on a few fingers above the pubis, and the most severe impacts being felt in the area of the bladder. In the second case the mother's abdomen is more elongated, and the aftershocks have on the stomach for women. Depending on the presentation of doctors, addressed the issue of mode of delivery.

For the period of 40 weeks the child is already not enough space and nutrients derived from the body of the mother, for the active growth and development, so it is ready to be born.

Causes pulling pain

Lower back pain and lower abdomen is a frequent reason for women in the fortieth week of pregnancy to the emergency room to maternity.

Look at what can cause discomfort for 40 week:

  • The load on the spine. A month before the birth, she doubled, because the weight of the child is growing rapidly. To maintain balance, pregnant women are rejected back, thereby increasing the load on the lumbar;
  • The divergence of pelvic bones. For the smooth passage of the baby through the birth canal, the body produces a hormone propels pelvis and symphysis. The baby's head begins to descend and put pressure on the rump, causing discomfort in the lower back;
  • Detachment of the placenta. If nagging pain in the lumbar region accompanied by bloody discharge and uterine tone, you should immediately contact the hospital. Such features are characteristic for the process of exfoliation of the placenta. Timely medical care will save the lives and health of mother and child;
  • Braxton-Hicks. This kind of fights trains the body before childbirth. To determine about this fight or not, it is enough to note the intervals. When real labor contractions begin in the same time intervals with increasing force;
  • The onset of labor process. If spasms in the lower back accompanied by a discharge of mucus plug, amniotic fluid leakagewater and pain in the lower abdomen (contractions) after equal intervals of time, most likely, your toddler is ready to be born and gives know.

In any case, do not leave unpleasant sensations in the lower back and lower abdomen without attention. If back pain is accompanied by changes in the nature of the motion of the child, he pauses for a long time or, on the contrary, hyperactive, you should immediately consult a doctor. On average, in an hour you should feel at least one perceptible movement of the fetus.

To diagnose the condition of the mother and children spend the CTG. The instrument measures the baby's heartbeat and frequency of uterine contractions of the mother.

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Braxton Higgs

The form of fights, which prepares the uterus for a speedy birth. Is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the lower back and lower abdomen. Suggests that the appearance of the baby will happen in the near future.

From the usual training bout is characterized in that the intervals between different or non-existent, and the strength does not change with time.

Still doctors disagree about the origin of contractions Braxton-Hicks. Only one they met, thus the body is preparing for the upcoming birth.

To cope with the unpleasant sensations will help receive the pair of antispasmodic tablets or vaginal candle papaverine. Take a warm shower and then try to relax and go to sleep. If the fight is really about, you manage it without difficulty. Otherwise, take a pre-prepared items and documents, go to the emergency room of the maternity ward.

Other causes of back pain

72% of women pulls back on the period of 40 weeks of pregnancy. Mainly because appear the harbingers of birth. However, the reasons for that sore lower back, can become a serious chronic disease:

  • Neuralgia. Disease of the lumbar spine such as sciatica and hernia, aggravated during pregnancy. It is recommended wearing a brace with the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • Kidney disease. Pyelonephritis and renal colic are common among women carrying the baby. The appearance of pulling back pain together with pain during urination, fever and blood pressure changes in urine color, it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist;
  • Symphysis. The disease associated with the divergence of the bones of Lona. Accompanied by oedema and pain in the pubic area.

pochemu voznikaut tyanushie boli v poyasnice pri beremennosti

Chronic diseases require constant control of physicians. The appointment of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs should produce the attending physician taking into account individual peculiarities of pregnancy.

Ways relieve pain

Medication administered in the hospital, but there are ways to ease the pain yourself:

  • Proper nutrition. Eat foods that are steamed or cooking method. Include in the diet more dairy and meat products, fish, nuts, vegetables;
  • Wear comfortable shoes and clothes that do not constrict movement. The market presents a wide range of lingerie and clothing for pregnant women, it will help to avoid compression of the abdomen and lower back;
  • Sleep on an orthopedic pillow, on a mattress of medium hardness with a set of independent springs;
  • Don't stand in one place and do not sit for long periods of time, do exercises that allows your health, use breathing exercises, go to the pool;
  • Use prenatal bandage, which helps reduce the load on the spine.

Choosing a method of pain relief, consider the individual characteristics of the organism and possible contraindications.

Almost all women, to inform pregnancy to 40 weeks, faced with drawing pains in the lumbar region. It is important not to panic but to deal with the causes. To prevent the development and aggravation of diseases, consult your doctor.