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A sore lower back during menses: causes, what to do, how to relieve the pain

Three of five women a sore lower back during menses. Every month they feel, how to reduce abdominal muscles your answer give pain receptors. Aching pain in the lower abdomen and waist appear even before your period, and sometimes continue after them. Menstrual pain in the lower back and lower abdomen are the medical term "dysmenorrhea". Why this condition appears during menstruation and how to relieve the symptoms, will be known after detailed diagnosis.

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The main reasons may be the following:

  • Permanent spasm of the muscles of the pelvis and the belt;
  • Inflammation and swelling of the internal female organs;
  • Unnatural hormonal changes.

Primary and secondary dysmenorrhea

Most often, the answer to the question why when menstruation starts to hurt the lower back, is in the specific position of the uterus. If the uterus is located closer to the spine, it changes during menstruation can affect the nerves in the region. There is pain in the lower back during menstruation. For this reason, can hurt the stomach. Infectious diseases and related inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system can also be a source of back pain when menstruation.

Secondary dysmenorrhea is called a congenital phenomenon in which women experience menstrual pain due to the fact that initially malformed uterus. Body birth is bent or has a rudimentary appendages.

This also applies to the dual pathology of the uterus. Acquired secondary dysmenorrhea is caused by chronic inflammation of the appendages, endometriosis, cancer processes and fibroids, serious hormonal problems. These situations are more specific and require a more thorough medical approach.


The level of female hormones during menstruation is much higher than their normal level. The result of chronic reduction in uterine muscle that resembles childbirth. If a woman suffers from increased sensitivity of nerves, pain during these contractions can be very strong.

If the thyroid gland begins to show excessive activity, the overall hormonal balance is hard suffering is a source of insomnia and pulling pain in the lower back.

gormonalnyj vsplesk pri menstruacii

With age, the level of estrogen in the woman's body becomes higher. The middle-aged women are often stronger than a sore lower back in the critical days.

Similar symptoms causes another hormone, progesterone. This hormone normal responsible for the development of the processes of pregnancy, but if in another period, its concentration is abnormally increased, it also causes spasms of the uterine muscle, and as a consequence during menstruation sore back. Intrauterine devices may be the source of that pain is pulling in the lumbosacral region. Foreign body in the uterus causes irritation of the nerves and activates the synthesis of progesterone.

Metabolic water

Violated the water level in the female body can make the lower back to ache during menstruation. If moisture does not leave the tissue in time and in the proper amount, appear swelling, which also put pressure on nerves and cause pain during menstruation.

In some cases the result can be a sudden occurrence of overweight. If moisture accumulates very quickly, the spine experiences a dramatically increased load, its supporting muscle begins to tighten and cause pain. To edema use diuretics, but do not forget to consult with your gynecologist.

To understand why during a cycle occur back pain during menses, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist and then the urologist, the surgeon and other doctors.

Sometimesso it turns out that the menstrual back pain is generally not associated with women's health and are the result of neurological pathology. In addition, the problem may lie in a pleurisy or kidney diseases. Hormonal disorders can not be observed. Such difficulties in diagnosis arise because the body of a woman when menstruation aktiviziruyutsya, and all the problems come out.

k kakim vracham obrashatsya pri bolyah vo vremya mesyachnyh

If pain occurs after the critical days, immediately visit your doctor and ask for a complete diagnosis, as these symptoms often indicates a serious problem, such as:

  • Inflammation of the ovaries;
  • A tumor or cyst;
  • Hemorrhage in the ovaries.

Treatment of primary dysmenorrhea

If diagnostics has revealed inflammation of the pelvic organs, focuses only on the advice of a specialist, forget about the self. Side effects of some anti-inflammatory drugs only cause more harm. When much pain during the critical days, not worth it, as many women in large numbers to drink analginum or Nospanum. They are only for a few hours will mask your problem. There are stronger medications.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Drugs such as nimesil, ibuprofen and diclofenac not only help with the symptoms but also have a therapeutic effect. PS at the time reduce the reproduction of those hormones that creates excess tension of uterine muscles. It is desirable to use either the first three days of menstruation or a few days before their occurrence. It is permissible to use anaesthetics that are based on paracetamol. Don't forget about the side effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and gastric and intestinal ulcers, cardiac problems, drug hepatitis.

Combined oral contraceptive

These drugs affect the hormonal background of women, reducing the level leading to muscle spasms progesterone. Also becomes thinner uterine lining, the excess thickness which often is a source of abundant and painful menstruation.

Do not overuse oral contraceptives, because they are illiterate and frequent usage may cause infertility or breast cancer.


What to do if worrisome side effects of these drugs, and pain during menses do not pass? It is helpful to perform relaxation exercises: lying face up, bend your knees, and underneath the lower back put your hands. Tilt the knees in different directions for a few minutes. Then put his hands under your buttocks and breathe deeply stomach.

Impact on the active points. They are below the belly button, one at a distance of two, the other at a distance of four fingers. You will be able to understand what they are, for the greatest sensitivity. Give each of them the pressure for a couple of minutes, not forgetting the deep breathing.

Painful ovulation

Ovulation is an important time of the menstrual cycle during which some women also experience discomfort and pain in the lumbar-sacral or abdominal region. This phenomenon is called the ovulatory syndrome.

Discomfort can be the following:

  • Constant pain in the abdomen;
  • Sensations are resembling menstrual cramps nagging;
  • Pain localized in the right abdomen;
  • Eye-catching blood clots.

If these symptoms do not give rest, perhaps their source – wall rupture of the follicle and getting small amounts of blood in the abdominal cavity. Blood irritates tissue, and the girl feels pain. However, if mittelschmerz is not repeated over and over again and does not cause sharp pain, nothing to worry about. It's just a signal that came the most opportune time for conception. What should be remembered young couples who dream to become parents.

A visit to the doctor

If you have been trying to understand why back pain during menstruation, it is best to quickly contact the Department of gynecology. After all, the roots of lumbar pain can be very different, including infertility and tumors, and better to stop these diseases at an early stage.

Running with all his might to the doctor is worth it if not just back pain during menstruation, but also increases body temperature. Fever can be a symptom of local inflammation.

Take the time to stop pain medication drugs. They will not help to get rid of the heart of your problem, but only hide it for a while. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate analgesic drug and its dosage.