Home / Lower back pain: causes, treatment, in men, in women during pregnancy / Why before menstruation sore lower back and pulls the lower abdomen

Why before menstruation sore lower back and pulls the lower abdomen

Lower back pain before menstruation it is quite possible and normal. Tunable hormonal profile contributes to pain in the area of the abdomen, the lumbar region. Poor health, depressive mood accompany monthly throughout the period. There are things every woman should know, so as not to endure the pain, and in the event of complications know when to seek medical attention.

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The answer to why before regular menstruation sore lower back, a simple – activity of the processes occurring before menstruation, affects the General condition of the body. Back pain is the pulling nature, and is felt in the abdomen. The imminent start of the cycle due to a bad mood, irritation, unpleasant sensations in the tissues of the muscles, swelling Breasts. Women who do not have health problems, may not feel like it pulls the lower back, menstrual cycle is easy and painless.

More than half of parous women and girls, a sore lower back before menstruation. Pain intensity and its presence or absence depends on heredity. Some suffer, others have unbearable a painful sensation causes panic, and then pain need to be addressed.

PMS – premenstrual syndrome, there for a week, and sometimes for eleven days prior to the beginning of the cycle. To the symptoms:

  • Suddenly appearing pain of the head;
  • For increased sensitivity to sounds;
  • Degraded speech activity;
  • The absence or sleep disturbance;
  • The cramps muscular tissue of the body;
  • Swelling;
  • The feeling of nausea, vomiting appear;
  • Emotional unstable condition, sudden mood changes, irritability, moods;
  • Itchy inflammation of the skin;
  • This is evidenced by increased temperature;
  • Changes in taste and perception of food;
  • The decrease or increase of libido.

First menstruation

When back pain before menstruation for the first time, fear is not necessary, but a visit to the gynecologist should not be neglected. Drugs, prescription, will enable you to calm down, and to eliminate pain. Known drugs that numb the pain for a while, that can be taken:

  • Analgin;
  • Solpadein, etc.

The pain subsides when you lie down and not to make any movements for some time.

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Physiological causes

  • Muscle uterine contractions, which really hurts the lower back, there are those who have the special physiological structure of the body;
  • Anatomical deviation of the uterus. Increases during menstruation, and decrease pressure on the nerve endings of the organs located in its region. The lumbar spine begins to ache and abdominal pressure;
  • Low pain threshold, another feature of the sensitive female body. Pain, appearing once a month is a normal reaction of the body to change;
  • Prostaglandins that stimulate contractions of the uterus, causing painful processes. During menstruation the level of hormones progesterone and estrogen decreases and to get rid of the discomfort difficult. Progesterone is responsible for calming the body, and estrogen is known to be the hormone of happiness. With their decline or even the absence of the body becomes dull the pain. Here's why aching lower back before menstruation;
  • Stagnant fluid causes internal swelling, not being able to fully excreted from the body. The reasons for this lie in the hormonal shift occurring in this period, and the compression of the nerve fibers because of the increased volume, causes pain;
  • Another reason why back pain – the intrauterine device. With the increasing frequency of the uterine contractions is a negative impact on the area of the lumbar causing discomfort and pain.


Sharp, unbearable pain before menstruation, can be caused by other, sometimes dangerous, causes:

  • Infection an infectious disease of the genitourinary system. Resulting in inflammation of the adhesions inside the uterus and around, making her more likely to decline, pushing the surplus blood, which blocks the path of the connection. Pain can not be avoided;
  • Fibroids and cysts – diseases peculiar to the urinary system. Change benign tumors on the organ systemreproduction leads to pain;
  • The thyroid problem lead to a change and hormonal imbalance. The process causes pain in lower back before menstruation. Even with a good appetite, man loses weight rapidly, notice swelling in the legs, nausea, loss of sleep;

If you suspect a pregnancy, both real and ectopic, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. It is accompanied by vomiting, pain in the abdomen, headache and other symptoms. Unstable menstrual cycle exerts its influence. In addition to the above mentioned symptoms, accompanied by:

  • Unstable work of the intestinal tract;
  • Frequent urination;
  • A small discharge of mucus blood;
  • Increased sensitivity of the breast;
  • Intrauterine tingling;
  • The rejection of many of the odors;
  • Fatigue, sleepiness, distraction.

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With a clear chart of the cycle to avoid the pain easily. For this purpose, simple exercises of physical therapy.

  1. She falls, connects the legs, squeezes Cams, rests on the abdominal area. Legs rise at the same to the maximum possible height. Uniform deep breathing for half a minute. Then returns to the initial position and relaxes, not making any movements for a couple of minutes;
  2. The girl lies on her back, bend feet in knees under the area of the sacrum removes the palm. Eyes closed, knees swinging from side to side for about two minutes. Then the palms down under the buttocks, breathing deeply and relaxing for a minute. After the legs bent at the knees, tighten the stomach, putting his hands under the sacrum. The lesson is repeated a couple of times, not only preventing but also eliminating existing pain;
  3. Freely seated on the back, the girl counts down the distance from the navel and below the width of four fingers and two on the sides. Starts slightly to put pressure on this area for three minutes, deep, breathing calmly;
  4. To avoid painful sensations in the spinal Department allows a massage of the lower legs.

It is useful to control first and final day of menstruation, to have an idea about the duration of the cycle.

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Medicines in the form of complex vitamin preparations are taken for a few days before menstruation, include medications with a calming effect. The abundance of warm liquids used inside, will improve metabolic processes. Doctors advise to refrain from all kinds of citrus fruits. When severe pain to wrap up the painful places with blankets to wrap the scarf to stay in bed and not to worry.