Home / Lower back pain: causes, treatment, in men, in women during pregnancy / Pain in lower abdomen and lower back: causes, during pregnancy in women

Pain in lower abdomen and lower back: causes, during pregnancy in women

Pain in the back and stomach at the same time speaks about the various diseases of the internal organs and requires a thorough diagnosis. In the lower part of the abdominal cavity are located the vital organs and the lower back is a screen that projects all human disease. Dragging pain in the abdomen and lower back can be the cause of chronic diseases or having more serious sources. For example, there are ruptures of internal organs, or bleeding, which require immediate medical assistance.

To engage in unconventional methods of treatment in this situation is strongly not recommended, however, to know why a stomach ache and lower back have every.

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Lower back pain and lower abdomen in women

Due to the physiological characteristics of the organism in women is often a pain in lower abdomen and lower back. This is due to:

  • Menstrual cycle;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system;
  • Cystic and neoplastic entities;
  • Pregnancy.

Each reason requires a serious approach and consultation of the gynecologist who first has to exclude the likelihood of pregnancy. Treatment of infectious diseases using antibiotics can have a negative impact on the condition of the embryo or cause a miscarriage.

In some women, the pain is caused by injury or abnormal structure of the reproductive organs such as a tilted uterus.

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During menstruation

Why back pain lower back and lower abdomen during menstrual bleeding? Cause pain of waist and abdomen in women of reproductive age is:

  • Premenstrual syndrome caused by hormonal failure due to improper functioning of the adrenal and thyroid glands. Particularly common in adolescence during the first years of menstruation.
  • Menstrual pain cramping nature associated with active uterine contractions.

According to the results of scientific research more than 50% of women, menstrual bleeding is accompanied by spasm of moderate intensity in the abdomen and lower back, which practically do not cause discomfort. If you experience strong and painful cramping pains you need to see a specialist.

Diseases of internal organs

Pain in the abdomen and lower back can occur when the diseases that cause inflammation of the pelvic organs. Often the cause of discomfort is the inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis), arising on a background of stress, surgery or infections. In acute inflammation there is a strong pain in the lumbar region and abdomen, increased body temperature and there is a General malaise. In chronic adneksita of a woman tormented by aching pain in the groin radiating to the vagina.

Very often pulls the abdomen and lower back due to infectious inflammatory processes, such as:

  • Obesity – an infectious inflammation of the vagina;
  • Vulvitis – an inflammation of the external genital organs;
  • Candidiasis – a fungal infection of the genitals;
  • Trichomoniasis – a disease from the group of FOD;
  • Genital herpes causes inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and vagina, primary infection is accompanied by painful sensations in the abdominal cavity;
  • Endometritis. Inflammation of the uterus occurs on day 1-7 after birth or sexually transmitted infections. The first 2-3 days sore lower back, sore lower abdomen and pull the pelvis. Requires urgent surgical or hormonal treatment, as well as the use of analgesics.
  • Gonorrhea causes inflammation and suppuration of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which is complicated by the pain of the abdomen, radiating to the back;

Inflammatory processes of pelvic organs require specialised antibacterial therapy in combination with a complex of drugs to restore the microflorathe body and elimination of consequences of infection.

No efficient treatment capable of provoking the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Cystic and tumor formation

When cystic and malignant tumours of the pelvic organs, periodically pulls the lower abdomen and lower back. The pain occurs when:

  • Cystic formations ;
  • Twisting the legs of the cysts;
  • Tumors of the uterus, ovaries;
  • Fibroma;
  • Cervical cancer;
  • The fibroids;
  • Ovarian rupture;

Ovarian cysts occur when hormonal disorders. Twisted legs cyst causes cell death, violates the blood circulation and is accompanied by pain during intercourse or physical activity. The decay of large tumors, as well as in the rupture of ovarian cysts or there is a dangerous situation to human life requiring immediate treatment. The contents of the neoplasm penetrates into the abdominal cavity and may cause acute peritonitis.

Why pain in stomach and back during pregnancy?

During pregnancy often pulls the lower back due to increased workload, physiological and hormonal changes. Abdominal pain can occur due to eating disorders or difficult defecation, and in the later stages to talk about the upcoming birth.

Special attention to cramping should pay on the first weeks of pregnancy. Most often it is a symptom of a possible threat of miscarriage or premature birth. However, the cause of spasms can growing uterus, especially in multiple pregnancies.

If you experience strong encircling pain, accompanied by bleeding, should not exclude an ectopic pregnancy. It occurs when the attachment of the ovum to the surface of the fallopian tubes and requires immediate surgical intervention because it can cause serious health problems.

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Abdominal pain and lower back pain in men

Pain of this nature in men are much rarer, and in the event be charged for excessive exercise and wrong routines. However, lower abdominal pain in men require a serious approach, as are symptoms of serious problems with the genitourinary system. Causes pulling pain in the abdomen and lower back in men:

  • Prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate gland, which is accompanied by difficult urination, inflammation of the genitals, pain of the abdomen and back;
  • Orchiepididymitis – inflammation of testicles and appendages provoked by the injuries of the genital organs, surgery, and genital infections;
  • Kidney disease – is accompanied by a pulling pain in lower abdomen radiating to the groin;
  • Inguinal hernia, the disease causes severe pains, fever, loss of consciousness and requires immediate hospitalization of the patient;
  • Sexual infections can occur after intercourse, or without proper treatment to cause serious harm to the health
  • Colitis is a very common in men, the acute form of the disease lasts about 5-7 days. Without proper treatment, the colitis becomes chronic, and the pain may become less intense, but will present a constant discomfort in the abdomen and back.

Common causes

Pain in the abdomen and lower back are not always symptoms of gynecological or urological diseases. The loin and belly can hurt when disorders of the intestine, and also at such dangerous diseases as:


Called appendicitis inflammation of the vermiform Appendix of the cecum. There are several theories of disease origin, cause inflammation called infection, systemic vasculitis, swallowed objects foreign origin. Lower abdominal pain localized on the right side, in rare cases, it may give the stomach and the navel area. It is a moderate permanent nature slowly moving in the lumbar spine. The patient may complaining of the liver, begin vomiting, and fever, and in rare cases there is a violation of urination and poor bowel movement.

Acute appendicitis requires immediate surgical intervention, the lack of which can cause infection of the abdominal cavity and as a consequence death from peritonitis.


Sometimes back pain occurs as symptoms tumors. The disease is accompanied aching stomach pain with backache in your lower back. Most common cancer of the genitourinary system affects men, among women the incidence is quite low.

The tumorthe bladder is the root cause of most problems in the organs of the system, and also concentrates the pain to adjacent organs, including the spine. That's why the heavy lifting and spin simultaneously. With the increase of the tumor, the pain usually radiates to the stomach.

Intestinal infection

The reason is not localized stomach pain Salmonella is capable of causing blood poisoning. In the second stage of the disease aching lower back, possible blood and mucus with faeces.

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Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Osteochondrosis is a disease that plagues the joints of the musculoskeletal system. It is localized on the intervertebral discs causing degenerative disorders. Distinguish between lumbar, thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis. With the defeat of the lumbar spine causes acute pain in the lower back and abdomen. Without proper treatment, a decrease in sensitivity, the appearance of hernia, reduction of activity and constant nagging or shooting pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

Diagnosed with osteoarthritis using radiographic studies, and computer and magnetic resonance tomography. Therapy is prescribed based on the severity of the disease, in most cases, conservative treatment is aimed at restoring mobility and back pain.

If you are concerned about a nagging pain in the abdomen should immediately consult a specialist to determine the cause of the disease. This will help to avoid serious health problems and eliminate the source of pain.